Chapter 13 pt.1

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Avni was trying to deepen the kiss by holding his shoulders that Neil pulled back and moved from her slowly taking his wet shirt, wearing it and heading off to his car to go back home leaving a confused Avni .

She sat on her bed feeling hurt .... HER POV:
Why ? Why can't he be like any human being ? Why does he need to behave like an actor who can kiss his coactress and still feel nothing , whenever I kiss him or even look at him butterflies start travelling through my whole body ,my heart starts beating so fast and My mind just goes blank , and him ! He just kissed me and went out pushing me not even saying anything ! He just makes me confused sooo confused ! He behaves like he cares for me and at the same time ,i feel like I am just a doll for him which he can kiss anytime and shout at anytime as well ... I feel like my heart is braking no I actually don't even feel that it's just a whole in my chest ! I'm so stupid i was thinking to confess my love for him when he doesn't even like me ..
No I will not confess it ! I will just go with the flow and get a divorce as planned ..

-End of pov-

Avni wiped her tears and slept hurt while on the other hand Neil was driving like a crazy man while talking' to himself :  «why can't she understand that It is not healthy for both of us to be together , people say that opposite attracts but not poles apart ! We are literally poles apart there is nothing similar between us not even the food liking ! I am much older than her , age difference may not be a problem now but later it will , she likes a cool guy who can talk to her , walk with her ,someone her age who wears jeans and rides a bike not a business man who is 8 years older than her who has to cancel all his appointments to just take her to the mall .."

Neil arrived home pissed ! And slept as soon as his body hit the bed ..

Next morning:
Neil woke up first grumpy but smiled as soon as he remembered that he has to pick up Avni , he flown out of bed and got ready like usual in a suit . And headed down running the stairs to see his family members having breakfast .

Yuvi : « bro why are you running ??? »

Neil : « I'm getting late ! Avni must be waiting ! »

Shweta: « Avni? Avni will come in 4 days neil !!"

Neil:"no she is coming today ! She changed her plans !"

Bebe :"she or you changed her plans ???"
Everyone started teasing Neil while he went to his car ignoring them .

Neil reached Avni's house to find her ready waiting at the door ! Looking gorgeous as usual in a blue saree . Neil thought that she would hug him or at least side hug him but no she didn't she just passed through and sat in the car next to him and put her seat belt . Neil shook his head to throw away the confusion and sat in the car . The drive was silent very silent even more than usual.once they arrived home Avni took the gifts and refused Neil's help with the bags , he started to get irritatated with her strange behavior ,everyone welcomed her even if she was gone for 3 days they missed her a lot ,everyone was happy with their gifts .

Avni approches neil and gave him a gift box Neil took it and smiled slightly as a thank you and excused himself giving and excuse of urgent meeting call and headed to the room closing behind him the door to smile the biggest smile he has smiled in years , since many years everyone stopped giving him gifts , he felt so special at the moment just like a kid .he opened the package oh sorry torn it to find a grey suit jacket ! He never wears grey only black or white . at that moment he heard a knock at the door yupp Avni she entered the room and started putting her clothes from the bag ,back into the cupboard totally ignoring her husband , once finished , she took her phone and started scrolling sitting in the sofa .

Neil is looking now at her with wide eyes , she didn't speak to him at all so he decided to start a conversation :"wha are you doing !"

Avni answered him without even looking at him :"Instagram "
Neil responded with a simple oh .

Neil :" by the way ! my parents are sending us to a you know... the ..umm »

Avni : « a what Neil?? » she is irritated he can tell by her voice .

Neil: « a honeymoon ! »

Avni: « what? Why? »

Neil : « are you that dumb ! Like duhh grandchild you know ! And I can't just tell them that I don't want kids ! »

Avni: « oh ! Yes you can't tell them that we can't have kids ! »

Neil: « what ? How do you even know ! We haven't even tried and ... oh you meant because we can't you know ... »
Is he blushing ....

Avni: « yes that's what I meant ! »

Neil : « anyways where do you want to go ! »

Avni : « it doesn't really matter »

Neil just hummed and dropped the idea of trying to get into a conversation with her she is just too cold with him today .

Neil : « I'm gonna get fresh and then we'll go to the office we're already late ! »

Avni just hummed still scrolling through Instagram .

Neil went in the bathroom and after some minutes he came back to his room wrapping a towel around his lower body and shirtless with messy wet hair messing with Avni's stomach's butterflies..
neil looked at the bed to find his suit ironed as well as his tie accompanied with his perfume and laptop bag , phone,wallet,car keys ..

Neil: « thanks ! I thought you won't do this today ! I just got used to you preparing my stuff ! »

Avni: « it's fine I'm your wife that's kinda my job ! »

Neil: « I didn't mean it that way ! »he looked sincerely guilty but..

Avni: « it's fine !  Do you need anything else because I am getting late and the cab is waiting downstairs ! » Neil's eyes widened at the word cab .

Neil: « cab ?? Why would you order a cab when I asked you to wait for me ! What the hell is wrong with you today ? » he is literally shouting at her .

Avni: « don't you get it ! I don't want to be with you in the same car !! »

Neil: « oh yes i get it but why ?? Did I do something wrong ? Is it about the kiss ? »
Why the hell is he shouting ? Is me who should  be the one shouting (thought Avni)

Avni: « yes neil ! Yes it is about the kiss ! ». She is shouting even louder than him .

Neil: « first ! Don't shout keep the problem between us ! And second ! What is it about the kiss that is disturbing you so much ? Haven't you ever kissed someone just with the flow of the moment ! »

Avni: « no i haven't because maybe you forgot that my first kiss was with you ! »

Neil: « I didn't  oblige you to kiss me ! You threw yourself on me yesterday ! Begging me to kiss you remember ? » his tone is harsh and hurting .

Avni: « yes i remember unfortunately ! I am so stupid to even think that you really want us to work even after the contract when you said that you want to be friends I thought that maybe ... » he cut her off by his laugh .

Neil: « you thought that I want you as my real wife even after the contrat is finished ? » he is more cruel that I thought Avni's inner self said ..

Avni: « yes i did ! Because maybe I am too naive that I thought a kiss could mean something to you ! But little did I know that you were used to much more than a kiss before the marriage with so many different women ..! » she is saying it with a loud voice and eyes as well as face full of tears .

Neil wanted so bad to wipe the tears off her beautiful face but his scared side his insecure side and his rude side were all telling him to just wear his clothes and go out and that's exactly what he did he left her crying there on the bed like a 5 years old kid who someone broke his favorite toy ..

Yuvi who was coming to tell her that a cab is waiting for her got shocked when he saw her laying on the bed crying ,and the first thing he thought of was to tell  his mother and bebe to talk to her women  to woman ..
I'm here finally 🤣🤣
Plz read the next chapter and vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love u all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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