Character Bio

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Merlyn Pendragon

Specie: Witch

She is the daughter of Hunith and Balinor and a powerful witch and the only Dragonlady and a creature of the Old Religion. She become the wife of Arthur Pendragon and the mother of their children Kahlan and William. She is known by the druids as Emrys. 

Love Interest: Arthur Pendragon

Special Abilities-

Magic- One of the most powerful creatures in the world of magic, Merlyn's abilities are far beyond those of normal sorcerers. She was born of two bloodlines that possessed very strong magic: Rahl and Zorander . This makes her an extremely powerful witch. Though most had to study and perfect their skills over many years, Merlyn's magic developed from birth with no training and grew at a remarkable rate. She is able to use her magic to instinctively perform techniques such as slowing down an object's movement, possibly extending to time itself, and moving objects with telekinesis. Over time, her powers grew to the point where she can generate telekinetic blasts powerful enough to stun, wound, or even kill her enemies. She can also project these blasts over a wide range to strike several opponents simultaneously. She can use to communicate with other magic users and even to learn spells, and the ability to see the future in the Crystal of Neahtid and the crystals of Crystal Cave. She is also able to sense sources of powerful magic, including artifacts such as the Mage Stone and the Cup of Life; spirits and spells. She is also adept in the use of elemental magic. She is particularly fond of fire and can use it a variety of ways, including lighting torches; conjuring rings of fire to surround an opponent; heating her enemies' weapons so they became too hot to hold on to. Though she didn't use them quite as often, Melissa equally skilled with the other three elements. Her command of her magic was shown to be particularly effective when her emotions were heightened.

Seer Abilities- Merlyn is a seer and thus is able to see visions of the future in her dreams. She often suffer from prophetic nightmares as a result of this ability, initially largely revolving around Arthur Pendragon's death.

Magical Resilience- Merlyn possess considerable magical resilience. She is able to survive a number of attacks meant to kill her, both magical and otherwise.

Dragonlady Abilities- Upon inheriting her status as the last Dragonlady, she began to realize several new abilities. She is able to command any Dragon (including their cousins the Wyvern) to do whatever he wished by speaking to them in their language, even if they are separated by a great distance; force multiple enemies away from her with a dragon-like roar; and call a hatchling forth from its egg. Merlyn can also use his magic to influence creatures besides dragons and wyverns.

Immortality- Like any magical creatures, Merlyn can live forever.

Fighting Skills- Having been taught all manner of combat styles, Merlyn is a skilled physical combatant. In particular, she prove more than capable as a swordsman and archer. She is also well versed in military strategy.

Skilled Physician- Merlyn learned to become a master physician due to being under her guardian, Gaius' guide throughout most of it all. She can identify herbs with ease.

Arthur Pendragon

Specie: Seeker of Truth

He is the son and heir of Uther Pendragon and the only child of Ygraine de Bois. He is the husband of Merlyn and the father of their children. He is also the paternal half-brother of Morgana, the nephew of Tristan de Bois and Agravaine de Bois. According to the prophecies of Kilgharrah, Arthur is destined to unite the land of Albion. As a young prince, Arthur was spoiled, narrow-minded, and arrogant, though good-hearted; as time passed, he eventually matured and became close with Merlyn before he marry her and have children with her. This was partially due to his dislike of the way his father ruled, and also because of the influence Merlyn had on him.

Love Interest: Merlyn

Special Abilities-

Seeker of Truth- Arthur Pendragon is a Seeker of Truth - a true Seeker, named by the current First Wizard based on his inherent abilities, as opposed to pretend Seekers named arbitrarily by governments in the decades preceding the story of the books. As such, he has several unique character traits on the verge of magic: although he dislikes riddles, he seek out the means to serve truth and justice. Usually, by seeking out evil and fighting it in whatever way he can. If that means seeking for a specific tool, he will find it. If it means seeking for a specific person who can help him, he will find that person. If it means seeking for a way to save someone, he will find a way. If it means seeking for a formidable enemy, he will find that enemy and defeat him/her when all others have failed. Also, he has a temper that sometimes acts on whim. Since otherwise his personality is quite pleasant and optimistic, albeit impatient, the anger appears to stem mainly from his being a Seeker. In addition, Arthur has also demonstrated that he can read the Book of Counted Shadows, written in a long-forgotten language (perhaps, mystical language) that most people (if any) in the Three Territories have forgotten how to read it. But Arthur can read it even though he's never studied it. He also has a sharp sense of when danger is near him.

Enhanced physical skills - Arthur have allies and magically-induced abilities, Richard is also armed with the Sword of Truth: an indestructible magic weapon that feeds on the Seeker's righteous anger and, in turn, heighten his strength, instincts and reflexes. Every Seeker that ever lived has used that same Sword. An advantage that has helped Arthur defeat dozens of enemies in a swordfight singlehandedly, and even deflect arrows and Wizards' Fire intended to kill him.

Fighting Skills- He is is an expert swordsmen as he has demonstrated on many occasions. Arthur is a swift and precise swordsman, and was known to dart out of the way of his opponents' attacks and immediately counterattack without any wasted movement, but he is by no means lacking in physical strength either, able to ward off blows from strong and aggressive opponents on several occasions. Arthur's expertise with a sword allow him to defeat several opponents at once. Many people consider him to be the greatest warrior in the history of Camelot. In addition Arthur has excellent skills with a mace and quarterstaff even though they were not his preferred weapon.  He is also capable of throwing knives accurately even when he was throwing them at a moving target.He is also very skilled with a lance. With or without the Sword in his hands, Arthur is still a master-level swordsman and expert hand-to-hand combatant.

Leadership Abilities- Arthur is also an excellent leader and a talented strategist.

Tracking Skills- Arthur also has advanced tracking skills. Skills that have helped him track numerous innocent people who needed his help, or evildoers who preyed on the innocent. It's his natural instinct as the Seeker to learn that skill and hone it to perfection.

Immortality- Like any magical creatures, Arthur can live forever.

Magic Knowledge- Arthur also displayed a surprising knowledge of magic.


Specie: Human

She is the mother of Merlyn which she had with Balinor.  She is also the half sister of Gaius, sharing the same father but different mother. She lives in the village of Ealdor in Cenred's Kingdom. She sent her daughter to Gaius in hope her brother would be able to help her. 


Specie: Human

He is a Knight of the Round Table and a good friend of Merlyn. Gwaine was born to a knight and his wife. Early in his childhood, his father died fighting in Caerleon's army, leaving his family penniless. When his mother went to the king for help, he turned her away. Gwaine's opinion of the nobility was forever altered by this experience; he believed that all nobles were blinded by power and greed, and that true nobility should be determined not by who you were, but by what you did. He is the mate of Gwen and he will marry her.

Love Interest: Gwen

Special Abilities-

Swordsmanship- Gwaine is an exceptionally skilled swordsman with a very unique fighting style.

Fighting Skills- Gwaine is also skilled in hand to hand combat. He managed to hold his own against Arthur after their duel devolved into a wrestling match and frequently participated in tavern brawls.

Magic Knowledge- Gwaine also displayed a surprising knowledge of magic.


Specie: Human

She is the younger sister of the late Sir Elyan, the only daughter and the youngest child of the late Tom (The Blacksmith and the former best friend of Morgana Pendragon and the best friend of Merlyn and will become the wife of Ser Gwaine. And by that, she will become a noblewoman of Camelot.

Love Interest: Gwaine

Special Abilities-

Weapon Knowledge- As the daughter of a blacksmith, Gwen is very knowledgeable about armour and various other pieces of equipment.

Dressmaking Abilities- Gwen is also known for her dressmaking abilities as she was noted as the best Seamstress in Camelot

Fighting Skills- Having been taught all manner of combat styles by her father, Gwen is a skilled physical combatant. In particular, she proved more than capable as a swordsman and archer. As a Confessor, Kahlan she is well versed in military strategy.


Specie: Human

is a loyal and trustworthy Knight of Camelot who served under both Uther and Arthur Pendragon. He became a Knight of the Round Table when he joined Arthur in his bid to retake the kingdom from Morgana and her sister Morgause, and soon became one of Arthur's most trusted advisors. He is one of only two Knights of the Round Table who were born of noble blood, Gwaine being the other. He will marry Princess Mithian of Nemeth and eventually will rule with her and become King of Nemeth.

Love Interest: Mithian


Specie: Human

She is the daughter of King Rodor  the princess of Nemeth. She is an old friend of Arthur Pendragon. She will marry Ser Leon and will become Queen of Nemeth. Unlike most princesses Mithian is kind and do not treat others poorly because of title.

Love Interest: Leon

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