Romantic moments of love

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"I cant forgive Dushasan. And I feel sad seeing you defending a sinner like him. He had tried to ..." Angraj cried trying his best to control his temper.

Bhisma couldn't look him in his eyes. He felt ashamed to defend Dushasan's crimes but he was tied by his vow. He had no option. He had to save Dushasan.
"I know what Dushasan did was unpardonable and I promise to punish him once he returns to Hastinapur. Duryodhan too is extremely angry with him and search is going on in the entire Aryavrat to find Dushasan and once he is found, Duryodhan himself will punish him" Bhisma cried.
He didnt know that Duryodhan himself was also involved in the plan . He believed Duryodhan not knowing that Duryodhan himself had helped Dushasan to escape . Dushasan was now hiding in Gandhar . Only Duryodhan and mamashree Shakuni were aware of that matter.
Karn looked at Bhisma. There was genuineness in his eyes.
He recalled Duryodhan's words.
So he was actually not aware of his brother's plan. I cant punish him for his brother's sin. Moreover he has always helped me . I have to forgive my friend, Karn decided.
"I agree to forgive Duryodhan but mahamahim I have no intention of forgiving that Dushasan. I will kill him the day I find him and if anyone stops me from doing so, I will kill that person too. " karn cried fuming.
Tears filled his eyes as he imagined Niyati's condition on their wedding day.

"That's very kind of you Angraj. Moreover Duryodhan has invited you to Hastinapur for the grand feast of Dushala's wedding. He has requested you to attend the wedding and accept his hand of friendship again. " Bhisma cried.
Karn was delighted to hear about this news. Dushala was like a sister to him . He wanted her to stay happy and her marriage news drove away the bitterness in his heart. He forgave Duryodhan thinking that he was innocent and was not involved in Dushasan's plan.
"I will surely attend the feast along with the queen of Anga." He cried smiling.
Bhisma smiled and nodded. He always felt affectionate towards Karn. He didnt know why but he always felt a homely presence in Karn. Hardly had he know that Karn was the brother of pandavas and his eldest grandson.

Where is Arya? I need to apologize to him, Niyati thought looking at the moon from her window. She felt a smile appearing in her face as she imagined her husband's handsome face.
She blushed insanely.

She hates me. I don't know what to do anymore. Everyone hates me except my parents. Why? Because I am a sutaputra! But Niyati ...she is married to me yet she hates me ...she didnt have an option that's why she married me . I dont know why I feel so tormented when she insults me. Why do I care if she hates me or not? She ...she definitely hates me. What should I do now? She can break her marriage if she wants but I want her to stay. I don't want her to leave. It is best if I ignore her for now. I will act as if nothing happened this evening. I will have to control my temptations when I am with her. I dont want her to leave, Karn cried to himself.
This Karn will ruin my plan! He is a pessimist! This man!!! My sakhi is so smart but her foolish. Again our plans are delayed mahadev, Govind cried looking at the sky.

Angraj slowly entered the chamber . He had expected Niyati to be asleep . He was surprised to see her awake. She was observing the night sky filled with stars. He couldn't stop himself from admiring her as the moonlight shone on her beautiful face . She was probably engrossed deeply in her thoughts as she couldn't hear him coming inside.
Karn thought of escaping. He had come to check on her once . She seemed fine . He was ready to escape to his other room for sleeping when he heard Niyati's melodious voice calling him.

"Arya!" She cried with a delight in her voice.
She had never addressed her as Arya . He felt good listening to that.
He had to act normal. He can't force his feelings on her.
"Umm...I was leaving Niyati." He cried softly.
Why is he not angry with me? , Niyati thought a little confused.
"Where are you going Arya?" She asked innocently.
"I want to sleep so I am going to my chamber" he mumbled.
"Ohh..." she cried disappointed.
He doesnt want to share his room with me. Why would he ?! I always hurt him but I should apologize to him first, Niyati decided.
"Arya about today's evening..." before she could speak furthur Karn cut her.
"Let's not talk about today's evening Niyati" he cried trying his best to forget her words of the evening. Recalling the incident angered him .
"But Arya I have to ..."
"Please Niyati not tonight " he cried a little irritated .
She always has to argue, he thought.
"Arya it is very important..."
"NIYATI! "He shouted. Niyati kept quiet.
He advanced angrily towards her and pulled her holding her waist.
She landed on Karn's chest her eyes not leaving his for a moment.
"How many times do I have to repeat myself Niyati? Dont argue with me. Dont disobey me! Why do you not listen to me?" He cried anger reflecting in his voice.
"Dont challenge me Niyati. I will punish you for disobeying me and trust me you won't like the punishment " he cried whispering in her ears.
She felt a ticklish feeling in her body as his grip tightened around her waist.
His lips slowly travelled her neck and brushed softly on her collar bone. She felt a wave of spark travelling down her spine. His smooth fingers slowly removed her tresses behind her ears and slowly kissed her ears. She reacted beautifully to his touch. His hand slowly removed her portion of saree covering her waist and reached her waist. He held her bare waist and delivered a small peck on her neck . She shivered with excitement. She too held his bare back her nails digging onto his back. She didnt want to stay away from him any longer. He too was lost in her when the clock struck twelve and a loud bell rang.
Karn quickly withdrew himself from her realizing what he was doing. He got carried away. He regretted crossing his step.
Niyati could see regret in Karn's eyes.
He loathes me, she felt tears reaching her eyes.
Karn couldn't afford to stand there any longer else all his emotions buried in his heart would try to fulfill his desires and he couldn't afford to lose Niyati because of his stupid step. He had to control himself.
She is hell addictive. I need to stay away from her. She still loves Arjun and I can't force her to do something which she is not ready for, he thought.

"Goodnight Niyati" karn cried.
"Arya ...cant you sleep here?" She asked trying her best to convince him.
He was taken aback.
"I dont think we ready for this Niyati . Moreover I have some state work to complete tonight. You should sleep. We have to travel tomorrow" he cried.
Niyati was so disappointed that she forgot to ask him where they were going.
Karn hurriedly left the chamber.

She doesnt know how difficult it is for me to decline her offer. I want to spend all my nights with her. I want to stay with her forever admiring that beautiful face, kissing that beautiful lips, holding that beautiful hand. She is like a drug intoxicating me . I have to be careful. No drastic step else I will lose her forever. Why did she want me to stay with her? Whatever it is...I have to wait unless she forgets Arjun. I don't want my wife to be with me when her heart is occupied by someone else.
I have to stay away though I want to hold onto her hand forever. I have to give her the time she needs, he thought .
Niyati on the other hand was sad. She couldn't apologize and moreover he doesnt want to share the room with her . He recalled Karn's words the day before their wedding.

I am stuck with you. I am marrying you to protect your honour .Dont expect anykind of extra treatment from me. I am not going to be an ideal husband

He was serious about his words. He was marrying me only to protect my honour and we wont ever share a husband-wife relationship with me,Niyati thought sadly.
But what if we fall in love? Shouldn't I carry out my duties as an ideal wife? Who knows? Maybe he too will start loving me someday, she hoped and closed her eyes as she travelled to her world of dreams.

Good job Sakhi! Never give up! Karn is foolish but you have to make him realise that you are both are destined to be together. You were indeed right mahadev! Women are smarter than men, Krishna cried smiling to himself.

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