Sudden twist in the epic

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"No! This cant be happening! All these diyas are extinguishing! My sons are dying swami! No! No! No! Those panduputras have killed my sons! " a heartbroken Gandhari shouted with rage. She couldn't control her temper any longer. She was very well aware that her sons were the faulty ones but that didnt lessen the pain of a mother who had lost her sons in the war.
Dhritarashtra was too saf to utter a single word. With time he had realised how it was his fault that his.sons had forsaken dharma. The panduputras were right...they were fighting for righteousness and his sons were fighting out of freed and arrogance. He was pretty sure who would emerge victorious but.that.didnt stop the hopeless father to stop hoping that destiny might hold something pleasant for them.
"No! I wont let this happen! Anyone son will surely live! He will avenge the death of my other sons! My Duryodhan will definitely live!" Gandhari shouted.
Dhritarashtra was confused bit then he was reminded of Gandhari's power of shielding a son's body and convert it to pure metal. They still had hope. Their Duryodhan could live! But destiny had other plans for Duryodhan who was slowly realizing his misdeeds. As he saw his loved ones dying he could feel the agony in his heart but strangely their deaths didnt increase his rage towards the Kaunteyas! The deaths made him realise how all his decisions were dependant on others and how he had been misled throughout his life. Burning the pandavas in the varnavrat was his brother Dushashan's plot and he had agreed to it while disproving of Niyati and Draupadi were his mamashree's ideas both of whom had died the most painful death.
He could clearly see his demise. He knew his end was close and he also knew he had nothing left in this earth. He wanted to be punished for his misdeeds but was death enough penalty for his wrong doings? Death was too easy! He couldn't accept death before repenting for his sins! Thus he began his walk towards the kaunteyas camp. Asheathhama tried to stop his friend but for the first time he noticed a spark in Duryodhan's eyes.
As he reached the camp everyone were alert. Arjun amd Karn looked at him suspiciously while Yudhsithir was.a little calm. Kroshna had a smile on his face. Bheem was ready to kill him while Nakul and Sahasev looked at him angrily.
"So now you have started attacking at night?! This was expected from you though! " Nakul said looking at him angrily.
Karn and Arjum could see a certain change in Duryodhan. He didht argue back. Nor did he look at Nakul in a threatening manner.
Duryodhan saw the two women he had wronged : Draupadi and Niyati. They stood there looking at Duryodhan hurt and anger visible in their eyes.
Duryodhan kneeled down before them shocking everyone.
Karn and Arjun were taken aback as they saw Duryodhan in such a position. Nakul, Bheem and Sahadev were still doubtful. Yudhisthir was shocked while Krishna was still smiling with the same expression. Shankar was also smiling as he saw Duryodhan finally summing upto a real human being.
Draupadi and Niyati moved back as they tried to register what had just happened. They could see repentation in the eyes of their culprit.
"I want to surrender but I dont want to die" Duryodhan said.
The other looked at him confused.
"Dying is a very small punishment for me. I want to repent for my sins. Atonement is the only way I can relieve myself from these sins. Forgiving me would be unfair for you both bhabhisree. You all can definitely kill me but that will be an easy punishment" Duryodhan said.
Everyone were shocked by such words.
"What's you hidden plan? Are you planning to attack us!?" Bheem asked.
Duryodhan didnt say a word.
"No Bhrata Bheem! For the first time I can see regret in Bhrata Duryodhan's eyes. " Niyati said.
Draupadi nodded calmly.
"This war is over" Krishna added smiling.
"What should I do for atonement Madhav?" Duryodhan asked begging.
Krishna smiled .
"Tapasya is the only way in which you can be freed from your sins and also relax at the same time bhrata" Krishna said smiling.
The pandavas were still shocked. Was this for real?!
Duryodhan nodded and greeted his sister in laws one last time. Niyati amd Draupadi smiled and greeted him as well. Duryodhan then folded his hands before everyone and took his leave.
The next day the kauravas surrendered. Ashwathhama couldnt control the army alone. Duryodhan was missing.
Gandhari was unable to speak. She didn't even know whether her son was alive or not.
The kaunteyas along with Niyati, Draupadi and Krishna were welcomed in Hastinapur. Dhritarashtra had forgiven his nephews and had no one o depend on except the kaunteyas. The kaunteyas embraced their uncle and apologised for the death of their sons.
Vidur announced krishna to be the lost respectable figure when a loud scream was heard in the sabha.
"Stop it! Why is everyone respecting Vasudev! He is the most evil person ever! Aren't you?! Weren't you aware of the outcomes of this war?! Didnt you already know how disastrous this war was gonna be! How could you then do this Vasudev!" Gandhari shouted.
Krishna could feel the tears . His heart was filled with agony as he felt the pain of a mother who had lost all her sons all at once.
"I wont accept you as respectable! AMD you! Shankar! What did you think?! ThatnI wont recognize you! I have devoted my entire life to you and this is what I receive my lord! I wont ever pray to you again! Never! I curse you! I curse you Madhav ..."before Gandhari coild complete her sentence she was stopped.
"No maata...please stop!" It was Duryodhan.
But how different he was looking. He was wearing the outfit if an aesthetic. Gandhari recognized the voice at once. Her heart stopped bleeding immediately. Her pain reduced a little as she realised at least one of her son was alive.
"Maata please don't do this. Vasudev is the reason I am alive. I realised my sins maata. I am starting my journey towards a new beginning." Duryodhan said.
"Than take us along with you putra" dhritarashtra begged.
Duryodhan smiled amd nodded. It was time to serve his parents and engage himself in some welfare of people. It was time to do some tapasya. Thus Duryodhan along with Dhritarashtra amd Gandhari left. Gandhari didnt leave before apologising for acting so harshly amd was embraced by her lord Shiva who considered Gandhari as one of her favourite devotees and Krishna who consoled her .
Thus Angraj Karn was crowned as the emperor of the entire jastinapur and Niyati as his powerful queen. Draupadi and Arjun led a happy romantic life. Their children were finally with them. Bheem stayed with Hiddimba most of the time while Yudhisthir was the welfare minister of Hastinapur . Krishna remained their best friend and Shankar amd Parvati would often descend down uo meet their friends as well.

This is the ending of this book of mine. Do you want me to continue a similar one with same characters in the swarg lok ? Do inform me guys!!!

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