Chapter 16

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Adam's and Maheen's family are in Adam's house. His parents are back from London.

Ibrahim(Adam's father): Nawab;Adam is now settled in his life and I want him to get married

Adam: Dad why, don't you want to see me happy

Sheba(Adam's mother): What do you mean young man. Is your dad isn't happy with me

Adam: Mom chill I'm just joking ok. Don't get angry with me you're my sweet mom right.
He pulls her cheeks

Sheba: Ok ok stop buttering

Maheen: Bhai I'm gonna select the girl for you and mere dimag mein ek ladki hai(and I have a girl in my mind)

Zainab,sheba: who is it Maheen.Tell us her name

Maheen: I'll but on the right time. Mumma papa let's go it's getting late

Nawab: Ok let's go
They went from there

At night after dinner Maheen is about to sleep when she gets a call from Arham

Maheen: Assalamalaikum Arham
Kya kar rahe hain aap, abhi soye nahi
( What's up and didn't you sleep)

Arham: No yaar I'm still in the office. There had been a lot of work today. I'll leave in 15 minutes.
Mera dil aapse baat karne keliye bechain thaa (My heart is restless to talk to you)I love you Maheen I really do and I'll wait for your reply

Maheen: (In her mind: soon I'll reply to you Arham)Arham it's late at night and drive carefully ok.

Arham: Ok baba bye

At mid night she gets a call from Arham's number and she moves her gaze towards wall clock and it shows 1AM

Maheen:(In her sleepy voice)Arham i told you to call me when you reached the house but you are calling me after 3 hours

Person on the call: Hello mam are you Maheen. We are at sunshine hospital. We found your number in this man's log and you're the one whom he called last.

Maheen: What do you mean by last and who are you and where is Arham and why are you at hospital
(Panick stricken on her face )

Person on the call: Mam he mets with an accident. We found his car on the road and when we reached him he losts a lot of blood. We somehow managed to retrive his mobile and found your number in the log list. Come to sunshine hospital. His condition is very critical.

Maheen: Ok we are coming
She shouts to her parents and she told everything to them and Nawab Khan called Arham's family and all they went to Sunshine hospital

At Sunshine Hospital:
They asked in the reception about him and the staff informed them that he is in the OT
They all moved towards OT and after sometime doctor came outside.

Murad: Doctor how is he

Doctor: May I ask who are you

Murad: He is my son doctor.Tell me doctor how is my son

Doctor: Don't worry he is out of danger now but we have to keep him under observation. He had injuries on his head. And when he gets conscious we have to perform some tests on him

Murad: Thank you doctor

Salma: Thanks to Allah my son is safe. I told him many times come home early, but no he don't listen to me, he just loves his work not his mother

Kulsum: Ammi sabar karein bhai theek hojayenge (Have patience mom
brother will be alright)

They were crying badly for their son

And after three days he gains his consciousness. He is now shifted to a private ward

Doctor: How are you young man. Do you feel any pain

Arham:Yeah doctor  I have a lil pain

Kulsum: Bhai I'm so happy you are fine.
She hugs her brother with teary eyes

Arham: Hey now no more crying.Alhamdulillah now I'm fine.

His gaze went towards Maheen and her family. Maheen has tears in her eyes she just want to hug Arham but she composed herself

Arham: Dad who are they

Maheen just stood there like a statue after hearing him

Kulsum: Bhai don't you know them. She is Maheen bhai

Arham: Maheen; I heard it somewhere. Aahhh my head is paining

Doctor: Listen everyone stay outside. I have to check him

They all stood outside impatiently by this time some of their relatives and Adam's family came to visit Arham.Just then Doctor came outside

Maheen: Doctor what happened to him.Why is he not recognizing me.

Doctor: Who are you mam

Maheen: Doctor I'm his fiance. We got engaged two months ago

Doctor: I think he is suffering from Amnesia or you can say short term memory loss he lost some of his memories. But don't worry you can help him in regaining his memory. You said that you got engaged to him two months ago. From how much time do you know each other

Maheen: More than one year doctor

Doctor: I think his memory is gone to two or three years back, before he knows you. But you all have to help him in regaining his memory
Saying this he went from there

Kulsum: Ammi what's happening here. How can bhai lost his memory. How can he forgot the girl he loves. How can he forgot his engagement. How ?
She is crying bitterly. Maheen is just numb

Salma: Maheen kulsum trust Allah he will help us in bringing back our Arham. We have to be strong for him. You both are the most important people of his life. You are his strength. Don't lose hope. Have faith in Allah. He will make everything fine ok.
She kisses on their forehead

After one week Arham got discharged. He even asks when did they shifted to this place and he asks about his new office. They told him that he losts his memory and after that he tried to regain but instead got severe pain that's why they didn't told him about his engagement. And they got to know that a truck hits his car and fled from there and after sometime his car is observed by the people who had taken him to the hospital. They thanked that family. 

Kulsum is now in Khan's house. She is consolling Maheen

Maheen: Kulsum why it's happening to me?why Kulsum why? How can he forgot me?How?

Kulsum: Maheen don't worry I'm sure soon he will regain his memory. We have to pray for him

Maheen: Yeah you are right we will help him and I'll pray for him in Tahajjud

Thanks to all it's all possible due to your love and support 😘😘

Assalamalaikum and hii my beautiful readers😘

Pheww😥this is the longest chapter which I had ever write

And sorry for breaking your hearts

But I promise everything will be fine

Do vote and comment till then Allah hafiz😙

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