Chapter8 part 2

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he gulped his saliva down trying to act normal.
Neil:"I'll just go change and comeback ok?"
Avni nodded .
Neil entered the washroom and closed the door leaving a high sigh finally he was breathing normally but still trying to manage his heartbeat .he changed and came out to find Avni still in the bed sitting and looking all around the bachelor pad it looked beautiful with all the decorations and the flowers ,she just noticed Neil and looked at him it was an awkward silence when he finally spoke .
Neil:"so let's sleep ,I know maybe you are not comfortable in sleeping with me but I don't have a couch here but don't worry .."she cut him off.
Avni:"no it's fine I .. I trust you " she said it with a smile that warmed his heart he smiled back and layes next to her making his back face her so that she feels comfortable. half an hour passed and Avni thought that Neil was asleep so she got up slowly without disturbing him and went to his balcony she sat in one of the chairs and just let the fresh air touch her face Neil wan't asleep and he followed her to the balcony to check on her she was lost in her thoughts and suddenly felt someone behind her she was about to shout but Neil stopped her by shutting her mouth with his mouth :"calm down Avni it's me " Avni recognizes his voice and sighed he sat next to her .
Avni:"I thought that you slept sir "she said it trying to hide her thighs at least, which was impossible so Neil took off his t-shirt and gave it to her she took it smiling at him while checking him in his tank top showing his biceps and his abs under the tank top but she shook her head as soon as she realized it .
Neil:"so what are you doing here ?at this time ?"
Avni:"actually sir .."he cut her off before she could speak any further .
Neil:"avni please stop calling me sir ! I am your husband !"
Avni looked at him blankly for a moment and continued :"actually Neil.."he cut her off again :"say it again "
Avni:"say what again ?"
Neil:"my name !"
Avni gulped hard and spoke lowly :"Neil" she said it in such a voice that made him feel like he was maybe in love with her .
Neil:" ok continue !" He smiled .. .
Avni:"it's nothing serious !it's just new for me .. i ..I mean yesterday my name was Avni Mehta and today it's Avni Neil khanna ,yesterday I was sleeping in my parent's house in my room with my sister surrounded by my family and my bffs and today I am sleeping in my husband's bachelor pad wearing this .. and "she finished it with a sigh.
Neil understood that it was hard for her and he knew that this was the reason  of her sobbing in the car but he didn't want to console her but tried to make her feel better by his casual words:"well Avni! It's kinda hard for me too you know !but I am not sure you would like to hear it after what I did with you !"
Avni:"I know that you did this for your bebe and if I had one I would have done the same thing for her ,and in a way I am actually happy that we got married I have seriously never seen my family as happy as today ."
Neil:"me too"it was all he could say after her confession .
Avni:"so tell me Neil ! How is it hard for you ?"
Neil:"well yesterday I was that arrogant guy who used to argue with his family about his marriage ,and now I am that guy who smiled at his wedding ,yesterday at this time I was sleeping in my king sized bed alone and today I am sitting with a beautiful woman who is now wearing a nightie of my favorite color sitting with her in the balcony in my tank top " he said it chuckling at the end to make it not so weird after his honest words.
Avni just looked at him with pink cheeks and said :"thank you for calling me beautiful i don't know if you mean it or .."
Neil:"of course I mean it ! " he said it in a husky voice making her heart beat faster  she looked down blushing neil smiled at her antics and looked at the little table in the balcony and to his surprise there was a bottle of red wine he took it and poured a glass for him .
Avni looked at him blankly .
Neil:"Don't worry you didn't marry an alcoholic I drink very rarely and that too only red wine ."Avni smiled .
Avni:"is it okay if I drink it !?"she asked it in one go .
Neil:"have you ever drank it ..?"
Avni :"no I never tried any alcoholic drink ! And whenever I had the chance to I was alone which made me fear my reaction so.."
Neil:"oh okay let me pour you some "he poured her the glass and gave it to her she smiled at him like a child having a candy , after all her fantasy was becoming reality , she drank it in one go scared of the taste but she was surprised to feel sweetness she actually liked it .
Neil was waiting for her reaction she turned at him forwarding the glass as if to get more .
Neil:"avni I Don't think it's a good idea "
Avni:"but why ? I mean you are having a second Glass too ! Ohh ! It's.. It's okay if you don't want to share a drink with me "she was kind of disappointed.
Neil:"no no that's not what I mean it's just that you may get tipsy easily because it's your first time and I have already had it that's why ."
Avni nodded and then requested :
"Can I have a tissue ! Please ?"
Neil nodded and went back to the room and Avni hovered over the bottle and drank two more glasses liking the taste forgetting that it has alcohol !!!.
Neil was coming back with the tissue when his chest bumped into hers giving him a hard time but he managed to take a step back,Avni looked down in embarrassment and took the tissue from him thanking him and got  back to bed Neil followed her and they both turned to opposite sides ,Avni took her phone to check the time to find 15 messages from mitali who was definitely with juhi ,was she seriously asking her if anything happened yet between them ? Avni didn't want to ignore the messages or they will tease her as hell the next day by saying that she was too busy Romancign with Neil so she just told them that nothing happened because they were tired , of course she wouldn't tell them that he was never her boyfriend. Miitali and juhi were shocked so  juhi asked mitali to ask Avni if she wore the nightie !👇👇😝
Mitali:"Avni did you wear the nightie?
Avni:"yes "
Mitali:"how about your hair! Is it open ?"
Avni :yes it is  " 👇
Avni noticed that mitali saw her message but was typing then stopping all over again and again .so she massaged her .👇
Avni:"just say it !"
Mitali ;"don't get me wrong babe but maybe he is gay "
Avni:"what are you crazy ?????"
Mitali :"which man can resist a gorgeous woman like you in a nightie in his wedding night ! and that too he loves you , I mean even if it was an arranged marriage he wouldn't have controlled !!!!
You got my point ?"👇👇🙀😏
—————————————————————Avni was about to answer but she started feeling something strange !! Oh maybe the wine started showing it's effect .
Precap :drunk Avni
if you liked it then please vote and comment and go read part 3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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