Arjun weds Draupadi

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"Govind I swear if you continue teasing me about Angraj , I will..." Niyati was confused thinking what she would do.
Govind couldn't stop himself from laughing.
"Sakhi, your husband is going to be very lucky. You are pure entertainment!" Krishna cried smiling widely.
Niyati glared at him with fire in her eyes.
"Again, again you are teasing me!"
"Sakhi I didn't even mention the name 'Karn' . Is it my fault that the word 'husband' is reminding you of Angraj?" Govind cried innocently laughing .
"I didn't. Hey narayan! Give some wisdom to my sakha!" She cried.
Krishna smiled ironically.

"Chitrali is quite fond of Angraj" Krishna cried smiling and noticing Niyati.
She frowned immediately.
"I don't care. Whatever" Niyati cried with an irritation in her voice.
"She was following her everywhere. I was afraid she would even follow her in his bath!" Govind cried.
"Did she?" Niyati cried shocked. How dare she !
"No , I stopped her from doing so sakhi but..."
"But ! But what Govind?" Niyati asked eagerly.
" I thought you dont care sakhi" Krishna cried smiling.
Niyati didn't even realise herself blushing at her friend's words.
" No ,I don't care...actually he is a guest and chitrali's behaviour will give a create a bad impression about Panchal" Niyati cried satisfied with her excuse.
"And what impression did Angraj have of Panchal when you shouted at me and started running after me with your bad temper and scary eyes?" Govind asked trying to control his laughter.
"But....I...I have work!"Niyati cried and left the chamber.
She is so innocent and naive. I can't believe the destiny is going to be so unjust to her, krishna sighed as a drop of tear trickled down his cheek.

"Angraj let's visit the garden!" Chitrali cried excited.
Karn wanted to escape. He was trapped with Chitrali.since her arrival she had not left his side for a single second. He was getting somewhat irritated. Moreover he saw Niyati and Arjun hanging around earlier. Hardly did he know that they were just friends and Draupadi also joined them momentarily.

Chitrali pulled Angraj to the garden.
Niyati was already sitting there admiring the flowers. Karn was mesmerised seeing the beautiful princess. He kept gazing at her. She was engrossed in the nature and enjoyed it to the fullest.

"Chitra, Maharaj has called for you. I think you should go visit him first." It was Govind.
Karn sighed relief.
"But I am showing the panchal palace garden to Angraj!" Chitrali cried irritated by the news.
"That's okay Chitra. Niyati will show Angraj around. I myself would have done the honour but Maharaj has called for me too. I suppose we should better hurry . You are well aware of Maharaj Drupad's temper"Govind cried.
Chitra nodded nervously.
"Jiji!!!" Chitra called out to Niyati.
Niyati turned around to find three people standing there. How didn't she notice them.
Wow! Again Govind will tease me and this time Angraj is also present here. Chitrali is still holding Karn's hand. Why does she keep doing that!, thought Niyati.
She was again a little agitated but tried her best to brush off the feelings.
"Jiji can you please show Angraj around? He wanted to see the palace garden"
Niyati looked innocently at Angraj. He was taken aback.
"No its okay...I will...leave" Angraj cried nervously looking at Niyati.
Niyati felt a wave of disappointed passing through her body.
"But the garden is really beautiful " Niyati blurted . She later realised she had spoken it aloud.
Angraj looked at her with raised eyebrows. He was confused yet again. He simply nodded.
"Yes Panchal is very beautiful. Isn't it Angraj ?" Govind asked .
"Yes Krishna"karn replied with pure sincerity.
"And the panchalyan forest ?" Govind added.
Karn recalled the moments spent in the panchalyan forest.
How Niyati and he were lost and they had quarrelled, how she got irritated without any reason and her cute way of walking.
A smile appeared in his face.
Krishna grinned.
"And the younger panchal princess? Isn't she beautiful? " Govind asked casually.
"Without a doubt" Angraj cried as he visualized the beautiful face of Niyati when he had first time seen her in the mela.
Niyati cleared her voice by coughing demanding attention of her presence.
Angraj was back to the real world.
He looked at Niyati with guilt .

This vasudev will trap me someday, thought Karn embarrased by his answer.
Niyati gave him a surprised look .
She didn't realise when a soft little smile appeared in her face.
Krishna smiled teasingly.
"Let's go krishnaaaaaaa!" Chitra cried in a high pitch.
Krishna nodded and left with Chitrali.

Niyati awkwardly walked along with karn in the garden.
Ocassionally she would flaunt her knowledge about plants and flowers. Karn got to know that about her love for nature.
"You are very smart" Karn cried .
"Tell me something new. I know I am very smart and I am good in sword fighting as well." Niyati went on blabbering.
Karn looked at her with surprise.
How can someone speak so much and that too all irrevelant things.
He couldn't suppress his smile when she showed her sword fighting moves by cutting the air with her invisible sword.
She was playing the sword fighting game and Angraj continued admiring her when an arrow moved right passed her.
It missed her by an inch. Angraj quickly ran to her . He held her and inspected if she was hurt.
Niyati was too shocked to speak. She looked at the arrow which was stuck to the bark of a tree.

"Who is it?!!" Karn shouted with anger.
Karn was advancing forward to look when Niyati held his arm.
He turned around.
"Please dont leave." She cried in a soft and unusual voice which he had heard for the first time.
Angraj stopped.
"Its okay Niyati. You are safe." Karn cried caringly.
His husky voice tickled Niyati.

"Angraj Karn!"
They turned around to find king Shalya.
He gazed at Niyati and an evil smirk appeared in his face.
Niyati had very well noticed his lustful eyes . She kept holding Karn's arm. Karn too didn't withdraw. He had also notice the evil smirk.
"Mitr Karn. Mitr Shalya is here." Duryodhan also arrived.
Niyati moved her hand away.
Angraj karn is friends with king Shalya , Niyati was shocked.
Friendship is a pure emotion but karn had befriended the two most horrible humans she knew.

Without any further word she left.
Karn was well aware of her dilemma.
How could he ever explain to anyone that he was not like this friends. He was stuck in Duryodhan's friendship and obeyed whatever he said. That was the reason he couldn't be hostile towards that king of Shalya even though he couldn't tolerate the sight of him.

"What do you think you were doing with my wife-to-be?" Shalya asked with a grim face.
"She was showing me around." Karn replied. He was somewhat shocked by him referring Niyati as his future wife.
What about Arjun then! And no matter how much he hated Arjun he knew Arjun was a much better human than the king Shalya.

"What do you mean you dont want a swayamvar?" Dripad asked shocked by his daughter's words.
"Pitashree, I already love someone else and I dont think it is fair to destroy the life of another man by marrying him as my heart is already occupied by another gentleman." Draupadi cried firmly.

"Do you know what are asking for Yagyaseni?! We had already declared the swayamvar and some princes and kings have already arrived . How will I answer them!" Drupad cried angrily.
Draupadi had never seen her father so angry. She started weeping.
Drupad didn't know what to do. He loved his daughters and didn't want them to stay unhappy but cancelling the swayamvar would bring down the name of Panchal.
"But pitashree it is Jiji's entire life. She has to live it and it will decide her future" Niyati cried supporting Draupadi.
Arjun looked at Niyati gratefully.
"Moreover Maharaj Drupad , Draupadi is in love with panduputra Arjun,one of the best archer of the entire arya dynasty. He would've won the contest anyway ." Govind elaborated.
Drupad was somewhat happy that his daughter had made a good choice. After a lot of argument, Drupad agreed reluctantly.
"It is your life putri. You have the right to decide. I personally am very happy with your choice but I wish the other kings and princes will also understand your point of view especially the ones already present here." Drupad cried a little scared thinking about their reaction.
"Angraj and the pandavas are no obstruction. We just need to convince bhrata Duryodhan and king Shalya." Govund cried.
"Are you sure about Angraj Madhav?" Arjun asked Govind.
"Well..." Govind was going to speak when
"Yes parth. Angraj will not create any problem. I dont think he wanted to marry jiji" Niyati cried.
"Avasya! Sakhi is well aware of angraj's choices." Govind cried joking.
Nobody except Niyati heard Govind's joke in that serious situation.

Arjun and Draupadi were deciding their outfits for the wedding when
"How dare you play such an unfair trick with us maharaj Drupad!" Shalya's voice boomed in the hall.
Now he will start his drama, Niyati thought angrily.
"What kind of adharm you are committing maharaj Drupad!" It was Duryodhan.
"We have spent three days in this palace leaving our kingdoms behind and you are saying no swayamvar will take place. Is this some kind of joke maharaj?" Dushasan supported his brother.
"No need to be worried princes. The swayamvar will take place . My daughter Niyati will have a grand swayamvar. " Drupad cried.
"No ! We wont participate in this swayamvar.If you are repenting for your adharm , you have to let one of us marry princess Niyati without any competition. For being so unjust to us , we should be awarded with a consolation price." Shalya cried in an evil manner.
Karn cringed at the word " consolation price "
He could feel the rage in him

Niyati was shocked.
How dare they! She was going to protest when her father shook her head helplessly. She stopped.
"I am sorry prince that is not possible. My daughter will marry the person winning the swayamvar"
"How dare you! Maharaj drupad ! You dare to argue after doing such a big adharm." Shalya cried.
"I'd you dont let my friend Shalya marry Niyati , I will attack Panchal right now . Even though you have the pandavas, we have great warriors like pitamah bhisma, guru dronacharya and My mitr Angraj karn. And if we win the battle , all of you will be our slaves then you will have to sacrifice both your daughters. Therefore make your choice wisely Maharaj Drupad." Duryodhan cried.
Karn hung his head in shame. He was tied by Duryodhan's friendship . He had to attack Panchal if he ordered him. He looked at Niyati. Her eyes were watering. She looked at him . Her beautiful eyes reflected a million emotions.

The pandavas were fuming with anger but they also feared the destruction of the war.
Draupadi stood there helplessly.
Draupad didn't know what to do. He was not sure if the pandavas would fight against their own grandfather and guru and Panchal didn't have the capability to defeat bhisma or drone. Karn too was one of the greatest archers. If he lost his kingdom he would have to sacrifice everything. His son would lose his kingdom. All his daughters will lose their freedom.

It felt everything turned silent for a second , the silence deafened them, the time had stopped as Niyati uttered these words.
Everyone were shocked.
Everyone stood there helpless watching Niyati give such a big sacrifice.
Karn's eyes had a sad emotion in them . His eyes were filled with anger but mostly sadness. He looked at Niyati. She stood there with a blank face. NO EXPRESSIONS.
I lost her, karn thought as an evil smirk appeared in king Shalya and Duryodhan's face.

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