Chapter 22

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I woke up , freshened up ,and went to the kitchen , prepared breakfast for Neil ,then came back to the room to wake him up for his meeting suddenly his phone buzzed ...

DD : good morning sir ! Your meetings has been successfully canceled just like you told me to do at night ...

Avni read the message and couldn't understand ! Why would neil cancel all his meetings and still tell her to wake him up .

Is he going to spend the day with me ?

She smiled like a fool at this thought , just when Neil woke up.

Neil : «  what's making you smile this early in the morning ? Our memories of yesterday ? » he teased her and she just rolled her eyes with red cheeks .

Avni : « Neil since your meeting.. » she couldn't finish that he cut her off : « oh yes thank you Avni for waking me up! I have so many meetings today , and I don't trust DD with them ! I'll probably be late at night so don't wait for me » he then went to the bathroom leaving Avni numb .

Why would he lie to me ?

His phone buzzed again and she felt guilty for reading his message but she had to :

Laila: waiting for you eagerly and even more for our dinner #cantgetenoughofyou 😉

he is spending the day with her ? And even having dinner with her ? Secretly??

A long tear escaped her eye , just when Neil came out of the bathroom .

Neil POV:
I am again talking to a mirror in the bathroom ! Great !! Anyways I'll just go meet that bitch ! Explain to her sweetly that I don't love her anymore and she has to leave me soon .
I opened the door of the bathroom to see my wife sitting on the edge of the bed holding her phone crying , I rushed to her but as soon as I tried to touch her she pushed me !

Why ? What did she read on her phone ?

Oh shit! it's my phone !

Just as I was about to talk I heard her small weak broken and hurt voice followed by sobs « I knew it »

No words could leave my mouth besides : « no Avni it's not what you think ... let me explain » I stooped as she got up , threw my phone on the bed and turned her back from me .

I heard her again say but this time with a strong voice without even bothering to turn and look at me : « choose ! Either you get out of the house or I do because at this moment I can't stand you ! »

My heart was about to stop beating as she said that ! I don't want her to leave me never !! so I took my phone , wallet car keys and got out of the house to end things forever with that Laila ...

Avni pov :
I wanted to shout at him , slap him push him but I just couldn't and the only idea that is coming to my head right now Is going very far away from him and that's what I will do . I couldn't help but remember last night's events and his words :

He was kissing my neck going up my cheeks then stopped as he looked right through my soul and said « I love you Avni .. a lot » .

At that moment yesterday I was going to ask him for a kid , because I thought that he would never cheat on me , that he loves me and maybe wants a family with me not with her , that maybe Laila was wrong . But I was Wrong about him , about his love ,about his promisses .

Mom I was right when I said that I didn't want to marry a rich man ...

Thank god i didn't ask him for a child , a cheater doesn't deserve to have kids or a family that would welcome him when he is back home .

He doesn't deserve me !
He never did ! From the beginning !!

End of POV ..

Avni looked back at her phone in which she could see the pic of her plane ticket to London , where her cousin Riya lives alone and who got so happy as soon as she heard her Avni was coming to see her ..

Avni was now in a taxi with her suitcases in the back of the car and her tears on her cheeks ! She saw the airport , payed the taxi driver and smiled at him as he gave her a handkerchief to wipe her eyes and she did .

Hours passed ..
Avni was now sitting in the plane thinking about what is she going to say to her parents about her leaving and about her break from Neil when suddenly a voice got her out of her thoughts : « it's a 10h flight ! You know that right ? »

She looked at the man beside her and he looked sweet as a smile was on his face .

Avni: « uh.. yes i know ! Why ? »

The man : « nothing I just meant that we should chat a little bit or else we will get bored ! My name is DEV » he forwarded his hand towards her .

Avni hesitated a little bit but he really didn't look harmful : « Avni ne.. Avni Mehta  nice to meet you » .

Precap :
Neil : just find her damnit ! I'm going crazy over here and all you have to say is that her phone is off ! You can't track her ? » he shouted with red teary eyes making his employees flinch .

Sorry I couldn't post earlier ! I really couldn't manage with the studies ! 😭😭😭

I hope you liked it if yes then pls vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️

I will try my best to update soon ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the love and support 💕💕💕

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