chapter 14 pt.1

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the next morning :

Avni woke up to find herself in Neil arms
Did I mention that he was shirtless!!!

First that was a surprise but the second surprise was even more shocking because as soon as she tried to get out of his very strong arms she found 2 faces looking at them and those faces were none other than bebe's and shweta's looking at them with emotional puppy faces (awww).

Avni got up in so much horror and loud shouts that she ended up falling flat on her back on the hard floor with a red face looking down ..

Which made Neil wake up with shocked expressions looking directly towards Avni who is now on the floor rubbing her back .

Neil:"what the fuck " he looked at her concerned ! But his expressions changed to shocked as soon as he heard someone's voice .

Shweta:"bad manners tillu!"

Neil looked at her in horror and moved back from the floor where was Avni to  the bed hiding his chest with a blanket with widened eyes .

Avni:"tillu???"  With a wtf look ?!

Bebe:"yeah Neil!!"

Avni just nodded and kept her head down again still sitting on the floor .

Bebe:"and Neil why are you hiding yourself as if you are a new  bride ! I am your grand mom I have seen you in much less clothes ! I changed your diapers ! Which means I ..." before she could speak any further Neil cut her off .

Neil :"okay bebe I get it !!! Wh..what are you both doing in our room ?? We are a married couple you can't just come in like this ...!!!" Wow he seems angry or maybe embarrassed!!! -avni thought-

Shweta:"we came to check on Avni and the door was open ! So next time that you both decide to solve you problems at night try and do it behind a closed door !" she said it with a wink and a smirk on the face and went out of the room with bebe .

Avni got up from the floor with great difficulty still rubbing her lower back .

Neil looked at her for a moment and decided to tease her as he knows she was hell embarrassed some seconds ago ..

Neil:"u okay ?! Does it hurt too much !"

Avni:"no I'm fine it's not that much I'll just apply a balm !"

Neil:" okay let me get it I'll apply it for you "

Avni:"what?? Nooo I'll apply it ! "She said it and snatched the balm from his hands .

Neil:" apply on your butt too ! I'm sure it hurts !" He said it suppressing his laugh at avni's red face.

Avni:"you are disgusting and ..and a pervert!"

Neil:"you should be happy that I didn't say your round butt or maybe ass ! I actually have better what about ..." he couldn't speak further as she put her hand on his mouth .

Avni:" just shut up ! And tell me what the hell is wrong with you !? One day you humiliate me , the second day you are worried about my health and then you say that you don't care about me and then you tease me as if I was your dear wife !!"

Neil took her hand away from his mouth and spoke :"wow ! You seem angry ! Go put that balm , take a shower , come have breakfast down with me and then get ready we are going somewhere !"

Avni:"what the hell ! Don't order me ! Your not my father !!!"

Neil:"listen ! , I am in a very very very good mood which means that you can't spoil it ! But I'll probably end up kissing you right now as you look gorgeous in the morning !" Avni's face became so red ..

Avni:"you seriously need some treatment ! A..and ..and where are we going anyway ?"

Neil:"Maldives " he said it with a serious face making Avni kind a chuckle and say :"that was a terrible joke ! "

Both of them were done with their morning rituals and were having breakfast ,actually  Avni has just finished and was about to get up but she got pulled hard by Neil that she ended up on his knees crashing her forehead with his making him wince in pain ,which made her rub it and blow air on the spot , but stopped as soon as she realized it...

Neil :"did you have your medicine!?"

Avni nodded no so he gave it to her and before she gets up from his lap he stopped her again :"you can't go up ! I told you we are going somewhere !" Go say bye to the family and comeback fast !"

Avni:"can you stop commending me ?i will not move until you tell me where are we going ? "

Neil:"I'm not telling you ! Now choose either you do what I said or I'll lift you on my shoulder and take you "

Avni gave up and did whatever he said and came back to him to his car after some minutes they reached the airport but entered from a different door than the other people and surprise!!! There is a private jet .

Avni:"can you now tell me what is going on ??" She looks confused as hell ..

Neil :"do you trust me ?"

Avni thought for a moment and said :"no! Your mind changes so many times a day almost more times than I change my clothes in a week !"

Neil :" well fair enough but I'm giving you a surprise ! because as you said my mood changes and then I hurt the people around me ! So to ask for forgiveness we are going to a honeymoon ! »

Avni: honey what ???? »

Neil : « moon... And actually it's not really a honey moon as you know we are not married in that way but it's our first vacation ! So our families think that it's a honey moon »

Avni: "but I can't travel I don't have my medicines and clothes and .. »

Neil: « everything you need will be there ! That's the power of having a rich charming and extremely hot business man !"

Avni just rolled her eyes !and they went in .

The flight was very long which made Avni fall asleep on Neil's shoulder by as soon as they reached he woke her up and it was night .

Avni:"can I know where are we ? At least now !!!"

Neil:"Maldives !"

Avni:"nooo! You're joking right ??? I can't believe it thank youuu " with that she hugged him tight .

Neil:"it's fine but I think I at least deserve a kiss on the cheek right?"

Avni just rolled her eyes and walked , they sat in a car and soon they arrived to this huge house on the beach with a swimming pool and an enormous bedroom . Neil was talking on the phone as Avni was exploring the house and finally she reached the balcony and the view was so beautiful in the night which made her wonder how it would look ..

Neil came behind her and whispered in her ear making her slightly jump but then relax:"so do you like it wifey ?"

Avni:"yes I love it !Wait what?w..wifey?!"

Neil:"yeah ! Any problem ? Wifey !"

Avni:" not really ! I'll go change and sleep ! You said that I have clothes here right ?"

Neil:"yeah all what you need !"

Avni went to the cupboard and found a new set of pajamas and went to the bathroom to change and came back after that to the room but Neil wasn't there , she looked for him around the house but he was no where to be seen and finally she looked at the pool and there he was swimming shirtless under the moon light she stood there without moving just admiring this handsome man while his muscles were moving with the waves of the pool water in silence but that silence stopped as she heard him speak .

Neil:"are you done checking me out ?"

Avni:"uh..why n..o I mean no I wasn't checking you out I was looking for you and now that I found you I'm going back in !" But before she was going he spoke again !

Neil:"going back in? you have a private pool in you dream destination plus a candy like me and you want to go back instead of coming in to swim ! You must have a serious problem !" He teased her .

Avni:"I don't have any serious problem ! First I am sic I can't do rough activities and second I have seen better candies than you !"

Neil looked at her with a straight face and suddenly cam out of the pool going away from her .

Avni:" I'm sorry I didn't want to ruin your mood I was just joking !"

Neil:" well telling your husband that you have seen better than him is not a joke"

Avni:" I'm sorry ! I didn't mean it ! Please go back in!" Well she really felt guilty ..

Neil:"why so that you can check me out again?"

Avni :"your mood cahnges so fast that it scares me !"

Neil:"so you're scared of me !?" He looks sad while saying it .

Avni:"what no? Of course not !"

Neil:"what if I put my hand here!?" He said it while putting his one hand around her waist :"still not scared ?" Avni shook her head no.

Neil:"that's a good sign ! And what if I put my second hand on your cheek ! Still not afraid ?" Avni shook her head as no again and before she could compete shaking her head back and forth his lips were on hers devouring her lips in lust or love maybe both as her hands travelled to his chest moving to his wet back travelling again to his hair and finally tug on it hard making him groan and kiss her harder while biting her lips .

Finally they parted breathing heavily with their forgeads against each other's Avni still looking down with red cheeks .

Neil pulled her face up by placing his fingers on her chin making her look at him :"you should go to sleep now ! Or else I won't be able to stop ! Okay ?" He said it and kissed her cheek Avni just nodded in shock and literally ran to the house jumping on the bed hugging. Herself with blanket and drifted to sleep with a stupid smirk on her face 🤦🏼‍♀️.

Precap: you guys choose plzzzzzzzz

-Neil jealous ?

-Avni jealous ?

I really hope you liked this chapter 💕💕

It is long so I hope you didn't get bored
Please tell me what do you want for the next chapter ❤️❤️

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See you guys soon 🥰🥰🥰

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