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??: Oh!! Sorry I didn't meant to-

As soon as the person raised his head after picking up her books. He froze after looking at Sarang's eyes which were nothing but emotionless.

Without realizing he was staring at her or her eyes to be more precise. While his heartbeats were at an insane speed.

It was unexpected, unusual, or just impossible you could say when Sarang's heartbeat also picked an unknown speed.

But Sarang soon shrugged it off and looked at him with boring eyes and held her hand in front of him but still the person couldn't come back from his dream.

Being annoyed Sarang said.

SARANG: Dude!!! give my books. Will ya!!!

It skipped again. His heartbeat skipped again after listening to her voice even though it was not soft like other girls. The pitch surely was of a girl but the coldness said a different story.

But shrugging off his thoughts he gave her the books and stood up. He cleared his throat and was about to introduce himself but,

SARANG: No need for your intro. Keep it.

She said emotionlessly and just passed by him leaving him completely shocked but just then his friends came to him running from behind.



He again started running.


Unknowingly a small smile came on her lips when she remembered the way jimin was constantly staring at her eyes.

SARANG: Never knew my eyes were these beautiful to be gawked by someone.

She said sarcastically and chuckled but soon shrugged it and went to her classes.

Classes were over Sarang made her way out of college and went to her small apartment. She soon freshens up and made her way to her real home; her orphanage. Where she learned to talk, walk, run, almost everything.

As soon as she came inside her orphanage, she was engulfed in a tight hug catching her off-guard but she soon recognized the person,as he was the only person who had the courage of hugging the 'cold princess'.


Sarang secretly smiled in the hug but soon replaced it with her cold face when jackson broke the hug.

JACKSON: So tell me how are you?

He asked smiling widely at her who was standing like a stone. She smiled a little almost unnoticeable but being the best friend he noticed it.

SARANG: I am fine jackson. How about you? And how is your training going on?

JACKSON: I am fine and yeah training is going perfect and oh!! We are soon gonna fight for nationals.

SARANG: Hmm.... me too.

They both were getting professionally trained for boxing. Sarang always wanted power since she always wanted to quench her ego by proving her parents who abandoned her even before she could open her eyes properly. Yes, her parents will indeed get to know about this but it will surely calm her ego.

And about jackson, he only wanted to follow his best friend like a shadow and protect her from every harm just like she did when he was always bullied and avoided just because he couldn't speak properly. It was the sole reason why his parents abandoned him.

Cruel world, right?

Due to some biological problems, he couldn't speak but when he spoke,he stuttered a lot. He was made fun of and bullied by others.


One day when he was returning from school as usual. Some of his seniors blocked his way and took him to an alley. They started asking for money while beating him. Being the scared and weak boy,he couldn't save himself so he decided to give his money which he earned by working various part-time jobs even though he was only 12.

When he took out the money and was about to give it to his one year seniors, his hands were caught by the 11 years old Sarang who saw the whole scene.

Jackson soon recognized her, she was the same girl from his orphanage who always stays silent and distant from everyone. The bullies chuckled looking at the girl and said.

Yaah!! little girl, go away. You shouldn't involve here.

They all laughed. She just rolled her eyes and told jackson to keep his money back and to go to the orphanage.

Little girl, you should listen to your seniors and now go and play with your dolls.

And there she lost it, she picked a stone and threw at the boy's eyes who groaned. The other two boys became stunned and move towards her but she quickly held Jackson's hands and ran from there. The boys lost both of them. She very well knew when and where to fight.

Soon they both reached the orphanage.

LIL' JACKSON: T-thank-you so-so mu-mu-ch.

She just nodded her head and went away to her bed in the girls' room.

From that day jackson always sticked to her but she always ignored him but he never minded it because he knew, she always appreciated it when he saw her threatening the kids at the orphanage who used to make fun of him. He felt loved and being cared and there he decided to devote his life for her protection just like an elder brother.


After having their little get-together after almost 2 months. They decided to visit their caretaker who was like a mother figure to both of them. Even though they don't have mothers but they never felt their absence due to this lady. She was a nun,

Sister Rose.

She was the same like a rose, soft like petals but strict like thrones.

They made their way to her chamber where they could see her lying on the bed.

They both called her at the same time.


The only relation made by Sarang where she didn't care to show her emotions, her feelings, and her inner self.

Sr.rose turned her head towards the door where she found her two most precious children whom she took care of.

She opened her arms to both of them to come and hug her.

They both smiled and hugged her.

SR.ROSE: Aigoo!!!! look my kids have grown so well. So tell me how are your lives and how are your trainings going on??

The reason why they both love her so much was, she always supported them like a mother. When other nuns of the orphanage forbade them to chose boxing as a profession considering it as violence, she always supported and told them to do what they want but also taught them to never ever use their abilities just to have fun.

Sarang and jackson were telling everything about their lives. They all were talking about random things when suddenly sr. rose made a serious face and turned to Sarang and said.

SR.ROSE: Sarang I need to tell you something.........


Sitting inside the club, my friends were having fun while drinking using my pocket money as decided,if I lose the dare then I have to pay for the drinks and everything they buy for 1 week.

The dare was I had to avoid them and not to let them touch me. Childish, but we don't care, and being the good runner I am I was able to avoid them but due to that accident with Sarang, they were able to catch me.

I sighed for nth time remembering the incident. I dont know why but I just couldn't take my mind from that. It isn't like she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen but still she was. Her eyes had nothing, completely blank but still it was like I could see my whole world in them.

Confusing, I know but I can't figure out anything. I was getting restless , I wanted to stare at those eyes again. Like it became my addiction.

Soon I was pulled out of my thoughts by kai.

KAI: What happened jimin?

JIMIN: Nothing bro!!!

KAI: Okay!! Now tell the truth!!!

I sighed, and this was the reason why I call him my soulmate, he was just like this. He could sense my sadness, my restlessness even if I am smiling brightly.

I thought for a while and decided to ask him.

JIMIN: Dude, I just want to know like what must the reason that when you suddenly you looked at something so blank but still you feel like it's the most special and most beautiful thing you have ever seen and now you want to see it again and again like you are addicted to them.

Kai chuckled at me and asked me something which took me completely off-guard.

KAI: You are talking about someone right.

I looked at him shocked but didn't say a word.

KAI: Your eyes are telling everything park jimin, but still let's say that as a thing.

I was shocked.

Man having a best friend-like soulmate is dangerous. Mark my words!!!!

KAI: After listening to your words, I will only say one thing that...


SHOCKED, Was a little thing to describe my feeling at that time. Only one question in my head.


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