The kauravas meet the pandavas

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"What do you mean the swayamvar is postponed ?" Shikandini asked shocked. She had heard some dasis talk about the postponing of the swayamvar.
"Yes Rajkumari. Maharaj was discussing with yadav vasudev krishna. We had heard their conversation." The dasis cried with fear.  All of them were afraid of Shikandini.
"That is strange jiji. I thought all the princes have arrived" Niyati cried recalling her interactions with arjun and the kauravas and that Angraj Karna. Thinking about karna boiled her rage. She had never been affected by anyone in this manner all her life.
"Not everyone. Only the pandavas, kauravas ,king shalya and Angraj karn have arrived on Panchal. And due to postponing of the Swayamvar they are going to stay in the castle with all of us." Krishna cried surprising everyone.

" But govind...why do they have to stay in the palace?" Niyati was frustrated. She didn't want to share a roof with that karn.
"I thought you would be happy sakhi. Prince arjun is also staying." Govind cried.
Draupadi's face glowed with joy.
Niyati still was thinking about karn. She has never loathed anyone . Karn was the first person she absolutely loathed.
"Everything needs to be perfect...I will go and see the arrangements" Shikandini cried.
Saying so Shikandini left leaving Draupadi , Niyati and Govind alone.
"Now will you tell us what happened in the mela sakhi?" Govind asked with a knowing grin.
Niyati was surprised.
"How do you always come to know about everything sakha?" Niyati asked innocently.
Govind gave a sweet smile.
"I met prince Arjun in the mela." Niyatu cried.
Draupadi was taken aback. She smiled . But Niyati was thinking about someone else-Angraj Karn.
Govind with his charming smile cried,"You dont look happy Sakhi...did you not like arjun?"
Niyati was back to her senses.
"No Govind! Rajkumar Arjun is perfect. He is a perfect gentleman." Niyati cried with a smile in her face.
The smile in draupadi's face widened.
"Then why are you upset Sakhi?"
"I met angraj karn and the kauravas" Niyati cried with a sharp tinge in her voice.
"Woah , I should have visited the mela . You met all the participants of the swayamvar in the mela." Draupadi cried with a smirk.
Govind smiled in a knowingly.
"Wasnt Angraj karn a very handsome man?" Govind asked teasingly.
Niyati imagined Karn's chiseled face, hard chest and dark eyes.
Lost in her thoughts she muttered a yes.
Draupadi's pupils dilated.
She was surprised.
Her sister had never mentioned anyone like this.
Govid grinned.

Niyati was again back to the real world.
"Uh I! No! He was not at all handsome. He forcefully held my hand . And then insulted me. What a strange man!" Niyati cried with anger.
"How dare that Angraj!" Draupadi exclaimed with rage.
Govind again gave a smile . He was calm.
"Sometimes things  in reality are not what they appear to be sakhi. There remains a difference between illusion and reality. And it is a fool who only knows the truth and doesn't know the difference between true and false." Govind said in a calm tone.
Niyati did not understand the reference though.
"Niyati, draupadi  the swayamvar has been postponed. It will be held the next week" Drupad cried entering the room.

"But why this sudden change of plan of pitaji?" Draupadi asked.
"Putri, our astrologer has mentioned this week to be inauspicious for panchal and I cant let my daughters marry in an auspicious day." Drupad cried.
The girls nodded.

Later that day, the kauravas arrived only to find the pandavas also arriving along with them.
"Mamashree, how are these pandavas alive? We had killed them in Varnavrat!"Duryodhan exclaimed with shock.
"Wait my son. Let's first meet Drupad, panchalraj." Gandharraj cried though he too was surprised to find the pandavas.
"I,king Drupad welcome all of you respected kings and princes to my raja sabha.
The pandavas folded their hands with respect .
Karn also folded his hands but Duryodhan was ignorant. He was searching for the beautiful princesses.

"Welcome everyone! It's splendid to meet all the pandavas and kauravas together. And I welcome you with all my heart, Angraj karn. And pranipat Mamashree skauni" vasudev folded his hands welcoming everyone.
Everyone folded their hands and greeted vasudev.
"Please come and have some lunch. Rajkumari draupadi and Rajkumari Niyati are on their way . They will meet us for lunch." Vasudev cried.
Duryodhan smirked and joined Vasudev.
In th lunch table everyone were seated . The pandavas were seated together. Durydhan and dushashan sat together with mamashree shakuni. Angraj karna sat alone in a corner. Vasudev krishna, dristadyum, shikandini sat beside maharaj drupad. Then entered the princesses.
Princess draupadi entered the hall.
Everyone were mesmerised. She was looking very beautiful.

Duryodhana and dushasan were supremely excited to see the beautiful princess. Arjun was flabbergasted.  He was mesmerised be her beauty. Looking at Draupadi reminded Karn of the lady he saw last night. He remembered the beautiful girl with dark dreamy eyes and juicy lips.

The pandavas were busy teasing arjun when Niyatj entered the hall. Arjun was surprised to see her. He had met her in the fair the previous day. He thought she was a country girl but never in his wildest imaginations had he imagined her to be the princess of Panchal. Niyati smiled on seeing Arjun.
Duryodhan was shocked. He had never imagined that the girl he met the previous evening could be the princess of Panchal.
Dushasan was a little scared as he had misbehaved with her. Karn was shocked to see her.
She is a princess ! Being a princess she insulted my caste , I didn't expect this kind of discrimination from a Rajkumari, karn thought sadly.
He had no intention of marrying any of the princesses. He didn't want a wife who wouldn't respect his caste.
Niyati looked at karn with anger reflecting in her eyes.
What does he think of himself!
Karn too didn't move his eyes.
They both looked  at each other with hatred and disgust.
Everyone could feel the tension between these two.
"I guess almost all of you are acquainted with my sakhi Niyati. She has a bad habit of visiting fairs." Krishna cried with a naughty smile.
Niyati looked at Govind with big dark eyes filled with anger demanding an explanation.

"Let's have the food sakhi...or are you not yet satisfied looking at Angraj?"Krishna cried giving a teasing look.
Niyati glared at krishna. Krishna looked down smiling to himself.
All the princes were impressed by the princess's etiquettes and behaviour.

After the lunch , Govind proposed a walk to the nearby mountain.
Duryodhan , karn ,Arjuna , Bheem  nakul and sahadev were ready to go.
Dushasan wanted to go but mamashree prevented him ashbe had already misbehaved with Niyati earlier and Shakuni didn't want Duryodhan to have a bad impression.
Nakul and Sahadev only wanted to tease Arjun. Bheem had joined because vasudev had mentioned the food stall in the way to the hill.
Draupadi was very excited. She really like prince Arjun and wanted to spend more time with him.  Niyati on the other hand was extremely affected by Karn's presence.
"Sakhi, your hatred is more powerful than your love . You are not affected by Arjun whom you love but are affected by Karn whom you loath.  What love is this sakhi who cant grab your attention even from the person whom you hate,thought krishna.
Your destiny is calling you both sakhi, you both will change the course and the future of the Aryavrat, krishna cried in a low voice.
All of them set out for the hill.

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