When it finally dawns upon you❤️🔥☀️

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Dev's POV:

She was shivering. I kept hugging my child. It's worst when you see your child go through this unbearable pain.

It's never right to go ahead with decisions you are doubtful about. She wasn't sure about Ved but her only mistake was to go with him.

But the only smart thing she did was she had sent her location to Lavanya. And Lavanya didn't trust Ved a bit. Reason!!! Looks like he attempted to touch her inappropriately on Neiyat's engagement night. Again the mistake which kids do!!!
Hide incidents from parents!!! These also hid such a critical information from us and that monster thought he can do anything he wants!!!

Injustice if not been fought back gets more access and like a creepy slow poison gets more comfortable assuming it can win!!! And turns into crime!!! And once a criminal knows he is safe he gets the overconfidence to repeat it with someone else.

Thankfully Lavanya and Aahir came to me about the location and it striked me about the weekend home Ishu and I had gifted Neiv and Chaahat for their decinal year wedding anniversary. I made a few calls and got to know that Neiv transferred it's papers on Neiyat and Ved's name. We knew this is it. Thankfully we reached on time.

But today when Aahir brought Neiyat out safe and sound somehow I saw the pain and anger which I saw in Neiv's eyes for Chah years ago. At times we don't realise how precious love is and we let go. Neiyat I pity had ran behind a pebble letting go off a real diamond like Aahir.

'Aahir...shall I wake her up?' I asked as she had slept in my arms.

'Daadu trust me she'll be ok...let me give her some first aid... and I have asked Aaryan to come along. I don't want her going home tonight. There will be multiple questions. She can stay in Mahir Dadu's Blueberry hills penthouse tonight. Aaryan will be with them and Luv will stay with her... right Luv?' and I saw Lavanya nodded.

Aahir carried her in his arms and took her to the casuality and provided her the necessary first aid while I saw Aaru who came running to me. She was extremely angry with Neiyat but obviously she is a woman before being a mother. She began dialling Chah but I stopped her.

'Not now Aaru....I know how to handle it!!! Dev Kapoor is still alive!!!' I said and Aaru hugged me tightly.

'Uncle please be okay...Neiyat is a brave child!!! Please be okay!!!' she consoled me and I nodded.

After sometime I see Aahir talking to the doctor who checked upon Neiyat and confirmed she is fine and there were no major injuries except a few stiches on her forehead, a dislocated shoulder and a few deep bruises on her wrists. However she was still in the state of shock not letting anyone come closer.

I went to my little one and the moment she saw me her lips quivered and she burst into tears. I hugged her and comforted her like a child. She didn't utter a word but I kept patting her head and she slowly calmed down.

'But I want to go home Daadu' she insisted with her croaky voice which had gone worse due to all the screaming and crying. I comforted her by patting her back and said...
'You will be better off here tonight baby...and anything you can call me. Aaryan and Luv will be with you' and I was about to leave while she said like a little child...

'Daadu I am hungry..can you feed me Dal Chawal (Lentil Rice)?' she asked and my eyes filled up.

Daal Chawal made by me during her childhood days was her favorite. Because that is all I knew to cook and the love she had for me, and the attachment she had towards me she would insist me to make it for her and feed her. I would carry her on my hip, take her to our cow shed make her touch the cows, show her beautiful roses in our garden, show her flying birds and feed her morsels by saying stupid disconnected stories and my naughty little Lady JD would eat it like it was the tastiest food on planet. She was obsessed with me and would even fight with Ishu saying she would marry me and rob me from her. It kills to see the same hands which put pony on my half bald head and play 'Ghar Ghar' with me is today wrapped under bandages. She was been attempted to be raped. The thought alone boils my blood. No child should go through this.

'Come on one more morsel say Aaaaa' I fed her yet another morsel of Daal Chawal and the kid who kept teasing me, making fun of me and jumping around me was numb and silently eating what I fed her.

After feeding her the last morsel I said at once...
'You weren't at fault baby... Don't blame yourself!!!' and her eyes filled with tears and she said...

'I thought he is like you Daadu...I thought mine and his story would be like yours and Daadi's. He had the charms, the look, the name...'

'And the heart and honesty?' I asked and she looked at me deep in my eyes and her eyes welled up again.

'Baby listen...looks, charms or even the name...forget that even the person is also not forever! Who lives has to die! Everything ends baby...you know what stays??? Good deeds and pure love... that's all you will be remembered for...so marry someone who is honest to you throughout your life...who even in a crowd of billion has eyes only for you... even when there is pain given returns only love back to you...

In a world full of Ved Kakkars try to find your version of Dev Kapoor and not Dev Kapoor baby...

I am not some iconic legend or a superhero...I am a human too... who has also hurt your Daadi, but I learnt from it and fell hard for her and couldn't stop loving her post that. No guy is perfect Neiyat. But when you get a perfect one maybe a better man than me you don't let him go Neiyat. Just because he doesn't sing like me, dance like me, isn't as stylish as I am or doesn't have a personality like me.

Don't find my dummy baby. Find someone better than me. Find your original love and don't settle for my duplicate!' I said and her eyes kept looking into a nowhere space like she was thinking something.

I probably knew what it was...I didn't want to...but I said it

'In a world full of Ved Kakkar find yourself an Aahir Sehgal Neiyat!!!' and her eyes widened as tears filled up in them again while I left the room.

Neiyat's POV:

In a world full of Ved Kakkar find yourself an Aahir Sehgal!!!

Daadu's words kept ringing in my ears entire night. I looked at my wrists and the bandages.

One man gave me pain, other healed me!!!
One was the man of my dreams and other's dreams I shattered!!!
One I always adored other I always ignored!!!!

I closed my eyes and suddenly Aahir's brownish black eyes flashed infront of my face. The rage and tears in them were scary. I didn't like to see that Aahir. It's not my Aahir. My Aahir is the sweet one. The one who calms me down, who comforts me, who takes care of me...who lov....no!!! Likes me!!!

Stop it Neiyat...

But I wanted to talk to Aahir. So I patted on Luv's back and woke her up.

'Nei...you needed something?' she asked and I nodded a no and said...

'Is Aahir ok?' and she was surprised. She nodded saying he is fine.

I still couldn't sleep. Entire night I kept thinking about him but slowly the sleep consumed me.

When I opened my eyes my entire body was aching. I saw the clock was ticking 2pm.

Gosh how long did I sleep?.

Lavanya wasn't to be seen anywhere, then I saw Aaryan was trying to heat up something in the kitchen using the microwave.

'Ohhh Neiyat...you are up...just give me sometime I'm heating up the food, let's have in a few minutes...' while I asked him where is Lavanya and his facial expressions changed but then he plastered a smile saying...
'Ummmm sho...shoot!!! Early morning shoot...' and I realised he was lying. He always tried to look away from my eyes whenever he would try to lie.

'Aaryan tell me the truth!!!' I asked and he avoided the question. But I held his hand and asked...
'One clear answer! Don't lie to me Aaryan!' I said with a serious tone...

He went speechless for sometime and he said...
'She has gone to meet Aahir!' and somehow I felt something in my stomach. I don't know why do I act like this when I hear about them being together. It's not like they are dating.

Or are they???
Well even if they are why do I care???
I need to stop!!!

After that I didn't ask another question and silently ate what he had served me on my plate although I wasn't hungry.
Suddenly in the middle of lunch I said...
'Ummm Aaryan I want to go home post lunch!' to which Aaryan said...

'Nope you can't! Not until Dev Daadu's instructions!!!'


'Sorry Neiyat...you are my responsibility till then. So simply finish your meal, take your tablets and go to sleep. Evening Aahir will change your dressing. Hopefully' he said the last word softly.

Why was I feeling like he is hiding something from me???

I sat down in the living room trying to watch something on the tv but Aaryan stopped me from switching on the tv, instead he asked me to read some books and I was confused although I didn't feel like but Aaryan who otherwise was a movie buff was looking tensed and was on phone all the time. I kept observing him for a long time and finally when I couldn't handle it. I held his hand and pulled him to sit down next to me and said...

'Tell me the truth...you didn't get any girl Pregnant right???' and he pushed my hands saying...

'Stop it Neiyat...I'm not as irresponsible as you think I am' he spat and I held his hand ...

'Then tell me what is the matter? You cannot keep this within you...you are Mihir uncle's son but you are more of Aaru aunty's son...so technically you can't keep secrets in that little tummy... speak up...' I said but he ignored and tried to leave.

When nothing worked I threatened him...
'Aaryan if you won't tell me the truth then I'm not eating these antiseptic meds and my wounds would have more infection. Infact I'll even unveil my bandages...' and that's when he turned around and shouted...

'Why do you care Neiyat??? It's about someone whom you didn't care about... whose heart you broke long back...whom you rejected ok??? Why do you care why am I upset...it's my brother and it's my headache!!!' he shouted holding his head and the minute I heard it's about Aahir my heart began thundering..

I ran to him asking...
'What happened to Aahir??? Is he fine???
Tell me Aaryan... Please is he fine??? Gosh he is a baby... what happened??? Let me meet him...I knew he would be sad after yesterday's incident...is he okay??? He is gentle...' I said and Aaryan began laughing...

I was shocked

Then Aaryan laughed more saying...
'Gentlllllllle....yea yea veryyyy gentle!!!' and I was confused.

But next what Aaryan told me left my jaws hitting the ground.

'You asked right where is Lavanya and why are we not letting you go home...well because no one is at home!!! Everyone is either handling the media or the police!!!'


To which he smiled and said...
'Headlines of the day!!! Dr Aahir Sehgal had entered a pub owned by Mr Ved Kakkar and smashed him down. So right now Mr Ved Kakkar is hospitalized with multiple fractures and a broken nose, unconscious since last night and Dr Aahir Sehgal is happily under police custody!!!'

And my eyes widened.

Aaryan smiled like a maniac saying...
'My brother that cutie baby smashed down that beast of a Kakkar in one go Neiyat!!! Because he touched you!!! How gentle na my brother is' he said at once and I was stumped.

I couldn't utter a word.
I couldn't believe my reaction. I had tears in my eyes yet a smile lingered on my face.

I was speechless!

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