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"But Balaram dao we are your cousins" Arjun argued.
Balaram looked at the kaunteyas with disgust and rage in his eyes. Krishna too didn't interrupt the conversation.
"The kauravas too are in someway related to me Gandivdhaari Arjun and I have promised myself to always fight for dharma. " Balaram muttered.
"How are supporting the kauravas dharma dao? " Karn questioned.
"I never said I will be supporting the kauravas Angraj Karn but I can't support the Pandavas either. Can you with pure heart say that whatever happened with Niyati and draupadi was completely the Kauravas fault? Did you not have any contribution in that adharma? Angraj karn the kaunteyas are equally at fault and from my point of view Yudhisthir's has committed a greater sin than Duryodhan that day in the dyut sabha." Balaram threw his arguments. They were like a slap on the kaunteya's faces.

"Madhav please convinvce dao" Arjun cried.
" What can I say Parth? Dao is absolutely right. You kaunteyas are equally at fault this time and it will be justice that neither me nor dao take part in this mahayudh. Therefore I swear that I and dao will not touch any weapon in this war. We will stay weaponless" Krishna declared with a beautiful smile on his face as he knew the irony of his statement. But neither the kaunteyas nor the kauravas understood the relevance of his statement. They were utterly disappointed.
"How will this war end mahadev without Krishna's interference in it? " Parvati questioned innocently.
Mahadev smiled in a knowing manner.
"My dear Sati you really are the most innocent woman I know" Mahadev cried.
"You are calling me sati which means I am not understanding the godly business. I don't know mahadev. How will Krishna participate in the war without his weapons " Parvato was till confused.
"Earlier I was thinking of disclosing it to you but now I won't. You will see when the time comes. I love it when you don't understand things else everyday at home you are blaming me for not understanding stuff" Mahadev said in a reading manner.
"Why shouldn't I? You always forget our special dates! " Parvati said angrily.
"You have 108 avatars! How should I remember all the special days of all the avatars. "Mahadev argued though he remembered every single thing about each of his love's avatars.
" But you are MAHADEV! Okay tell me what is today? " Parvati asked.
"What ? What? This is not fair parvati! You are making up things now! " Mahadev cried.
"You will never understand " Saying this Parvati was going to leave but Mahadev pulled her hy her waist and made her sit on his lap. Then he slowly removed his gair tresses and decorated her braid with a particular flower. On seeing the flower Parvati realises that her husband remembered everything. Today was Uma's first meeting with Shiv and these flowers were Uma's favourite flower. She smiled with joy.

"What nonsense is this mamashree! That Vasudev will not touch any weapon in the war. He is useless to us" Duryodhan exclaimed with fury.
"That's not a very bad news my son. I feel if Krishna would've participates in the war he would never have fought against the pandavas and defeating Krishna would be impossible for us and Krishna without weapons would be weak and we won't need to fight him. Our chances rare increasing. All the best for the deal you are going to make with Vasudev. Arjun too will be present there. Act wisely" Mamasree shakuni explained.
Duryodhan and Arjun reached Krishna's terrace where he had called them to make a deal which would help them in the future war. They found Krishna asleep in his wooden couch. Duryodhan quickly went and occupied the space before his head and Arjun sat in the position of his feet. Few moments later Krishna opened his eyes and saw Arjun as he was sitting in his feet's position. Duryodhan burned with rage. The one who Krishna would see first would get an advantage and he was not ready to lose it. He argued with Arjun and Krishna finally declared Durodhan to choose first which was the advantage.
"Bhrata Duryodhan you have to choose. I can provide you with two things and you have to choose between them. Firstly you will get my Narayani sena- the best army in the entire universe. The biggest and the most powerful army ever and second option is me. You will get me weaponless. I won't touch any weapon during the war as I have sworn earlier. "Krishna said.
Duryodhan started thinking. Vasudev was a very powerful man but he was weaponless annd on the other hand was the narayani sena which would add a lot on their already powerful army. Whom should he choose? It was pretty clear for him. What could a weaponless man do in a war?!
"I choose the narayani sena. " Duryodhan said and smirked.
"Parth you need not be upset! I can arrange for another narayani sena. State your choice" Krishna asked Arjun.
"But my choice would have be been you Madhav. I would've chosen you if I had the first opportunity. Bhrata Karn and I had already discussed this matter. We had somewhat predicted the choices and every time both of us chose you Madhav cause you are the most important person I'm our lives and we need you. You may not be able to help us physically but you can help us mentally. You can lift up our courage give us confidence. We need you Madhav" Arjun prayed.
A heavenly smile appeared on Krishna's face.
You are standing upto my expectations Kaunteyas, Krishna thought.
Krishna hugged Arjun while Duryodhan was busy daydreaming about his win in the war.
"It is a big relief that you are with us Vasudev! I don't know how we will ever give penance for our crimes but... " Karn was speaking.
"I have not forgiven you all. Bhrata Karn whatever you all did was extremely wrong and unpardonable but you all are repenting for your sins. I care about you Kaunteyas and there is still love left in my heart for you all. You acts are wrong and should not be forgiven unless you all realize your sin and agree to penance. And as you all are I will have to forgive you all"Krishna cried and flashed his beautiful smile.
"We should discuss about the war strategy. " Yudhisthir suggested.
"The most colourless person ever! How are you so boring bhrata! Our supporting kingdoms will join us day after tomorrow in the morning and we should discuss the strategies tomorrow. " Bheem boomed with anger. He wanted to have some fun and every time Yudhisthir was destroying his mood.
Karn tried to supress his laughter. He was very well understanding Bheem's frustration.
"Bheem has a point. We should discuss the strategy day after tomorrow morning and relax for tonight" Karn supported bheem. Bheem nodded with satisfaction. Arjun too nodded aggressively. Bhrata Yudhisthir was always busy planning warfare. All of them wanted some relaxation.
The others were smiling under their breaths but Krishna burst out laughing as he read everyone's thoughts.
"We definitely need some relaxation tonight bhrata Yudhisthir and since jyesth bhrata Karn has agreed to this tonight we will be enjoying a lot!!! " Krishna shouted and all the guys cheered alongside.
"I was also getting bored. Do you think I can join? " A voice was heard. Everyone turned around to find a very good looking man standing in front of them. No one recognized that man except Krishna.

Mahadev what are you doing here?, Krishna asked mahadev in his thoughts.
I was alone in kailash. Parvati is visiting her parents and so I am here, mahadev aswered narayan on his thoughts.
Krishna smiled with joy.
"Kaunteyas meet my best friend Shankar. He is an amazing person and he wants to join us tonight" Krishna said.
"Why not?! Definitely you should join us Shankar! We will have lots of fun. We will not go home today. Not even tomorrow! We are free?! Freedom! " Nakul cried.
"Freedom from the kauravas or from your wife nakul? " Bheem asked.
"From both Krishna! Hidimba will kill me if she comes to know about tonight's adventures. " Bheem said And shivered with fear. Even the strongest man is afraid of his wife.
"Let's enjoy! " Karn shouted and everyone cheered with bliss.

"Tomorrow is karva chauth! I hope our husband return early tonight. There are so many things we need to but for the festival" Rukmini said.
"Absolutely right Ruki! I am also waiting for Krishna. Though I should celebrate tomorrow with Ayan but Ayan gives me no importance. I feel so unloved Ruki. Karva chauth is a symbol of love and there is no love between me and Ayan. What can I do Ruki? " Radha cried as tears welled up in her eyes.
"Radha! Never again say these kind of things. Both of us know who we are. Our husband is Narayan. We are his lakhsmi and how can he celebrate Karvachauth without you? And don't forget you are Krishna's first wife. You both have married before the gods in Vrindavan and your marriage with Ayan is just a show in the society.You are the form of Lakshmi and I am a part of you Radha. We three together will celebrate Karva chauth and forgive Ayan. He cannot see your love for Kanha. He doesn't know the connection you have with your kanha. He is amere human. Forgive him radha" Rukmini cried.
Radha nodded and hugged Rukmini.
"Stop crying both of you now. And don't discuss these things so loudly. Niti doesn't know she is a part of shakti and neither is Draupadi aware that she is goddess Devi's reincarnation. Speak softly lakshmi bhabhi" Parvati cried as she met her sister in law after so long. All three hugged each other.
"I am so excited for the festival! " Niyati exclaimed her joy .
Draupadi nodded and smiled blissfully.
"Where are our aryas?! I swear if they are late I won't forgive them" Rukmini cried.
"I am Sati. I am Radha and Rukmini's friend. Actually I am also Krishna's sister " Parvati introduced herself.
"You are Sati! Govind had mentioned you earlier. " Niyati said excitedly.
The ladies started chatting. It was a wonderful evening but as the night grew darker the wives were getting more and more angry. They wouldn't spare their husbands.

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