Geeta (part 1)

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"I cant believe this! Duryodhan has completely lost his senses!" Karn exclaimed with shock as he heard about Durodham trying to imprison Krishna.
"How could he refuse such an offer? We really wanted peace but Duryodhan wants a war. We are helpless in this matter" Arjun said.
"There is no more question . There will be a war. You all should start preparing yourselves accordingly." Shankar said.
Everyone nodded.
"Mahamantri vidur informed us that you are the king of Yaketapuran. But you told us you are a potter" Drupad asked Shankar.
"Shankar is a humble man. He is a king but he lives pottery too." Krishna backed up mahadev.
Everyone were taken aback. They were impressed by Shankar's humble nature. Shankar and Krishna exchanged notorious smiles while Parvati looked at them angrily.
"We need to plan. We have much lesser army compared to the kauravas. Moreover they have warriors like pitamah Bheesm, Guru Dron, Duryodhan, Ashwathhama etc. They have the narayani sena" Yudhisthir said with no hope.
"We too have great warriors Bhrata Yudhisthir. Jyesth Bhrata karn, Parth, bhrata Bheem all are the best warriors and as for their great warriors Piatamah bheesm and guru dron we have two warriors who are born to be the reason  of their death.  Prince Drishtidyumna was born to defeat Guru Dron and princess Shikhandini is the reincarnation of Amba who is born to avenge her previous life insult . She is destined to be the reason of pitamah Bheesm's death." Krishna explained.
"But shikhandini is a woman and no woman can take part in the warfare. This is a rule!" Virat enlightened everyone.
"There are still ten days left for the war. I am sure Shikhandini will be ready by then" Shankar said.
Krishna smiled as irony hit him.
Nobody else understood Shankar's words.
"I have taken the vow of liking all the 100 kauravas. They have humiliated my sakhi and have murdered my nephew before even he was born." Bheem said .
Everyone nodded .

9 days later...
"Tomorrow the war begins and I am still a woman. Hey mahadev! You had granted me the boon in my previous life that if I am associated with an act of dharma then my revenge will take its shape but in this birth also I am a woman and women are not allowed to fight a war. I dont want to live this meaningless life mahadev. I have meditated for the last nine days but I am still a woman . There is no purpose of my living . " Shikhandini shouted .
Saying so she was approaching the fire to give up her life when she heard an akaashvaani.
"Wait Shikhandini. You are indeed associated with a great act of dharma. You are a part of the mahabharat war. The war where you are with dharma. I , Mahadev, grant you your revenge."
Shikhandi closed her eyes and folded her hands in a namaskar.  She could feel the transformation in her body parts . There was pain but the fire of revenge was so immense that she could not feel any pain. When she finally opened her eyes she was transformed into a transgender. She was filled with the fire of revenge. She started her journey towards the battlefield.


The kaunteyas were ready to fight the war. The kauravas too stood there completely ready for the war. Shankar and Krishna noticed that Karn and Arjun seemed to be a little disturbed. Mahadev and narayan looked at each other. It was time to gift the world with the most valuable knowledge of all time. It was time for the recitation of Geeta.
"You seem restless Karn . Is anything wrong? " Shankar asked Karn.
"I dont know Shankar. I feel confused . I feel pity for my enemies . I dont know why." Karn explained his dilemma.
" What has happened Parth? Why do you seem so lost ?" Krishna asked Arjun.
"I dont know madhav. I feel weak. I feel vulnerable. All the enemies standing in front of me are my family. How am I supposed to kill them?" Arjun asked very innocently.
Krishna smiled and clapped . The time stopped . Everyone froze to their particular positions. Except karn and Arjun. Mahadev joined Krishna. Both of them got down from their chariots.
"You both seem confused , list and vulnerable. You cant be vulnerable just before a war starts. Tell me why do you both seem restless" Shankar asked.
Karn and Arjun were completely taken aback. They turned around and examined the surrounding. Everyone had frozen to their particular positions.
"They are our family. We feel sorry " arjun said and Karn nodded.
"So you feel sorry then look at your enemies once. Look at Duryodhan. Have you forgotten Karn how he had tried to strip your wife naked in front of the entire sabha? He was the main reason you had lost your child Arjun." Shankar said.
Karn and Arjun recalled the horrible evening of the dyut sabha . Their mind was filled with rage.
"Look at Dushasan and Ashwathhama. Dushasan had pulled your wife's saree Karn and look at Ashwathhama . He had kicked your wife and had killed your baby Arjun. Look at Mahamahim Bheesm and Guru Dronacharya. They stood there in the dyut sabha without protesting against the adharm.  They let the horrible incidents happen. Dont you both feel revengeful now? Doesnt your heart burn with the emotion of revenge Karn? Doesn't your blood boil with revenge Parth?"  Shankar asked .
Both of them were boiling with rage. They immediately  nodded.
'"You are taught Shankar. This war is inevitable. "Karn exclaimed with fury.
"The kauravas will die. We qantnour revenge " Arjun added.
"So now you both think the war is inevitable? Then once again look at mahamahim and recall the times he had protected you all. Recall how he had supported you Karn when everyone had called you illegitimate. He was the only one who had stood up for you. Remember the times mahamahim had supported you and showered you with loads of affection Arjun. Look at Dronacharya. And remember how he had committed a sin to make you the best archer in the world Parth. He had asked Eklavya his right thumb as guru dakshina and had prevented him from becoming an archer. Look at Vikarna both of you. He was the only one who had opposed Duruodhan's act in the dyut sabha. Do all of them seem guilty to you Parth? Do they deserve such a death Karn?" Krishna asked.
"No madhav. How can I kill these people? They are good human beings" karn said.
"They have committed acts of dharma" Arjun said.
"Ofcourse. Then look at you side too.  Your brothers, your nephews, your uncles- many of these people will die in this war. Dont you both feel scaredy lose your family?" Shankar asked.
Karn amd Arjun were devastated at the thought of losing their loved ones.
"Now think again . What is Durodhan's fault if he wanted the crown of Hastinapur.  His mother was impregnated first. If Dushasan had committed a crime by pulling your wife's saree then you yoo had committed the crime of spreading rumours about her character Karn and you were guilty of standing there without protesting parth.  If they are guilty then so are you! Do you see dharma in your side kaunteyas?" Krishna asked.
"There seems to be both dharma and a dharma in both the sides. We are confused " arjun said and karn nodded.
"This means you both have not understood the concept of dharma yet. That is sad news kaunteyas." Shankar cried.

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