01 || Rejected Again

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A/N: The Kims with their son and son-in-law😳↑



The clinking of glasses echoes through the silent room where two families were seated against each other, sipping in the wine slowly not bothering to rush.

The Jeons and The Park family had gathered together for a marriage proposal. It was to marry the pretty omega of The Jeon family to the young Alpha son of the Park family.

Since both the families were well known in their werewolf community the parents considered that it was the best match that their child could get.

After all an Alpha and an Omega together will always be powerful.

Mrs. Jeon smiled at the Parks before glancing back worriedly at her phone but suddenly her frown line ceased and a real smile spread through her face making Mr. Jeon sigh in relief.

Their useless son had finally come, he thought relieved. 

As predicted a harsh knock was heard on the door and in walked a tall beautiful man wearing a light blue loose shirt, looking so pretty with flowers adorning his dark hair that Mr. Park and Mrs. Park beamed happily thinking that they had found the perfect match for their son.  

"Ahh Jungkook-sshi you finally came! We've been waiting for you all this time" Mr. Park said seriously

Jungkook bowed and apologized politely, all the while looking down at his feet just like good omegas should. "I am really sorry Mr. Park but while coming here I got caught in heavy traffic. I apologize for the inconvenience, you know how these humans can get." 

Mr. Park nodded satisfied to hear someone from the lower rank was polite and well behaved. he needed a good obedient omega for his son, so he had to choose carefully. He had a lot of rumors from other about the omega standing in front of him so he couldn't help but check. 

And thankfully Jungkook was nothing like how the rumors portrayed him to be. 

He then turned to the boy's parents and said "I approve him. Now if my sons likes him, I think we can fix a final wedding date" 

The Jeon parents nodded excitedly and they got involved in talking about the wedding arrangements while Jungkook sat near them quietly like the good omega he was. 

Soon the door was opened again and this time in came a strong tall man, heavily scented with cologne. As soon as he entered his eyes fell on the silently sitting Jungkook and they darkened when he saw how pretty the omega was. 

Mr. Park smiled widely when he saw his son standing their looking so handsome, at least in the older's eyes. 

"Ahh my handsome strong son, Come here let me introduce you to your future wife." The man said seriously and no one saw how the omega flinched at the word 'future wife' except for the son.

"I would like to talk with him alone" He said firmly and both the families nodded, moving out of the room swiftly. 

As soon as they left Jungkook let out a deep long sigh and looked up at the alpha who was staring at him intensely. 

Jungkook scanned the alpha's face and body, mentally giving his so called future husband a 3 on 10 in the ranking of attractiveness

"So you're going to be my pretty wifey." The alpha said raspily, his hands caressing Jungkook's soft cheeks

But then something unexpected happened. 

The shy omega who was all the while looking down submissively changed his manner all of a sudden and stared into the alpha's eyes fearlessly. 

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU DUMB SLUT?! LOOK DOWN!" He screamed and Jungkook just rolled his eyes which enraged the alpha even more

"I. SAID. LOOK. DOWN!" He said angrily using his alpha voice while grabbing the omega's hair roughly but instead of submitting, Jungkook just snorted and replied "You don't scare me you ugly jerk" 

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO AN ALPHA LIKE THAT YOU ARROGANT BITCH?" The Alpha yelled and was about to slap Jungkook but suddenly found it impossible when the omega held his hand strongly, preventing it from moving. 

The Alpha yelped and tried moving his hand but it was like his hands were buried inside concrete, he couldn't move even a little from Jungkook's iron grip.

A dark smirk spread over Jungkook's face making all the innocence and sweetness out of his face. He then sneered "So do you still want to make me your 'pretty wifey'?" 

"N-No." The Alpha stuttered feeling afraid of an omega for the first time in his life

"Good boy, Now I want you to go there and tell that you didn't like me. Okay?" Jungkook said with a sweet smile on his pink lips 

"W-Why should I do that?" The Alpha asked confused

"Aww scaredy cat, you don't want anyone else to know that you got scared by a petty little omega do you?" 

"Y-Yeah." He said nodding and immediately ran away as soon as Jungkook let go off him leaving the omega in puddle of laughter. 

But his happiness was short lived as in came his parents looking absolutely furious. 

"What did you do this time you stupid brat?" Mrs. Jeon yelled and Jung kook gave her an innocent smile 

"What can I do? After all I am just a weak little omega" Jungkook said looking down with fake sadness

"You dumb bastard!" Mrs. Jeon yelled and raised her hand


And she slapped the boy hardly. 

Jungkook clutched his bruised cheeks and looked at Mrs. Jeon with a dark look in his eyes that scared the Alpha mother to death. 

"I won't come home tonight." he said lowly and walked out of the door before his parents could say another word. 

As soon as their son left, Mr. Jeon spoke up "You went a little far today"

Mrs. Jeon sobbed into her hands and said "I know but what can I do! if he kept making all the Alphas run away from him then who will ever marry him? I just don't want him to end up getting raped or used as a toy like all the omegas are treated these days." 

"Shin-ah you know that our Jungkookie is a special child. He is stronger than many alphas so I don't think anything could happen to him but you're right, its about time he found a alpha for himself or else he will be mocked and insulted in this society all through out his life" Mr. Jeon said sadly 

"Yeah I just wished that he found his true mate then we wouldn't have to be so worried."

"We have to wait shin-ah, everything has a right time for it." Mr. Jeon said calmly

And Mrs. Jeon nodded.

They just had to wait,

Wait until the one destined for her son will come. 

She could do that. 


A/N: Thoughts? 

Thank you for reading! 


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