Chapter 9 part 2

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After wiping her tears , she adjusted her makeup and wore a fake smile to show her in laws that nothing was wrong between the newly married couple and definitely not the first day . She went downstairs and sat silently with them listening to their random small talks when suddenly Neil came from the garden , his eyes met Avni's but not for too long as they were so much full of emotions he sat next to bebe and kissed her forehead , she turned at him saying :
"My grandson ! I can't believe you grow up so fast , but more than that I am still not being able to believe that you changed ! You got married and that too a love one ! These days you even smile ,I am so happy that I want to throw a party for you and my beautiful girl here Avni "neil rolled his eyes at the thought of him changing he wanted to shout loud (I AM NOT CHANGING I AM JUSG ACTING )
But he couldn't because he wanted them to be happy or maybe he was just too afraid of the changes coming in his live just because of one woman !!
every one smiled at the soft words of bebe except for shweta who got up from the table with a thud making every one look at her in shock .
Shweta:"bebe ! What an idea !!" She said it looking so excited that even Prakash smiled but bebe gave her the famous confused look:"which idea shweta?"
Shweta:"the party ! I seriously don't remember any party happening in this house since me and Prakash got married and ohhh what a party it was and Prakash you used to be so romantic that Neil happened !"she was still day dreaming about her young handsome husband when Neil woke her up by his words :"mom !!! Please don't share these stuff in public "
Shweta felt embarrassed for what she said but then to make herself look less guilty she added :"you are acting as if you won't say these things to Avni in some years in front of your kids !" Neil's eyes widened and traveled to Avni expecting her to be red in shyness but to his surprise she was looking shocked or wait maybe sad ,but why?? He thought but couldn't find an answer as his brother called him !
Yuvi:"yeah bro !! Finally there will be a party here ! Neil invite all your hot female friends ok ? I know you have many of them but now since you are married they will become your sisters !" He was joking with his brother but this one wasn't in the mood to laugh or even smile .
he just went up .avnj was about to ask Yuvi which kind of a party it will be when shweta stopped her :"avni! what are u still doing here go go up to your husband he must be waiting for you !"
Avni:"u..m no bebe he must be busy and..." she couldn't speak further as shweta added :" I am sur he isn't too busy to spend some time with his beautiful wife "
Avni just smile and went upstairs to stop in front of the room wishing for the best she opened the door to find Neil laying in the bed she looked at him for a second but lowered her eyes fast and went to the washroom , changed in her pyjamas and came back to the room to sit on the chair and brush her long black hair but stopped as soon as she felt a strong gaze on her she looked through the mirror to see him, the only person in the room looking at her not in anger NO defiantly not It was more of that look that an artist would give looking at art .she blinked her eyes and got up switched off the lights to go and lay in the bed her back facing his face and they both slept maybe not in peace but very fast...
The morning came and it's sun disturbed neil's sleep which made him open his eyes to feel someone's breath on his neck well of course it was none other than Avni who was sleeping peacefully with an arm around his waist and her face in the crook of the neck he was after all a man and having his wife so close to him and that too in the morning made him turned on but still he managed to move her away from his body softly without waking her up so he can rush to get a cold shower as soon as he finished he came out shirtless only in his towel and wet messy hair to find Avni sitting on the bed looking at him with an open mouth or maybe staring at him his chest especially but as soon as she saw his confidence coming through his eyes she moved her gaze away from him and continued taking out her clothes from the cupboard to put them on the bed and that's when Neil noticed what she was doing ! Why would she take all her clothes absolutely all of them to throw them on the bed ?? He asked himself but his brain couldn't help him out so he decided to press on his ego with his foot and ask her but still with full attitude .
Neil:"what the hell are you doing ?"his voice was full of confusion.
Avni stood silent for a moment but ended up answering :"I was looking for something to wear !" She said it so casually.
Neil:something? Really ? You have a thousand peace of clothes !" Unbelievable was something he wanted to say.
Avni:"still I don't have anything to wear for the party except for my simple sarees"
Neil :"it's just a party ! Just wear one of them ! "He was about to say that she'll look nice in anything but his ego stopped him from saying that and his past made him say something even worse .
Neil :"don't try to impress me by wearing the best that you have that won't work on Neil khanna so just wear one of your old fashion sarees ! K?! » he gulped hard after saying that especially after noticing the moisture in her eyes .
Avni with a heavy heart spoke calmly :
« I am not trying to impress you ! I am just doing my duty as a daughter in law of such a rich house ! because it would be a shame if I wore one of my old fashion sarees in such a party and that too in front of your hot female friends ! The people will start blaming your choice which is in real just an obligation and that would cause a lot of humiliation to your family and to you too I'm sure ! »she said it till the last word with so much hurt yet confidence looking right into his eyes .
Let's Go TO PART 3 💛💛💛💛💛

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