Love needs to be 'Loved' ❤️

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Neiyat's POV:

I stood there numb. I don't know for how long. It's only when my mother wiped my cheeks I realised tears kept flowing from my eyes. And then mom said...
'Why are you crying Puttarji (child)...this is what you wanted right???' she asked and suddenly I had no answers.

I quickly got up and walked towards the door when I heard dad...
'Neiyat... Don't do something stupid this time!' and I turned around to look at dad who looked quiet low. Mom slowly rubbed his shoulder and that's when I see a sad expression on his face. He softly says...

'Its your choice Neiyat. You rejected him. Fine with us...Maybe you really have different dreams for you but you don't have any rights to break that boy's dreams and tarnish his happiness!!! Like you did before!' he said the last line with a wave of disappointed. That's when I realised how much they wanted this and how much my decision hurt them.

But right now!!! All I needed to talk was to Aahir. I quickly went to Sehgal Hospitals. I didn't care to take an appointment but it's the first time receptionist stopped me.

'Sorry Mam...Sir is busy' she said and I wondered why she is telling this to me. She knows I'm Aahir's closest and she never stops me but today she did.

'I will wait in his cabin' I said and kept walking towards his room while she was trying to stop me but I didn't bother to listen and barged into his cabin only to find Saanchi and him standing too close to each other. He was giggling at something which she said and the minute their eyes fell on me their smiles faded.

'Chichi.. I've got to go for rounds! I'll see you later' he said and she nodded.

'Aahir I want to talk to you!!!' I said firmly but it's like I didn't exist there he walked away. I was pissed. I began walking behind him but he was too fast.

'He is out of your league now. Let go!!!' I heard a voice behind me and my eyes widened. I was shocked.

I turned around to see Sanchi standing infront of me folding her hands against her chest and I gritted my teeth.

'What do you want in life??? Ever since childhood you try to take away all that's mine... Always pretending to be this caring, good girl... now I can see what an opportunist you are!!!' I spat and she laughed audibly.

'Opportunist??? Well!!! It's better than being an idiot! You .. are an idiot Neiyat! You let go off a diamond like Aahir and I just gathered it with both my hands and all my heart. If that makes me an opportunist then be it!!!

But the truth is that day after tomorrow Dr Aahir Mihir Sehgal will marry ME!!!
He proposes to me. Tomorrow is my Mehndi ceremony and day after is my wedding. He was so desperate to marry me that he couldn't wait!'

'Lieee...' I screamed!!! And she smirked.

'He is angry! He is upset that's why he said yes to marry's because I ...I fucked up ..I ... it''s because I was not able to gather my thoughts. And I...I...'

To which she laughed loudly and said...
'You are still not sure about what you want Neiyat. This is your problem from childhood days. You were never happy about what you had. Since childhood days you always were interested in what Nani served me and not what Dadi fed you. You always took me as a competitor and see today again you want what I HAVE!!!' she said firmly and I wanted to scratch her face.

'Aahir is not yours!!!' to which she simply showed me her ring finger and there was a sparkling diamond on that finger.

'Now that stands for what is mine! Aahir is my FIANCE!!!' she announced and tears pooled in my eyes while she smiled saying...

'You never valued what you had and I always kept my precious ones closer. You ran behind fancy when I preferred durability. You loved Dev Daadu for his swag and I loved him for the person he is.

HE is as caring as Aahir!!!' she said and suddenly everything that Aahir did for me kept flashing infront of my eyes.

Him giving up his happiness for me to him saving me till the moment we shared last evening.

'You lost your chance with him Neiyat and this time I'm truly thankful you did because if not for you I wouldn't have got a diamond like Aahir...' she said and I felt line someone pierced them with a hundred knifes again and again.

I kept looking at the stars and kept sobbing. I kept eating Mississippi Mud all alone tonight while I could see his picture with Sanchi on social media. It looked like they went on a date. Somewhere romantic.

I digged another spoon of ice cream and kept sobbing.

While I felt a weight on my shoulder and I turned around to see my Daadu sitting next to me on the terrace.

I leaned onto him while I felt someone cover me with a warm shawl and I quickly said..

'Aah ..Aahir!!!' but then I heard...

'Nope's Aahir's Daddu (grandpa)' and I see Mypie sitting there.

'Can I have a spoon please' saying Daadu tried to dig a spoon of Mississippi Mud but I pulled it away saying...

''s mine! And Neiyat doesn't share whats hers!!!' I said and dumped a spoonful again in my mouth while Daadu pulled me more in a side hug asking...

'Then why are you letting go what's yours!!! That too being a Kapoor?' and my eyes widened at what he said. And my eyes pooled up again. I wanted to hide it all but his eyes are like a mirror and I broke down badly in his arms. While he and Mypie consoled me and finally asked ..

'So will you say it all or continue crying???' and I wiped my face. It was a long confession but I had to

'Khotte Da Puttar...(son of a idiot). Just because my Neiyat didn't say it he..he proposes Sanchi is it??? I'm gonna whip his butt' Mypie said while still pulling me in his arms.

'Oye Thand Pa (Cool it)..Even Neiyat is at fault here...she kissed him!' and I nodded. I couldn't explain Daadu the was embarrassing if Daadu knew I almost lost it with Aahir.

'But Aahir must understand Neiyat's is not an instant noodles takes time!!!' Mypie argued ..

'Says he who wanted to have babies desperately...' Daadu taunted Mypie...

While Mypie smirked saying ...
'Tells the one who wanted to have a dozen full of babies giving the most lame reasons possible!!!'

'Fineee!!! Bad reasoning runs in the blood of both Kapoor's and Sehgals!!!' Daadu said and both Mypie and he agreed upon it. Then they looked at me asking...

'Now what are you planning to do? I mean Aaru wants you to be the wedding planner!!!' Mypie said and I was shocked.

'I can't do that!!!' I screamed...

'Oh you must baby...They even want to have a pre-wedding shoot tomorrow' and I threw my ice cream tub angrily and said...

'The hell I'm doing it... last time I broke Aahir's phone...this time I'll break his head!!!' I said huffing in anger while Daadu asked curiously...

'You??? You broke Aahir's phone???'

'Yup!!! I was pissed!!! How dare he talk to Sanchi when I was there!' I spat angrily while Daadu chuckled saying ..
'Kapoor blood undoubtedly!!!'

'But then when he went on asking me questions I lost it and kissed him!!!' and this time Mypie chuckled saying...
'Question Bank indeed the grandson of Mrs Bela Sehgal... Undoubtedly Sehgal by birth!!!' and I looked at both who smiled at each other.

'I need a break Daadu...I don't know what to do's all too fast for's not like I don't like Aahir...I really like him...and there's no just one thing I like about him... he's kind... humble...caring... respects me...loves me unconditionally but then...'

'But then???' Daadu asks...

'He isn't like you!!! Is it wrong to have expectations Daadu???' I asked leaning on his shoulder while he slowly caressed my face and patted on my head and said...

'No Princess... Expectations are those little dreams in a person which aspires them to achieve, grow...they are key elements required to live but then...

Acceptance is the key to life!!!
Expectations about your partner are beautiful. Everyone has those...
But one should also know love doesn't come in defined shape or size.. you can't customize love Puttar (Child). Love is not about finding a replica of a certain kind or about not being able to fit someone into a bracket. Love is about acceptance. Accepting someone for what they are. Falling for someone for who they are. Love doesn't come with defined parameters!!!' he said and I looked at him asking...

'So what do I do of this 'Love' thing I'm not sure about...I went wrong with Ved...what if I go wrong with Aahir? I'm scared Daadu' he said while this time I heard Mypie say...

'Neiyat!!! You know when I fell for Bela really hard I thought I wasn't worth her...I distanced myself from her...when your Dad married Chah in an accidental situation... he started keeping himself away from her... forget rest your own Daadu the one and only Dev Kapoor...he distanced himself from Ishu Bhabhi because he thought love is a shit hole but then... inspite of all this we all fell into it ..fell hard...fell into it forever!!! So don't run away from it Neiyat...just accept it the way it is...just like we all did...' and I kept blinking...

While Daadu said softly this time...
'Aahir is a gem the way he is ..he is not Dev Kapoor and that's his originality and that's his beauty too!!!
So Neiyat!!!
Stop judging stop calculating!!
Love need not be judged...

Love just needs to be 'Loved!!!'
Love him back with all you have it in you...
Do you have it in you Princess???' he asked and I looked at him with a confused expression???

'Do you love him?' he asked and I kept thinking.

'No ways Dev...your rook was already dead meat. There you go...Now you have to save your queen!!! It's a check!!! Haha' I heard my Mypie's voice. I saw the clock. It was ticking 2 am midnight and I knew they were awake. Daadu was still playing chess with Mypie

I slowly walked into the garden area and stood infront of them. Daadu moved his knight in L shape saying...
'I trap!!! You fall...There you go Sehgal...
Now that's a check find a way out if you can!!! Till then let me enjoy my drink' saying he sips his scotch while Mypie still tries to understand what just happened.

Daadu finally lifts his head up and looks at me while I wipe my already red face, eyes and nose and say it loud and clear...

'Accepted whole heartedly!

I can't live without him!

I love Aahir!!! I love him more than anything. I can't live without him!!!

And I can't let him go' to which Daadu smirked and said...

'No way out now! It's a check mate!!!'

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