Destiny bond

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      I walked home from school today with my friends Lunar, Tyla, and Pixie. We were chatting about who we liked. it didnt matter much, but it was fun! Lunar likes Hunter, surprisingly both Tyla and I like Zephyr (don't ask where i got the name lol). Tyla and pixie went back to their houses. 

"Bye! See ya later!"

Then, the ground started falling in. Pulling both Lunar and I into the abyss and center of the pulling. We succumbed to it and got dragged in. 


all I could see was a dark ebony abyss with a purple tint around it. i tried to move but all i could do was lay motionless while staring up. And then, out of the abyys, walked a galaxy wolf. patterns of the stars were imprinted on its fur. a constellation of the pegasus lay upon its back. \

"L-lunar? is t-hat you?"

"Ha ha very funny." the wolf said "Quit with the cliched names and if your careful, I may not immediatley kill you."

 As soon as the words slipped out of her mouth a clamped my jaw shut. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to bind your soul To the one who you walked with."


"I hope your will to love will be ever strong.

LOL first book and chapter out! At first I thought you just had to write them, and publishing was at the end! X3 I'm sorry i suck and probably Nobody is reading, but GOODBYE  MY LITTLE KITTIES!

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