Sentenced to Live and Die together.

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Anika reached that village, She had no idea why she came here after three long years. But Her heart was not ready to calm state. Her heart continuously recalled the situation happened in the meeting. She threw all the documents which she researched for the past two years in the year. She stayed blank, Neither cried nor reacted to anything. She felt the whole bad moments she had in her life coming into her mind one after the another. She didn't ignore them, She dealt with that, In that process, She didn't know when she reached her granny's house. She knocked on the door. In her second attempt, Her granny opened the door. 

"Anika... What a sudden surprise?" - She exclaimed when she saw her in the doorstep. Tears ran out from her eyes and hugged her in a very next second. 

"What happened my dear? Why are you crying?" - Her granny asked her while patting her back. She didn't say anything but cried. 

"Won't you tell this to your granny?" - She asked her. 

"Sometimes i feel like i born just to experience betrayals and disappointment in the life" - She said while crying. Her granny didn't say anything after feeling the weight in her words. She knew she's in a very bad state.

Wiping her tears, She welcomed her inside. Over the past few years, Her grandmother living in this village after her husband's demise. And then she come to know about anika's condition who wasn't ready to abort her child. When her parents tried to force, She attempted suicide. She was clear, She either wanted to give birth to her child or die along with her child. So they send to her granny's house. In the starting, Her granny was against her decision. But she was stunned to see her will power. But when the kid was deadly born, She saw her most crushed state and fell in silent for months. She neither cried nor speak anything to anyone.  

"Come sit here..." - Her granny asked her to sit her in the couch, she did. She sat next to her. 

"Tell me, What happened?" - She asked her. But she didn't say anything instead fell on her lap and cried badly. 

"Ani, How long my dear? It happened! Some point in life, Everybody will have a heartbreak... Take me as an example, After your grandpa's death, my three kids concentration were only on the assets but none cared about me... Your father was exceptional, But i decided to come here and live far away from the world..." - She tried to console her but nothing went inside her ears. Frankly, She was not ready to believe that her child, Her daughter is no more. But she says that everyone will call her crazy. And she wasn't ready for that. 

Her granny fed her food and asked her to change. She changed her clothes but her mind wasn't clear yet so she decided to go out somewhere to get fresh air. 

"Where are you going?" - Her granny asked her when she saw going out. 

"Pond" - She replied. 

"Okay, Return before it gets dark..." - Her granny permitted her. 

Pond, It was always been a favourite place for her. Whenever she felt a little low or feel like crying she always came to that spot. She was two-month-pregnant when she identified that spot. When she crossed that way, She got mesmerized and stayed at the same place for while looking at that beauty. She felt light, During that time, nothing went inside her mind. She felt peace looking at little ducks, scenery, and the smell of nature. And the red rose garden next to the pond. She had no idea why she felt so connected to that garden. Whenever she goes there she automatically gets the feeling that shivaay never betrayed her but loved her so much. It was weird. Automatically her legs started to move towards the rose garden. And she again felt the same. Tears crossed her eyes. She had no idea, why she still thinks that he really loved her. 

She immediately wiped her tears when she heard someone's foot sound from the house which was right behind her. She turned back and saw an old lady who was smiling widely at her. 

"How are you?" - Anika asked her. She gestured fine in a sign language. 

"Three years, Amma..." - She said. When that lady widened her arms for her, She couldn't stop herself from going and hugging her. She felt her pain and took her to the steps and made her rest her head on her lap. Anika couldn't stop her from telling her everything which happened after she left that village. 

"Am i became mad?" - She asked while raising her head. That lady nodded no and said she's the best in sign language. Anika chuckled when she saw her efforts for bringing back her confidence. But Everything went vain. So that lady decided to tell her truth as it's high time. 

She pointed her finger towards the rose garden. Anika was confused, she asked what. That lady said, her son's tomb box buried under the rose garden in sign language. Anika was taken back for a while with new information.

"Why?" - She asked her. That lady didn't say anything but showed the vaanaka symbol in her right forearm to her. Anika's eyes went wide, but she didn't get afraid. Infact she got her vision cleared. 

"It means whatever i researched was not a part of some imaginary story but true..." - Anika asked that lady. She nodded yes. 

"Why? I mean what happened to your son?" - Anika again possed the question to her. 

She replied Some of other vaanaka killed him for breaking the rules and marrying a normal human being. She also told her why they tend to run away from the place they belong with their kids. She said she ran to this village as her husband and her brother got slaughtered by the head for telling the normal people about their kind which neither her brother nor her husband did. So they were behind their lives in sign language, Anika understood it well. 

"I learned about them in books... Is there are that much cruel?" - Anika asked her. She nodded yes.

"What about your brother's wife?" - Anika asked. She replied that they also killed her in sign language. 

"Your son!" - Anika became curious. 

She told her brother has one son and she was pregnant with her daughter. When her daughter was born, she decided that in future her daughter and her brother's son will get married and the future of her son was a question mark to her. But when she wrote a letter about a girl in his college for the first time. She understood where it will lead. And when they got married, she thought everything happening according to fate. 

"Then?" - Anika asked she had a weird feeling that she experienced the whole thing on her own. But she flushed off those thoughts. 

She told that head came to know that her son married a normal human and decided to kill everyone including the girl whom her son married. He came to know about this place and abducted her. But for her son and daughter, She was dead. 

"Dead? Why you have to lie to your own kids?" -  Anika asked her. 

She said Sometimes we have to play along with the fate to save them from the bigger tragedy. 

"But your son is dead at last...What happened to your daughter-in-law?"- Anika asked her. 

She said she also died along with him and also added they are sentenced to live and die together in this world because they are made for each other. Anika didn't ask any other question but with her answers, she felt she found new hope in her life and also she understood she was not supposed to stop her research when she's going to reach the end.


Shivaay couldn't able to think forward, Wherever he thinks he ends up in worrying about anika. but also he was not ready to leave Jahaan from his embrace when she exactly slept like anika holding his collars tighter. She started to snore in her sleep which she never does. Even it's surprising for Arushi. But they weren't ready to calm down when she dreamt about anika who was in danger.

Aru tried to get contact details of anika while contacting the Chennai branch. She got her phone number within a few minutes but Her phone was out of reach. Shivaay carried Jahaan in one hand and tried her mother number. He knew what will be the reaction after happenings. But he was ready to listen to her yelling but he badly wanted to know her location. 

"Hello, Aunty..." - Shivaay called her as soon as she took the call but she rested the call. 

"She rested the call..." - Shivaay spelt over then he saw Avinash in the doorstep with bloodshot eyes. He walked fastly towards him and took jahaan from his hands in an instant. Shivaay was shocked by his reaction. But he didn't protest. 

"Even after doing everything, I still have some respect for him... please ask him to leave, di" - He asked aru who was standing like a statue seeing her brother's behaviour over her father. 

"Avi, Relax... I will explain to you everything..." - Shivaay tried but Avinash wasn't ready to believe him. 

"How can you ask me to relax when you're the reason behind my loss?" - He asked her. 

"First, You snatched my mom from me, You know we both are happy with each other, we are complete... I didn't need you in my life at any point... But one day you came and bring us to this house...And introduced me to my sister but snatched my mom from me permanently..." - He busted out. Shivaay had nothing to say. 

"Okay, I can understand, In last birth, You did everything for us... Because you want to save us from the man who killed you both and he was behind our lives... Now what she did to you in this birth? Why you again hurted her? Why you again left her? You know when i was born, I was her priority, Her whole life surrounds me... Because After you left i was only her support system... I was her only driving factor" - Avi added, Shivaay couldn't able to say anything when he knew whatever he was asking was true. Aru could sense Avi's pain but she didn't come to calm him off.

"In this birth, You broke her heart and god took her support system... You know her baby is deadly born..."- He said and it shook aru to an extent. Even after knowing the truth, Shivaay, Gauri and om stayed silent. But when he says that an idea, where anika can be popped inside her mind. 

"Senthanallur..." - Gauri whispered to shivaay.

"What?" - He asked her. 

"We found Jahaan there nearer to your tomb box, There will be high chances of finding anika over there..." - Gauri said without even sensing Avi and Aru who were at the same place confused. 

"Jahaan... Mom... What are you saying? How jahaan is connected to mom?" - Aru asked Gauri out of confusion. 

"They deserve to know this Shivaay..." - Om said to shivaay. 

"Can anyone tell me what's happening here?" - Avi asked out of frustration. 

"Avi, Anika's baby didn't die... she's jahaan whom Aru gave rebirth to her..." - Gauri said and That information was something huge to them. Both Avi and Aru couldn't even able to digest the truth.


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