Draupadi's misery

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"Maharani  I tried a lot but I couldn't save the baby" The doctor cried with disappointment.
Niyati couldn't believe her ears. She looked at Draupadi lying on the bed. Her eyes looked lifeless. She was definitely aware. Niyati couldn't control her tears when she saw her sister's condition. She couldn't stop thinking about the Dyut sabha. The dyut sabha had completely changed their lives in one evening.
"Panchali!" It was Arjun.
Niyati looked at him with fire in her eyes. Draupadi didnt even care yo look at him.
"Why fidny you tell me you were pregnant Panchali?" Arjun asked with tears in his eyes.
"What difference would it have created Parth?  Would you have stopped your brother or would you have done the unrighteous thing? You still would've stood there without uttering a single word. You all dont even know the proper meaning of righteousness.  What you did today in the court was absolutely unrighteous !" Niyati cried her voice raising on it's own.
Parth couldn't answer back as he had no answer for her . She was probably tight! He hated himself for being di weak and be bonded by the rope of righteousness . Was it really dharma? Why then did it give him so much grief and frustration? Dharma gives you peace but this dharma didnt.
"Stop wasting your time talking to a ststue" Draupadi cried .
Her voice had lidt its energy. She seemed weak . More than physical weakness it was her emotional weakness .
She had lost her baby! How was she supposed to live? How was she supposed to forgive her husband? How was she supposed to turn normal again? Did she have to live? She wanted to die that very moment .
"We better leave Jiji. I dont want to be accompanied by anyone except you" Niyati cried.
Draupadi nodded. Both of them left within an hour. None of the men had the courage or the audacity to stop them.

"I cant believe this! I cant believe such a thing can happen in a sabha. That too when righteous men like mahamahim Bheesm , Mahamantri bosur, guru dtonacharya are present in the court. I have lost every drop of faith from the kauravas and the pandavas . I dont feel any of them deserve the throne but the list unworthy person sitting on the throne is none other than Maharaj Dhritarashtra!" Gandhari cried tears rolling down her blindfolded eyes.
Dhritarashtra regretted his decision.  He should've stopped his sons.
"Jiji I am extremely disappointed in all of these men! Today they have crossed all their limits. They have tried to strip a married woman ----- a queen naked. The have killed a baby. Thru have hurt a pregnant woman. They gont deserve to live . Maharaj Dhritarashtra I will not forgive you. My sons will avenge the insult of Draupadi and Niyayi else I will disown them forever. I will bring Krishna's narayani sena to defeat Hastinapur " Kunti said with fierceness in her voice .
"No Kunti..please wont do this. I beg of you Kunti. I release your sons right now ." Dhritarashtra stammered.
"No pitashree...even if you release them they will have to go on an exile for six years vanvas and one year agyatvas." Duryodhan shouted with all his might.
"I agree putra Duryodhan! My sons will serve vanvas and agyatvas cause they will have to receive their penalty...their punishment for the sin they committed this evening. They will go on this vanvas." Kunti declared .

Guys pls give a read to my other book college days with aham sharma amd pooja sharma as the lead. I think you guys are gonna like it. Love you all!!!

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