Moments of Joy

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Karn and Niyati were living peacefully in Anga. Niyati was a wonderful queen with amazing judgements and wisdom. Karn had never been so blissful his entire life. Niyati was a blessing in his life. His people loved him amd Anga had become one of the most prosperous kingdoms of all time. He did miss Radhama a lot . He also missed Kunti and Arjun. Weeks passed.  There were no news from them.

Things were going great but one day Karn received a letter. He read the details of the letter. Niyati noticed him fidgeting with the letter. She didnt want to intrude but she was getting more and more curious about the writing in the piece of paper. However Karn hid the letter in a place where none could find it.
Niyati noticed a certain change in karn after the arrival of the letter. He seemed distant. Though he tried his best to act casually but Niyati was sure. She was sure something was wrong.

"What is the problem?" One evening Niyati questioned Karn not able to hold on her curiosity.
Karn smiled palely not uttering a word.
"What has happened? Will you tell me?" Niyati asked getting frustrated with his silent treatment.
"Nothing. I am fine. Why do you ask?" Karn cried his voice betraying his words. His voice was trembling.
Niyati took his hand and placed it on top of her head.
"You have to tell me the truth. " Niyati cried.
"You tell me Niyati. You tell me the truth. Is there something you are hiding from me" karn cried with a grim face and rude tone. Niyati had heard this tone earlier. He used to speak like this when he misunderstood her.
Was he again misunderstanding her? She didn't know. She was quiet.
"Answer my question Niyati!" Karn cried raising his voice for the first time after so many days.
"What are you talking about?" She asked somewhat confused by the change in him.
"You were running away from this marriage. That night when I found you in the forest ... that night you were leaving me forever. You were leaving me Niyati. You know all these days I imagined about that night all the time. It was the best night of life but now whenever I think about that night I fear the night. I get scared of losing you. I feel betrayed about you leaving me. You ruined the best memory of my life Niyati." Karn cried shuddering a little again imagining his life without her.

Niyati could feel her cheeks burn as the tears trickled down her face. She looked sf him with guilt in her eyes. She had taken a very impulsive step that night and she still regrets her decision. Thank god she found Karn in the forest that night.

Everything was quiet for a moment. Noone spoke.  Karn finally broke the silence with the question that she was expecting him to ask.
"Why were you leaving me that night Niyati? You said there was nothing between Arjun and you then why were you running away from me and this marriage? Does this marriage suffocate you?" Karn asked dreading her answer
" No Arya! Why would you even think like that? This marriage is the best thing that could have happened to me in this life . You are the best husband ever and I am blessed to have you as my husband." Niyati cried boldly.
Karn sighed relief.
"You want to know why I ran away that night. I will answer your question . I love you Karn . That night I saw you with Vrushali . I felt you both love each other. Looking at Vrushali I always felt that she was in love with you and that night when you abruptly left the chamber I followed you and I found you with Vrushali. I wanted you to stay happy. I didnt know what to do. I felt this marriage was a compulsion for you
And you couldn't be with Vrushali because of this marriage so I decided to free you from this burden. I decided to run away for thr sake of your happiness." Niyayi cried breaking down.
Karn held her firmly amd cried,  "Promise me! Promise me you will never ever leave me again." He cried tears rolling down his beautiful eyes.
Niyati nodded and hugged him tightly.
He loved his wife so much and it made him happy to think that his wife too loved him equally.
They were having a wonderful evening when they got another brilliant surprise.
Mahamantri knocked on their chamber to inform them that Rajmaataa Kunti with her five sons and Draupadi had arrived in Anga.

Karn was so happy to meet his mother after such a long time. Kunti embraced Karn with a joyous grin in her face. Karn then touched Kunti's feet and took her blessings. The pandavas looked at him emotionally.

Yudhishthir came forward and touched Karn's feet for his blessings. Karn blessed him and hugged him. There was a brotherly connection between them.
"Maata told us about you Jyesth Bhrata. " yudhisthir cried his voice breaking a little.
"Forgive me for my earlier sins Jyesth bhrata. I had insulted you on so many occasions. I apologize for my stupidity." Bheem cried with tears in his eyes.
Karn hugged him . He was so happy to finally unite with his brothers.
Arjun stood aloof at a corner . He looked extremely happy to see his jyesth Bhrata happy.
Karn noticed Arjun and pulled him in a hug. He had missed Arjun a lot. Their partnership in mischievs and so much more.
"Bhrata we have decided to let go of the throne of Hastinapur. We dont want a  kingdom which will haunt us forever. We dont want hostility and war. We want peace bharatsree. Pitamah tried to convince us but we decided otherwise. They had tried to burn us alive in the Varnavrat and they will try again harming us but we want peace now bhratasree." Yudhisthir cried.
"But how can you do that? That is not fair to the people who are waiting for you to be their king Yudisthir. You cant let the Kauravas rule Hastinapur.
I agree Duryodhan is my Mitr but he is not a good ruler. Yudhisthir you are the most capable ruler." Karn cried.
"Absolutely right Bhrata Karn" a voice was heard.
All of them recognized the owner of the voice instantaneously. It was Vasudev Krishna.

"Vasudev!" Karn cried with surprise.
" Please Bhrata Karn . I am your anuj. Dont call me Vasudev. Call me madhav or Govind or Krishna or ..."
" We get it Madhav! You have millions of names . " Arjun cried.
Draupadi and Niyati smiled in a knowing manner.
"Okay Madhav! I prefer this name." Karn cried smiling.
"Very well then. But Bhrata Yudhistir you cant just give up your responsibility in this manner. Pandavas cant let their people suffer in the rule of
Duryodhan. Dharm is more important than peace. Peace definitely is the best way to achieve dharma but when you cant handle dharma with peace then you will have to fight." Krishna cried.
"But Krishna we have not yet tried the method of peace. Lets first try peace . Shouldn't we?" Yudhisthir cried.
"Peace is fine but no shortcut can be a good step Bhrata Yudhisthir. Always remember this." Krishna cried as the future scene flashed before his eyes.
Yudhisthir nodded.
"Now we need to go back to Hastinapur and peacefully approach the king for our share in the kingdom. " Bheem cried.
"Firstly we need to inform everyone about our Jyesth Bhrata Angraj Karn." Arjun cried .
All of them nodded.
"Why do you all want to increase your problems? I am happy here. I dont need an identity. I am happy to have you all. Come to meet me often. That would be enough for your jyesth Bhrata." Karn cried.
"Never! We cant live without your guidance anymore jyesth Bhrata.
You are our jyesth Bhrata.  You will stay with us" yudhisthir cried.
"Truth cannot be hidden for long Bhrata Karn." Krishna cried.
Karn helplessly agreed.
"I cant wait to inform everyone that Karn is  a kaunteya. That Karn is my jyesth putra. " kunti cried with tears in her eyes.
Draupadi amd Niyati were so happy to finally see everyone so happy. Hardly had they known what awaited them . Hardly had they known how cruel their fate was going to be on them.
Mahadev and Parvati shedded tears as they thought about the future.

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