Chapter 20

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Avni is trying to sleep with tears in her eyes before Neil comes back and that thought made her wonder what Time is it ?

She looked at the clock and surprise 9pm?
Where is Neil ?

Avni POV:
Since I confessed my love to Neil he comes daily at 8 to have dinner with me and then either we watch tv or Netflix together but today it's 9 and he still is nowhere to be seen .

I called him so many times! I even messaged him .

There is no harm in trying to call him again .... ringing ... still ringing and .... "hello " thank god he seems fine from his hello .

I spoke further almost entering in the phone : "Neil are you okay ? What happened ? And where are you ? And is it it music ! Don't tell me you're drunk ! "

Neil: "no! I'm not drunk , and I should be asking you : where the hell are you ? You told me that you would come out of the event at 7:30 I waited for you for so long , and you weren't anywhere to be seen ! Did you lie to me ? " he sounded so angry so hurt so..... .

I couldn't help but let the tears that were already in my eyes fall : "no Neil of course I didn't lie to you ! I was there you can ask them .. I was supposed to wait till the end of the event at 7:30 but I ... I didn't feel well so I went out before that . I didn't know that you were coming to take me so I didn't wait and I took a taxi ! »
I tried my best to explain to him by almost shouting as he wouldn't hear me with the music . Where the hell is he ???

Neil: "of course you're telling me to ask them because you know the event is over and there's literally no one left there ! Anyways I don't care where you went or where you are ... » he doesn't believe me ? He doesn't care ? No that can't be true ?? Does he think I was with someone ? Noo god plz take that idea out of his mind .

I need to explain it to him now and without the tears and the music : « Neil ! Plz tell me where are you , I'll come with the driver we can go somewhere or just comeback home to talk ! Don't be angry ! »

Neil: "no thanks I'm with a ... an old ... old friend of mine ... in a .. party .
                            Sleep ! »

A friend ? Old friend ? Party ? And sleep that's all he has to say !? What the ...

« What do you mean an old friend what's his name ? Is it DD or Ali ?or who !they don't party ,dance and drink ? » I know he is lying ! His friends would send him talk to me not make him drink ..

Neil: « uu...h it's not a he it's a she ! Laila » he said her name and my heart literally clenched ; it caused such a pain in my chest , I wanted to shout at him how can he do this to me ? I would never go to a bar with a man because I'm angry at Neil I wouldn't even think of that but then I thought that maybe if she told him that I was with her he would believe me .

« I was with her in the event you can ask her , then maybe you would believe me ! »

Neil: « what do you think ? I asked you for no reason ? Of course she told me that she didn't see you I showed her your picture she didn't see you and her friend also didn't »

He said those words , I heard them , I understood them , but my brain couldn't function , did he believe her ? Over me ? why would she lie ? We even spoke about him ! I thought about scolding him for being with his ex , I thought about telling him how much of a liar she is , I thought about saying many things but my tongue wouldn't move , and air wouldn't leave my throat , so I did what was best for me and I hang up on him . I cried so much on the bed . On the floor . In the balcony and finally on the sofa where I slept...

The next morning :
                         Avni POV
I just woke up and that too because of a car honks ,they were getting louder and louder , finally I gave up my sleep and got up to fall back in the sofa , I felt so dizzy , my head was so heavy , my vision blur and my face felt puffy , taking some courage left somewhere in my soul I got up and went downstairs , in my way I looked at the mirror and I looked a mess But who cares it's not like I'm going to a fashion show . I walked faster to reach the source of these honks ..

Finally out I didn't notice any car but Neil's ! What the hell is wrong with him ?this early in the morning .?
He came out of the car walking like a drunk man ... oh wait ... he is a drunk man GREAT .... 

I finally managed to speak when he was about to fall after I ran to him and held him by his waist he is heavy very heavy actually ... "careful! Why were you honking ?? You almost woke up the neighbors " I scolded him.

Neil : "it wouldn't have happened if you answered your phone or heard the door bell , you sleepy ... whatever .." his breath made me turn my head away from him . I hate the smell of alcohol in the morning especially if you slept without brushing ...

"And it wouldn't have happened if you took your keys , or let's say if you came back home last night like a good husband and slept with your good wife instead of partying and sleeping with that ... bitch "                    i murmured the last word under my breath but I don't think he heard it as he reacted to something else instead of that: "I didn't sleep with her .... "

He is wrong if he thinks that it's gonna make me happy because I'm still pissed ..very pissed ...

My back literally broke after finally going the stairs up pushing him . I took him to the shower and turned on the cold water with his clothes on he literally shouted but slowly his senses came back .i gave him clothes and went back to the room .

While he was in the shower I couldn't help but think , where did he sleep ? What did he mean by I didn't sleep with her ? did he mean he didn't sleep with her on one bed ? or did he mean he didn't have sex with her ?

Did they kiss?

Did he feel something again for her ? Or maybe that something never went away ?

I couldn't think further as he came out of the shower looking much better , smelling amazing . He came towards me !

Neil: "what happened to your eyes ? They're red and your makeup is all messed up ! "

« I ...I don't know ! »

Neil: « you were crying weren't you ? » he asked it in a soft voice but a very stern face . I just looked at him blankly ...

Neil: « was it because of me ? »

"Not completely ! .. and I really want to go back to sleep it's only 6 am "      I couldn't tell him the reason as tears came back into my eyes after her words hit me again ! I am definitely not the weak type of girl but I don't know why her words hurt me so much ! She was pretty and fit and so different than me ! Maybe it's the fact that she was much better than me that Neil thought about having kids with her and not with me ?

I'm now laying on my side of the bed it's quite dark as Neil just closed the curtains I'm trying to not think about her words or about his meeting with her or about her, lies all I want is sleep... but suddenly I felt something warm against my back ... his chest , and a Weight on my waist .... his arms.

"Kiss me!"            That's what he said ....

But I didn't respond I just acted asleep .

And at that moment I understood that this was just the beginning of problems ...


I'm sooo sorry for all the time I took .. 💔

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Love you all

See u soon 😊😊😊

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