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"What are you saying Jiji?" Niyati cried unable to control her excitement.
"Dont tell anyone. It is kind of a secret. I have not informed Arya yet I cant imagine his happiness when he will get the good news. Arya will soon become a father." Draupadi cried her face glowing with happiness.
Niyati was too happy to hear such an amazing news. Her sister was pregnant and his best friend Parth was soon going to be a father.

"Finally the time has come for the guest to enter the dyut sabha" Duryodhan as he smirked seeing the dice I'm his favour . The pandavas had officially lost everything.
As he completed his sentence, Dushasan entered the sabha. Yudhusthir was shocked to see him there. The pandavas believed that Dushasan had fled from Hastinapur. Now everything was clear to them. Durodhan too was involved in the plan of kidnapping Niyati and they had in a very organized manner hid Dushasan so that Karn couldn't harm him.

"It feels so good to be back bhratasree. But the best fact is seeing these pandavas sitting on the floor in front of us as slaves. I wish I could see that bloody Niyati in this manner." He cried.
"You dont need to worry Anuj. Niyati and Draupadi both are our slaves now." Duryodhan cried.
Duryodhan ordered the servant to bring the queens to the Rajsabha.
The servant came back and informed that the queens had refused to come to the sabha amd they would not obey anyone other than their husbands.
Dushasan furiously left the sabha to bring them.
Meanwhile Arjun returned as soon as possible when he heard from the Mahamantri of Ang that Karn had not called him. Karn himself was in Magadh in order to solve some matters. He had never called for Arjun. He also told Mahamantri to inform Karn to reach Hastinapur as soon as he reaches Ang. He quickly reached the sabha only to find his brothers already turned into slaves. When he tried to protest everyone stopped him saying that he was now a slave.
He regretted leaving. He could've stopped Yudhisthir from playing but now that they were slaves he was tied .
"Why is Arjun quiet? His wife is being brought to the sabha where they are planning to harass her. How can he be quiet? "Parvati questioned.
All these righteousness men feel whatever they know is right and they are always following dharma but in reality they dont even know the meaning of dharma. They know nothing. Arjun cant disobey his elder brother or mahamahim Bheesm. This is his weak point. He cannot stand up for his wife when she need him the most "mahadev cried.
Within moments the shriek of two women were heard in the sabha. Niyati shouted with rage as Fushasan pulled her by her hair. Draupadi tried to free herself from Ashwathhama's clutch. Ashwathhama mishandled her and threw her down the stairs . Within seconds Draupadi came rolling down unable to control her pain any longer. She looked at her husband who just stood there looking at her with helplessness in his eyes. She couldn't believe her eyes. Arjun was present there yet he didnt stop Dushasan. Her whole world crashed before her eyes. As she landed on the last stair she felt an unbearable pain in her stomach.
Her baby! What was to happen to her baby?! She had to fight. No matter what happened she had to protect her baby. So what if the baby's father was acting like a complete jerk.she would protect her she landed on the ground she tried to get up but in vain. She heard her sister's shriek while was dragged in th sabha . Dushasan was pulling her hair and she was crying with pain. She had to protect her sister too.
Niyati was in a state of shock when she saw Dushasan.  She was scared. Karn was in Anga. She didnt give up though. She fought him. She injured him too but the man was good strong for her and within moments she was being pulled through her hair in the dyut sabha where all her brother in laws stood like statues.
" Now you both will know what happens when a servant does not obey her master's commands." Dushasan cried.

"I am not your servant. My husband is not present here and I will not obey the orders of anyone except my husband." Niyati cried burning with rage.
"You still wont apologise! You disgraceful woman. You are a prostitute who first trapped Arjun before your marriage and are now using Karn for you benefit. Nothing can remain hidden from us." Dushasan cried.
Everyone gasped . Noone knew anything brewing between Niyati and Arjun.
Niyati was shocked beyond wits. Karn had told them. Karn had misunderstood her and had gone around telling everyone . These false allegations broke her heart. Everyone whispered about her ill character. Arjun wanted to protest but he couldn't speak without permission from his master Duryodhan.
"My friend Karn had seen Arjun visiting This woman's chamber at night. Everyone should know what kind of a woman she is! She even continued romancing with Arjun after her marriage and today she is saying that she will not obey anyone except her husband." Duryodhan cried.
Niyati flinched with anger. Before she could answer back Duryodhan ordered Dushansan . His order shocked everyone present in the sabha. The entire world flinched at his order.
"Such characterless women dont deserve to have clothes in their body. I order you to Dushasan to strip her naked." Duryodhan ordered.
The entire sabha was filled with painful silence. Arjun and Bheem together rose up and began shouting.
Mahamahim Bheesm too protested. Vidur tried to convince Duryodhan. Draupadi tried to get up but she was too pained to move.
Niyati could see the future. She was in a different state altogether. She didnt speak. She just stood there. She knew what was awaiting her. She had protested a lot . But she knew no one could protect her now.
Draupadi tried to move but Ashwathhama further kicked her increasing her pain.
Niyati stood at the centre of the sabha in the middle of everyone's attention .
She knew there was only one person who could save her and that was Govind.
So she chanted his name:GOVIND.
Govind's eyes were filled with tears as he saw her sakhi struggling among men to save her honour.
Dushasan started pulling her saree but it didnt end. It seemed as of the entire Aryavrat's garments were rolled around her pure body. Dushasan continued pulling but it didnt end.
At the end there was a huge storm which could make even the mightiest fall. All the garments of the men slipped on the floor and they stood there stripped . Such turn of events shocked everyone. Niyati stood there still chanting Krishna's name.
Everything was silent for a few seconds when they heard a voice.
"Niyati!" Karn stood there unable to believe what his eyes showed him.

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