Vrushali and Duryodhan join hands

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" Vrushali you should think before you speak. You have hurt the poor girl and I know my son. He has something for Niyati. It reflects in his face." Radha cried sternly.
"I apologize maasi." Vrushali cried.
I never thought that Karn would marry someone else. I love him and he knew that then why is he marrying that Niyati? I have always dreamed of us getting married and this girl cant break my heart. She cant come between me and Karn, Vrushali thought.

Love is not what it always appears. Love is complicated and love is letting one go. Love cant be selfish. Your love is bounded by greed Vrushali, Krushna muttered to himself as Vrushali's words reached his ears.

"We know you want to be the queen of Anga and we can help you in that Vrushali"
Vrushali turned around to find Duryodhan standing in front of her with shakuni.
She didnt know what to do. She wanted Karn at any condition and Duryodhan's side promised victory. She nodded.

Karn was roaming around the city of Indraprast. He couldn't stop himself from praising the city. It was a beautiful city with amazing infrastructure and improved technology.
This city is very well built. I want to see Hastinapur in this condition too . Yudhisthir is undoubtedly a better king than Duryodhan. He is the Dharmaraj but Duryodhan is my friend and I have to support him at all time, thought Karn.
"Karn . I apologize for my earlier statement. I dont know what came over me. Please forgive me." Vrushali cried suddenly appearing in front of him.
Karn was annoyed when Vrushali had said those words but she was his childhood friend and he couldn't stay angry with her for long.
He smiled and nodded.
Vrushali sighed relief.
"Let's go for a walk" Vrushali cried and pulled karns arms .
Karn tried to free himself from her grip but her grip was too tight. He surrendered.
Niyati and Govind were wandering in the lake side when Niyati's sight fell on Karn. He was accompanied by Vrushali. Niyati tried her best to control her emotions.
Again he is with her. I don't know why I feel so angry seeing both of them together. They are just friends. Are they?, Niyati thought nervously.
Govind noted Niyati's expressions and smiled a little.

Karn on the other hand had not noticed Niyati yet. He was engrossed in his own thoughts. He was thinking about Arjun and Niyati.
"Niyati!" Vrushali cried . Her hand wrapped around Karn's arm tightened. Niyati flinched at her action.
She is doing it deliberately. Niyati very well understood her intentions when Vrushali gave her a disgusted look and went closer to Karn.
Karn was taken aback seeing Niyayi. He saw her looking at his hand entangled with Vrushali. She looked irritated. Karn was a little amused seeing her like that.
Is she jealous?, he thought but immediately left the thought.
Why would she be jealous? She already loves someone else. She doesnt care about me, Karn concluded.
Vrushali went on blabbering,Krishna tried his best to not laugh at Niyati's condition, Niyati kept on giving angry looks to Karn and Karn looked confusingly at Niyati and Krishna. It was a funny sight to watch.
Niyati glared at Krishna and cried, "We have some work. Please excuse us Angraj." Saying so she started walking away. Vrushali gave her an angry stare . She slowly advanced her feet in Niyati's way. Angraj was busy noticing Niyati and didn't notice Vrushali's action. Vasudev had very well noticed it and the reaction he gave was a soft smile.
Niyati had not noticed Vrushali's feet. She tripped on it and fell down on the ground. A shriek escaped her mouth as the blood started flowing from her forehead. Karn was taken aback. He quickly went to her and sat next to her.
"Niyati. Are you okay?" Karn cried with his caring tone.
He noticed the blood in her forehead and tears filled his eyes. He touched her wound slowly with his long fingers. She trembled with pain.
"I am fine Angraj. "Niyati cried in an assuring voice.
She tried to get up but a sudden pain in her leg prevented her from moving. She realised her leg was hurt. She was unable to move .
Karn saw her trying to move. He understood that she was hurt. He without speaking a word reached Niyati and lifted her in his arms. Niyati tried to protest but his dark eyes scared her. He looked at her. There was a commanding look in his eyes. She didnt argue.

Vrushali hissed with anger as Karn carried Niyati to her chamber.
He placed her in her bed. Niyati tried to sleep but his firm gaze on her prevented her from sleeping.
"Stop looking at me" Niyati cried.
"I have complete right over my eyes and it is no sin to look at your wife." He cried in a cold manner.
"I am not your wife yet" she cried getting lost in his dark eyes.
"You will soon be. Now tell me. What is troubling you. Dont try to ignore me Niyati. I want the answer." He cried.
Niyati tried her best to ignore but seeing him getting angry she spoke.
"I am not well . Its just that..." should she tell him the real reason? He would defend his friend.
"Is it about Vrushali?" He cried as if reading her mind.
She looked at him surprised. Looking at her , he realised that he had guessed it right. She was hurt by Vrushali's words.
"I dont like her " she cried.
"Isn't that a very quick decision?" He asked a bit irritated.
"No , I dont feel so. I dislike her. It is simple. I don't like it when she follows you all the time" she cried and immediately stopped realizing that she had spoken her mind. She quickly turned her face away.
Karn looked at her with an amused expression as he registered her words.
He tried to suppress his smile as he saw her blushing .
"Is that so?" Karn asked in a cocky manner.
Niyati felt like melting in the ground and never facing Karn again. She was too embarrased. She didn't know what to say. She was a terrible liar.
"I meant she ...she is ....okay I dont know. I just dont like seeing you with her. You stay away from her." she cried giving up.
His face was filled with amusement as a wide smile spread across his face.

So she is jealous, he thought and his smile widened.
What is wrong with me! Why am I blurting out everything in front of him!, thought Niyati.
"Its okay Darling. I wont eat you up" Karn cried in a comical tone. His mood was lifted and he was feing happy.
Niyati looked at him with wide eyes. A smile crept onto her face as she saw him smiling. He looked so handsome while smiling.
He was so amused to see his future wife jealous.

"Niti are you okay?" It was Arjun's voice.
Karn recalled the reality as Arjun stepped inside the room.

She still loves Arjun . I should remember this, he thought. He didnt wait anylonger and left the room.
Niyati looked at him leaving the room. His mood was ruined.

He still feels I love Arjun . He doesn't trust me at all and here I am acting like a fool falling for him, she thought.

These two are so hopeless. When will they come out of these misunderstandings and realize the love they have for each other in their hearts! , krishna thought looking at the sky.

Niyati was tring her jewelery . Kunti and Radha were discussing what arrangements to do in the wedding. Krishna and Draupadi was joking along with Arjun and Karn and Vrushali were talking.
Niyati's sight was fixed on Karn.

I told him. I told him I dont like seeing him close go Vrushali still he has to stick with her all the time, Niyati muttered silently.
Karn glanced at Niyati . She looked at him angrily. He enjoyed her look and continued ignoring her.
Oh!!! So he is ignoring me now?!, Niyati was too angry .
A dasi came and secretly informed Vrushali tha Duryodhan wanted to meet her . She silently left the chamber without informing anyone.

"Sakhi can you smell something?" Govind asked Draupadi.
"What smell?" Draupadi was confused.
Krishna looked at Niyati.
"Sakhi Niyati cant you smell anything? As if something is burning? Angraj can you smell it?" Krishna cried with a notorious smile.
Karn very well understood what he was talking about. He tried to supress his smile.
Draupadi and Arjhn were clueless. Niyati was very aware what Govind was talking about. She couldn't say anything before Kunti and Radhama. She glared at Govind. Govind continued laughing . Then she angrily looked at Karn who was tring his beat to suppress his smile.
"I can't smell anything sakha. But I can certainly see a man ignoring his wife's words." She cried looking at Karn.
Karn recalled her threatening to stay away from Vrushali. His eyes had an apologetic look bit the smile didnt leave his face.
"Did Angraj disobey you sakhi?" Govind asked in a teasing manner.
"I said I am seeing am man . I never mentioned Angraj sakha and moreover Angraj is not my husband yet." She cried .
Karn tried to control his smile. She looked so cute when she was angry.
"Stop it Krishna. Stop troubling my putru. Tomorrow is the wedding. You all should rest specially Putri Niyti and Putra Karn." Kunti cried.

Sudden Realization struck Niyati. Tomorrow was her wedding that too with the confusing man she had ever met. It would be an interesting journey ahead.

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