Chapter 16

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Morning :

neil woke up first .. to find the most beautiful woman in his bad sleeping in his arms and instantly his heart started beating fast , she just slept in his arms what if one day she sleeps with him as in after making love his heart would definitely stop beating -that's what he thought- .

He couldn't help but remember her beautiful words for him as if he was the most perfect man on earth and deep inside he knew that he wasn't perfect and definitely not for her .. maybe his insecurity was speaking or his unconditional love ..

Not wanting to disturb her he got up from the bed and went to the kitchen of that beautiful house with a beautiful view on the beach which Avni loves so much . He wanted to prepare something for her but poor Neil didn't know how to cook anything so he made her a juice with toasts (better than nothing ..) .

On the other side Avni just woke up and as soon a She opened her eyes images and audios of their confession came to her mind .. she couldn't help but smile widely but that smile didn't last long and started fading as soon as she realized that Neil wasn't with her in the bed , she got up fast and ran in the house looking for him stopping brutally at the kitchen's door ,sighing in relaxation ..

Neil didn't notice her neither heard her due to the voice of the mixer he used to make the juice .

He was still shirtless and that tempted Avni to go and hug his bare torso from behind but afraid of his reaction she stood there for a moment , as Neil was a very complicated man , maybe touching him in the morning would make him uncomfortable as he told her once or maybe not touching him and not making any physical contact would make him feel that she didn't mean the words she told him yesterday so she just decided to tap his bare shoulder in a way to make him aware of her presence .

Neil turned , and smiled at her good morning .handing her the juice :"I hope you like it !"

Avni took it and sipped : "I love it ! Thank you !"

Neil :"so ..."


Neil:" are we like together now ?"

Avni:"I don't know you tell me ! Are we ?"
She said it teasing him ..

Neil:"yeah I think so ! But still I feel like I don't really know you !"

Avni:"I actually feel the same !"

Neil:"I'm going back to the room ! Come we'll talk !"

Avni:"back to the room ? So you're not working today ..!"

Neil:"Nah ! I took a day off for you !"

Avni smile widened :"for me ?"

Neil nodded and Avni followed him to the room and both of them sat on the bed next to each other ..

Avni:"so what do you want to know about me ?"

Neil:" I know that you never dated ! But .. did you have a Crush on someone ? "

Avni:"no i only had crushes on actors not real men ! "

Neil:"glad to know!"

avni:"what about you neil? did you have a girlfriend ?" she asked him in a very sarcastic way smirking ...

neil:"come on ! im sure that you already know the answer ! "

avni :"okay then let me change the question ! how many ex girlfriends do you have ?"

neil :"i dont think that you will like the answer ! but... I want to be honest with you so 7!"

avni:" oh ! itwas definetly not expecting this ... so you told 7 women that you love them and kissed them all? " she asked it in a tune full pf Curiosity!"

neil:"well... ! but trust me if i knew that one day i would actually be in love as much as i am today with you ! i would have waited ages for you ! and it was Always meaningless i promise you and the proove is that it wouldnt last more than 2weeks ...i " he got cut off by avni ..

avni:"its okay !after all we all have a past .." she said it with a smile on her face .

neil:" not really ! i mean look at you ! no past no boyfriend no kisses no problems .."

avni:"when I siad past i didnt mean only relationships or boys...anyways can we go out?"

neil:"of course ! just tell me where do you want to go ? maybe you would like a breakfast somewhere ! a much better breakfast than mine ?" he said it laughing .. which made avni notice his smile and the beautiful voice which left his throat while laughing! he looked so much better now all simple in a sweatpants ,shirtless ,whith natural messy hair and his gorgeous smile on his perfect face..

neil:"stop staring at me like that ! »

Avni: « like how ? »

Neil: « like I'm the most beautiful thing in the world !because trust me I'm not ! »

Avni: « well you are beautiful , physically and even your soul! » she said it looking at him directly in his eyes with intensity making him feel like she means every word !

Neil was about to answer her but his phone disturbed him as it ringed (DD)

Neil excused himself and spoke on the phone for a moment and came back to avni looking frustrated ,brushing his hand over his hair all over again and again ....

Avni: « what happened neil ? Any problem at home or maybe at the office ? » she looked concerned which made neil change his expressions a bit to let her relax ...

Neil: « actually at the office,so ...there is actually this really huge business party happening with all the biggest business men and women ,and if i go I will have the chance to meet them and probably the chance to have so many deals which would take the company to an absolutely other level ! »

Avni: « that's amazing! But i dont see the problem .. i mean this is such a good opportunity then why would you miss it? » her expressions changed from excited to curious ..

Neil: « the party is tomorrow ! In India »

Avni: « ooh!!! Now i get it ! But its fine i mean i had 2 amazing days here in Maldives i even got a friend and the best gift ever which is your heart... »
She smiled at the end making him wonder how could she be so selfless ,-but little did he know that love is selfless not selfish -

Neil: « okay then we will be going this after noon and thank you so much avni ,but for now let me take you out ,do you want to go shopping? Or eat something? Actually let's do both ! » saying that he dragged her to the room ,one changing there and the other in the washroom ,they spent the last hours in Maldives eating then shopping and here they are now in the airport , precisely in the plane waiting for it to take off and till then neil asked avni if he could use her phone as his battery was almost dead ,avni agreed and gave him her phone when he gave her his and told her to read the number written and surprise there is the name of a girl (Sofia)...

Neil messaged her from Avni's phone telling her to prepare the files as he will go to the office to meet her and the team to ptrepare for tomorrows party..

Avni thought about ignoring the fact that her husband is messaging a girl but the ache she felt in her chest and the heavinnesss of her her breath declined it and she just ended up asking...

Avni: « neil! Who is she ? » she said it changing her tone to sound normal

Neil: « my PA »

Avni almost shouted : « what? I thought that i was your PA !so I'm fired ? »

Neil: « what? No of course not ! You wanted to be a simple employee last time ,remember? »

Avni: « oh! Yeah that's also correct but you could have hired a male PA ,i mean what will people say ,he fired his wife to bring another woman ,they will say that you have an affair with her ... its for your good that I'm saying it because i dont care ,i mean none of my buisness you know?! » she started fumbling at the end and looking everywhere but his eyes in the goal to get away with that feeling in her chest that ugly feeling without neil knowing about it ...

Neil: « i don't  care about what people say .. »

Avni looked at him and was about to answer him but her frustration didn't let her

Avni POV :
Seriously ? This is his answer « i dont care what people say » he could have said so much better like no dont worry !or I wont cheat on you because i love you or even better  like you are much prettier than her ! Wait ! Will he ever say i love you again ? Or was it yesterday the first and last time ? God i hope not ? And what the hell is wrong with me and this feeling ! Am i jealous ? God i hope not ! I definetly need help ,as soon as i reach India i need to meet the girls (mitali and juhi) only they can help me !
                         -END OF POV-

After hours they reached India and its night ,they met the khanna family who were waiting for them ,they were all going to sleep when avni went to bebe who was with her son and daughter in law shweta
To ask them away from neil (by the way they didn't really talk since they got in the plane as neil slept when avni was only thinking about this Sofia )

Bebe: « what happened my dear ? Any problem ? »

Avni felt so embarasssed to ask them but after some courage she went for it : « actually bebe! I needed to meet my bffs as they are going to help me with something important ,so I wanted to ask you if it would be okay to .. them here please! »

Bebe looked at her with a stern face and avni had almost tears but suddenly all 3 started laughing on her .

Prakash: « of course avni ! You are my daughter this is your house you call who ever you want and please tell them to spend the night here we have many guest rooms as its not safe for them to go back home at night ! »

Avni smiled and hugged all 3 ,and immediately called her bfffs for a sleep over emergency but till they arriv she went to the room to change her clothes and he was sleeping so without disturbing him she took, her clothes and head off the room ...

Tomorrow's precap :Avni jealous

So sorry to take this much time to post ❤️
I will post the next one tomorrow as I am still writing ...

Sorry today's chapter is not very spicy 😂

But tomorrow you will see Avni's jealousy 😏

Are you excited for tomorrow's chapter ?

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