Geeta (part 2)

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"Dharma is righteousness Parth and though both the sides in this war have been unrighteous one side has repented their behaviour. They have realized this is adharm and they will not commit it in the future.But the other side doesnt even know they are at fault. Every human is made up of their soul. This soul is the one thing that controls our actions and determines our future. This soul is pure at birth but as experiences are borne by the soul the soul transforms. Some souls grow evil while some remain pure despite the hardships in their lives. Your souls are not pure Kaunteyas but they can be brought back to the path of dharma but Duryodhan? Duryodhan's soul is too tarnished to be rectified. His soul is stuck in this evil body of his and it wants to escape. That is the reason Duryodhan was digging his own grave by wanting to fight. Duryodhan's soul needs a fresh start. A new body. It wants to be released. And you will be doing a favour on Duryodhan by freeing his evil soul from all his unrighteous acts.  Free Duryodhan your brother from this horrible life of his Kaunteyas. " Krishna said.
"But how can we kill so many people Madhav? How can we snatch away the lives of so many people? Some of them maybe righteous. How do I decide whom to kill and whom to spare. If I end up killing an innocent man?" Karn asked innocently.
"And you will be doing this Radheye? Do you have the power of snatching away someone's life? Do you have the capability of killing people? No Radheye. No! You are a mere puppet of destiny in this entire tale. You both will perform as the destiny has planned. It's not I'm your hands ever to kill anyone. It's his destiny. It's the Gods who are actually taking your life. It's the gods who are sparing you. No human has the power to take someone's life. Then why are you taking the responsibility of these people's death and increasing you arrogance Karn?" Krishna asked.
"Everyone is a part of the God . Every single being. You are a part of God and so is Duryodhan. So are your brothers and so are the kauravas. " Mahadev said with a calmness.
"Are you too a part of the God Shankar? Madhav?" Parth asked.
Shankar and Krishna looked at each other.
"Yes" both of them replied at the same time.
"We all are a part of the God. And the one who knows his or her connection to the God never hurts other beings as they know that hurting a finger will cause pain to the entire body. Similarly hurting a single being will he hurting the entire universe. The one who knows his connection with God always stays in the path of dharma. He knows his boundaries and he knows when he needs to break those boundaries." Mahadev explained.
"If everyone is a part of God then we can consider you to be a part of God too.  Cant we?" Parth asked.
Krishna and Shankar smiled as their bodies started magnifying in size. They grew larger amd larger. Karn and Arjun were beyond wits to speak anymore. They looked at the two figures with amazement.
"We are parts of the universe Parth , Radheye amd you noth and the entire universe is a part of us." Krishna said.
Then they both merged into one being.
The being had several heads. One of vishnu, one of shiva, one of brahma , one of devi Durga, one of devi lakshmi continuing to many more.
"I am the Adi Human . I am Shiv and I am Vishnu. And I am Brahma too.  Draupadi is a reincarnation of devi Bhoomi and Niyati is a part of Parvati . I am Draupadi and I am Niyati. I am Radha and I am Rukmini. I am Parvati and I am Subhadra. I am  every Gods and Godesses. I am the Parmatma." The being spoke.
"Neither am I male nor am I female and neither am I a transgender. I am everything and at the same time I am nothing." The being cried .
Everything was so divine that Arjun and Karn were having trouble breathing. They looked at the being and they could feel their connection with it. They felt connected to the Parmatma and suddenly realization struck them . They understood every single words of Shankar and Krishna. This war was not inevitable but necessary. They had to fight for the brighter future for releasing the evil souls and providing them a better chance.
"We will fight this war Hey Parmatma. We are submitting ourselves to you . We will do as you say. " Karn and Arjjn said together.
The being slowly split into two parts and within seconds they saw Krishna and Shankar standing right in front of them. They couldn't believe their eyes. They took their blessings and got prepared for their war.

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