Prologue Teaser - She makes my heart go 'Arrhythmic'!!!❤️

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Aahir's POV:

She kept shooting me with her russet brown witch like 'devil orbs' and scowled at me while I simply pushed the picture silently off to the other side of the table.

Clock was ticking 12am already and I feared what if she really turned a witch as the devil's hour approached. As it is she keeps screaming like a mad woman every time I say I didn't want to meet the girl because either she was a dumbo or a bimbo!!!

I was neither into both!!!

'Do you realise Dr Aahir Mihir Sehgal that she is the 23rd girl you rejected in a month's time!!!' she practically shouted into my face this time while I leaned back on my business chair and tried to analyse on how pink can she get while she's angry...

No wonder I had a crush on her mother...I heard my mother saying me stories that I wanted to marry Chaahat aunty and I used to call her 'wifey'. She had got all the beauty from her mother and all the anger too 🤣

She was hardworking and independent too but then she was a nuclear weapon indeed could shoot me in the centre of my head if I rejected to meet anymore women. But right now all I was analysing was if she gets this crimson pink while getting angry how much of a darker shade could her face reflect when someone kisses her...


Why do I care???

Do you want to kiss her Aahir???

Ummmm No!!!


Oh Shutup your filthy mouth wants those raspberry lips so bad and that Jasmine fragrance like she's come out of a fresh farm makes me go all crazy...I breathed a little more as she stood up and crossed my table and stood exactly next to me..

'Ok...look here...I've no more time to waste okay...I found you all kinds till now...a doctor, a model, a princess, a lawyer, an have been rejecting each one...
No...what is the problem in meeting this Miss Sabharwal han??? See her profile...see here...she is a business woman...' she went on ranting non stop trying to blabber about this new girl she had found for me in last one month..

I couldn't think of anything more while all my eyes captured was the stray hair flying off her face and kissing her berry like thick and so beautiful...they kept moving and I kept looking at them like someone had given me an extra dosage of benzodiazepine and I could possibly drift to a peaceful slumber by only gawking at those eyes. I don't know since when I started feeling this loud little loudspeaker of mine so musical suddenly and her eyes which still shoot me to death were looking so soothing to me. I could probably be fine just by looking into them... maybe... forever.

Stop!!! What the Fuck!!!

What are you thinking Aahir???

'Aahirrrrr' and I was back to my senses when she was keeping both her hands on her waist and bending down to look at my face...

'Yyyyes Neiyat' I said softly...

'Miss Sabharwal....hunnnn... you'll reject this one also na??? Oh gooooooood' she yelled and finally hopped a little and sat on the glass table of my study room.

And I don't know why she looked so damn sexy doing that...damn she's attractive...she makes want to visit Dr Mehta our endocrinologist and confirm with him if my hormones are ok or I need help...she brings such crazy waves in my body...I feel nauseous, my heart feels arrhythmic, my blood pressure spikes up...gosh she makes me go crazy...

'Ok listen here...I have promised Aaru aunty to find you the perfect Indian bride...just the kind you suggested...perfect...sweet, simple, understanding, matured, well organised, strong, confident and beautiful. But you have been rejecting each one Aahir and honestly I'm tired. So once and for all tell me what kind of a girl would you like
...and fast hannn... just because I stay in the opposite bungalow doesn't mean Neiyat Neiv Kapoor is free okay?' she said and I smiled.

I stood up from the chair and took a step closer to her and asked her...
'You really wanna know the kinda girl I would wanna marry?' and she kept blinking her big devil orbs and asked me ...

I slowly took another step closer and covered the distance between us...I kept both my hands on her thighs and parted them apart while I heard a 'huh' from her mouth. Her lips parted slightly and she looked quite shocked. I removed my glasses and placed it in my shirt pocket as I stood between her thighs and both my hands caged her on the either sides and I had pinned her to the table in the sitting position and moved closer to her angelic face.

I could see her breath heavily...

While I whispered...
'Relax Miss Neiyat Neiv Kapoor...I am one of Sydney's best cardiologist...your heart is safe with me... breath in and breath out' saying my breath fanned on her beautiful face...

There was so much happening between us since last few days but today I boldly wanted to express to her...

'What kind of a girl I would want to marry!!! Or shall I say 'Whom' I wanted to marry!!!'


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