Does love ever die?

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"Hey, what happened?" - the doctor made her level best to wake her up but they can't able to wake her up. soon a nurse came with her belongings and her phone which was fortunately working.

the phone rang which pops up with Radhika's name. the doctor attended the phone call. 

"Hello, granny... where are you? we are trying to reach you... please answer something paati" - Radhika cried over the phone. 

"Hello, i am the doctor from G.H, your sister is unconsciously lying in the hospital... can you able to come to complete the procedures?" - the doctor asked Radhika over the phone.

"sister?!? this is my granny's phone... where's my granny?" - Radhika exclaimed in shock, immediately rithik snatched the phone from Radhika and spoke, "where's my paati?"

the doctor was hell confused on seeing 20 years old anika lying on the hospital bed unconsciously neither she can able to wake her up and inquire her. with no other option left she explained to the scenario to Radhika and rithik over the phone. how the village people took her from the river shore and admitted in the hospital. where on the other hand, anika's grandchildren misunderstood her a thief and asked the doctor to call the police. but anika was still lying unconsciously.

Radhika and rithik narrated the scenario to their parents Arjun and Manasa, son-in-law and daughter of anika who was waiting for her in the hotel room. they wished to accompany her to the war memorial but anika convinced them that she will go alone to meet her husband. after she said none has the courage to go against her words. but it has been 12 hours since she left all the four become conscious about her and searched for her in every place.

"i think that girl did something to my mom... i told her not to wear that gold chain and go... see what happened?" - Manasa cried on thinking about her mom's condition.

"mannu... don't cry... come first let's go and enquire the girl about amma... nothing will happen to her" - anika's son-in-law Arjun consoled his wife Manasa while wiping his lone tear. 

"dad... mom... taxi came" - Radhika informed them and they reached G.H in 15 mins. 

they straightly went to that girl's ward where she got admitted and still in an unconscious state. her back faced them. having little patience Manasa rushed towards that girl and wake her up. who in turn fell on the river of shock after seeing her face.

"mannu... what happened?" - her husband asked her. where she didn't even turn her face to give him an answer.

"mom... we are asking you something..." - rithik asked her and moved towards anika's side who again fell on the same river like his mom. his eyes got widened in no time he fell unconscious on the floor.

"rithik" - Arjun, Manasa's husband yelled at his high pitch which made everyone to come to reality including anika. anika turned her position and placed herself flat, opened her eyes slowly look at the ceiling. her head started to hurt a lot.

aiyoo Rama... - anika exclaimed in pain where rithik and Radhika looked each other in shock as it's the same slang which is used by their granny.

amma... - Arjun and Manasa called her in the chorus where she turned back to them and got relieved on seeing them on that place.

Arjun... manasa...don't know what happened to me... - anika started to speak where she was shocked to the hell to hear her changed voice then she recalled the image she saw in the mirror before getting fainted on the floor. she raised her head and stared everyone's shocking eyes over her.

a horrified silence occupied the room, soon the silence was broken by the door opening sound by the police. they rushed inside leaving everyone jerking in the shock.

"Miss Radhika... do you think she's the one who did something to your granny?" - the police enquired her, she mistakenly nodded yes while scanning her daadi from head to toe in shock. 

"constable... arrest her" - the inspector ordered the constable who went towards anika with handcuff. anika scared on seeing them arresting her. she yelled to an extent but nothing went inside their ears.

"ARJUN... MANASA... DON'T DO THIS TO YOUR MOM... ASK THEM TO STOP YOU, IDIOTS... AT THIS AGE I CAN'T ABLE TO STAY IN JAIL" - anika yelled at her high pitch in Tamil, where they came to reality and made their mind that before thinking anything they should stop the police first.

"stop officers... leave my mom first..." - Arjun stammered to the police officers.

"mom?" -  officers asked suspiciously to them. 

"i mean our daughter... please leave her and we will take our complaint aback" - Manasa convinced the police officers they got convinced on seeing mother(Manasa) daughter (anika) resemblance and left.

"daughter?..." - anika asked Manasa and Arjun where they both again fell in shock on seeing her young face.

"maa... leave that... first, tell me what's this?" - Manasa becomes impatient and made her face the mirror where she slowly touched her cheeks and her hand, at that time she recalled her visit to that temple. 

"maa... you have one more daughter other than me and rithik" - Radhika asked Manasa while pointing his finger towards unconscious rithik who was lying in the floor.

"ritik" - anika whispered and ran towards her grandson and place him in her lap.

"Manasa... bring water" - anika ordered her daughter where her feet rooted in that place.

"MANASA... WATER"- anika yelled where she filled the water with her shivering hand and gave it to anika. anika splashed some water on his face where he slowly opened his eyes and tightly closed his eyes after seeing his young daadi before his eyes.

"rithik... get up..." - anika called him up. 

"no... first tell me i am dreaming... then only i will open my eyes" - he yelled at her high pitch.

"no... you're not dreaming" - anika said in a calm tone.

"no... i am dreaming" - he yelled while closing his eyes tightly. with no other option left anika pitched his biceps and made him wake up in jerk.

"naani... is this really you?" - rithik asked anika where she nodded yes with teary eyes.

"but how does this possible? what happened?"- Radhika and others sat opposite to her and questioned her. where she explained to them about the shiv temple in the middle of the forest. she even told them about that rumor and her curiosity to go to that temple. all the four listened to her without even blinking their eyes. 

"it means you visited that temple to make a wish..." - Arjun came to reality and asked her.

"yes..." - anika replied to them while bowing her head down.

"you wished to become young..." - Manasa asked anika in a shocking tone.

"NO"- she yelled at them. 

"then what did you ask Nani?" - rithik asked her and she again bowed her head down.

"i asked them to take me to my husband" - anika replied in a very low tone after a long pause where the expression in everyone's face changed and looked each other. soon the doctor came in and they stood up from the floor and looked at the doctor. 

who are you guys to her? - the doctor asked them. 

she's our daughter... - Arjun informed the doctor.

and our sister too... - Radhika added.

doctor i just want to ask one question doctor... what happened to my mom... i mean my daughter by the way? - Manasa asked the doctor.

your daughter attempted suicide by jumping from the cliff and fortunately, someone saved her from drowning and did CPR too... and went missing afterward, village peoples witnessed her and admitted in the hospital...  - the doctor said. 

CPR... daadi... someone kissed you... - ritik whispered in anika's ears where she glared at him and he gestured like zipping his mouth.

here's your daughter's report... everything is normal...BP, Diabetes, cholesterol... everything is normal... she don't need any medicines just need can take your daughter along with you... - the doctor informed and left where anika's jaw dropped in shock.

mom... you have no diabetes and bp... - Manasa exclaimed in shock where smile appeared in anika's face after a long time.

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