Radha' help (part 2)

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"There they are" Krishna cried as he saw Niyati , Draupadi and Rukmini entering the dining hall.
"Follow the plan " Arjun cried.
Karn and Krishna nodded .
The ladies entered and got seated far away from their husbands. The three men looked at their wives. They were a bit confused. The had expected their wives to try talking to them but they were acting in the opposite manner.
"Angraj...what is happening...Are they avoiding us too?" Arjun asked a little confused.
"I too am confused Arjun. What is wrong with Niti?" Karn cried.
Krishna was slowly realizing that they were caught. The ladies too were applying the ae trick. He decided to play safe. Before things got out of control, he went to speak to Rukmini.
"Rukmini...isn't the weather so beautiful today?" Krishna cried.
Rukmini completely ignored Krishna.
Krishna was scared. He tried initiating conversations but Rukmiji didnt speak to him. He realised that Rukmini was very angry with him.
"Madhav has switched sides so quickly. Nownits only us mitr" Arjun cried.
"Even I am a little worried Arjun. What if they never forgive us!" Karn cried .
Both of them imagined their lives without talking to their wives.
Katn couldn't imagine Niyati staying quiet. Arjun too wanted to listen to Draupadi'e chattering.
They both looked at each other and then quickly went to convince their wives.
"Draupadi! My dear queen, the most beautiful woman in the Aryavrat!" Arjun cried trying to butter his wife.
Draupadi looked and Arjun and immediately looked away.
Arjun was worried. He didn't know how to melt down his wife.
Angraj reached Niyati.
Niyati didn't look at Karn.
"Niyati...I love you." He cried with a genuineness in his eyes.
Niyati tried her best to not get lost in his eyes but it was too late.
"I am sorry for not talking yo you earlier. Please forgive me my queen. I cant imagine not talking yo you even gir a moment.  I love you too much " he cried .
Niyati forgot all about the plan. She was lost in her husband's beautiful eyes.
"I love you too Arya" she cried.
"NIYATI!" Both Draupagu and Rukmini shouted at the same time.
Karn , Arjun and Krishna were taken aback.
Niyati made a guilty face .
"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist for long" A voice was heard.
Krishna was lost in nostalgia as he recognized the voice of his first love.
Radha stood there lost in Krishna.
Krishna too was list in Radha's beautiful eyes.
"Radha! " krishna cried.
Radha smiled as she saw her Krishna.

Inner voice of Radha: I missed you Narayan.  I was so alone all the time. Though a part of me in form of Rukmini was with you but my other part as Radha missed you. I, Lakshmi, wanted to see you .
Inner voice of Kridhna: I missed you too prem avatar of Laksmi. Though one avatar of yours was there with me in the form of Rukmini but she is not complete without you. I missed you too.
Inner voice of Rukmini: I am waiting for the day when I will become complete, when Radha and I will together become Lakshmi and we will stay together again my Narayan.

All three of them smiled at each other .
"Draupadi please forgive me too" Arjun cried making a puppy face.
Draupadi finally gave up her anger and forgave Arjun.
"This has to be Radha's plan! This is wrong Radhe! I thought you were in my side!" Krishna cried.
Radha smiled cutely.
"Oh please! Radha is my best friend. My sakhi. She loves me more" Rukmini cried.
Inner voice of Rukmini : Though I know that Radha loves you more than me. Though I and Radha are the same,  she loves you more because Lakshmi loves Narayan more than herself.
"No Radhe loves me more!" Krishna cried.
"Stop fighting both of you ! Hey Narayan ! Look at these two" Radha cried and all three of them smiled ironically.

Kunti on the other hand was ready to confess the truth to her eldest son. She decided that it was high time and she had to take this step.
She entered Karn's chamber . She saw him holding his arrow.
"Putr Karn I need to confess something to you. I know it will hurt you a lot but I need to do this. Putr you are my eldest son. You are the blessing of Suryanarayan. I had conceived you when I was unmarried. I was young and immature and I had committed the sin of sacrificing you. I am extremely apologetic for that grave sin my son" junto cried tears flowing down her eyes.
What Kunti saw next stopped her breath. She was shocked. It was Arjun in Karn's chamber. He was holding the vijaya in his hand while Karn and Niyati were strolling in the garden. Arjun had come to meet Karn. He was going to leave when he heard Kunti's voice and stopped in his tracks.
Arjun looked at his mother as tears filled his eyes. Sudden guilt struck him as he realized the person he used to loath was his eldest brother.
"Maata...how could you commit such a grave sin?," Arjun cried.
Kunti started crying. 
"I ... was very small to understand anything..." she cried sobbing.
"Why did you hide such a big secret from us maata?" Arjun asked feeling betrayed by his mother's secret.
"Where is Karn?' Kunti asked.
"He is in the garden." Arjun cried still angry with his mother.
" I will tell him tomorrow during the sunrise " kunti cried and left the chamber.
Arjun was still trying to register the truth. He was crying when he felt a hand on his shoulder. The touch was so familiar.
He looked up to see his eldest brother standing there. Karn was shocked to see Arjun crying .
"What happened Arjun ?" Karn asked.
Arjun without saying a word hugged Karn tightly.
He sobbed as he hugged his brother.  He could feel a brotherly affection in his embrace.
Karn hugged him back.
Niti looked at the two brothers embracing each other.
Looking at Arjun's face  she understood that Arjun was aware of the fact that Angraj was their jyesth Bhrata.

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