The Reality of Life.

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The tale started when the king of Lemuria who identified for his kind nature and love met the cursed creature which was cursed by the god for its bad deeds. Venora has been cursed that it will be the most powerful creature, But it won't able to use its power on its own. So it was under the earth for so many years, When it saw the king with a kind nature, It decided to use him as a portal to rule everything. The story took a new turn when the king started to believe Venora and hurted his own kind listening to him. The destruction started when venora smote with the inherited and transformed him into the most powerful creature. His wife understood whatever he was doing was wrong but didn't stop him as she blindly in love with him. But the reality strikes when one of the Sabtharishi came as a disguise and let the queen see the future and the destruction of the whole earth in the king's hand. The queen understood She should be the one to end everything. She decided to kill her own love and put end to everything. But she was late, Destruction started from their own kingdom. But the destruction didn't go ahead as she slid her own husband's head with his sword. The whole kingdom submerged under the sea. The king died and The queen didn't. Venora escaped and went back under the earth and waited for the correct time. The queen searched for venora everywhere but she couldn't able to find him anywhere. At last, She reached the cave and sculped everything in the cave and die on her own will. 

But Their life didn't end there. The king's soul waited for his queen. The king had to stay in hell forever for its bad deeds but the queen's soul despite having the chance to go back to heaven, She didn't go. She chose her king and stayed in hell with him. Seeing their bound, The grim reaper and the god, Both gave them another three chance to change the history and destroy him. The grim reaper told they will be born for three times again in the earth. 

They both born again, But this time venora arouse again and used tushara as his puppet after the king. It hypnotised and brainwashed him as he did with the king and aroused him as destruction. On the other hand, The both king and Queen reborn with a new name. Shivaay and Anika. Their souls drew themselves to each other again and again even after they separated. Venora knows about it and Urged tushara to kill him. And he also recognised Tushara was not an eligible puppet for him, So he gave his entire power to his child, Which was the power of the earth. She even has the maturity to sense what was going. Over the first attempt, Everyone killed them again. Not only two lives passed away, But three. The gift of the god to end the battle. 

They born again, With the same name, Over that time, Their bond grew even more closer. They started to live for each other than living for others. That bond grew as the strongest bond and connected them with their destiny. They finally managed to kill Venora with the blessing of the god, Their children, Arushi who gave life to the lifeless body of Shivaay Nair, Avinash who managed them to bring all of them under one roof without even his knowledge, And finally Jahaan, Who inherited with the fire of death, And killed Venora when he tried to touch her. But The fire along burnt shivaay who held him in his arm by then.  

The grim reaper ended her speech. 

So, You both accomplished the reason of your births..." - She said. Both Shivaay and Anika nodded calmly at them. 

Name, Anika Sheshadri, Born on 29th February 1996, Died on 23rd August 2023. Cause of Death, Own will... - The grim reaper said to Anika she nodded. Then she moved her gaze to shivaay. 

Name, Shivaay Singh Oberoi, Born on 29th February 1996, Died on 20th August 2023. Cause of Death, Burt alive by the fire of death" - The grim reaper said, Shivaay nodded to her. 

"So you reaped what you sow? Your deeds are balanced... Want to go back to heaven?" - The grim reaper asked shivaay, Shivaay looked at Anika and nodded no to the grim reaper. 


After 20 years. 

A twenty years old girl sitting in a restaurant while looking at the gents wedding ring before her who was in her traditional lehenga. She went too deep thought. Over then, She heard a Girls's voice. 

"Go ahead, You didn't make any wrong choice..."  - That girl said to her. 

"Excuse me" - She turned around and look at a girl who was having her cold coffee, wearing her shades. That girl had no idea who was that How absolutely she gave an answer to her queries. 

"Hi... You're confused, right?" - That suspicious lady asked her. She nodded without even her knowledge. 

"How do you know?" - She asked. 

"About the person with whom you're going to get married..." - That suspicious lady again asked her. 

"How do you know?" - She asked her again. 

"Your dress saying so..." - The suspicious lady while taking off her shades. The girl moved to her table in an instant and sat opposite to her. 

"I am saying this to you because you started the conversation with me, I am going insane, I am saying this because you have asked me to say this" - That girl started in a panic state. 

"I am just twenty and my parents are asking me to get married to my friend whom i have been friends for almost twenty years. I mean our friendship started from the diaper stage. Now i am confused, Totally confused. When my parents asked me, I had to say 'yes' because I have no reasons to say 'no' to him. Now I am confused about the relationship having my engagement in three hours and Marriage in three days. Still, I couldn't able to figure out, Do we really made for each other?" - She said everything without leaving a space. 

"First, Breathe" - The suspicious lady said and asked for the water. A robot offered them their water. That lady gave that to her. She opened the bottle and drink the whole water in one gulp. 

"Before taking any decision, we have to stay hydrated with a clear mind... My mom used to say this..." - That lady said. 

"But still, I couldn't able to take the decision..." - She said in a low tone. 

"Okay, Let me help you..." - That lady said and held her palms. 

"Okay, now close your eyes..." - That lady said and she closed her eyes. 

"Okay, Imagine, You broke this wedding and everyone including your groom accepted your decision and stays with you as your friend, Then After a few years, Your wedding with someone else and His wedding with..." - Before that lady could finish her sentence, She widely opened her eyes. Tears welled up in her eyes. 

"What happened?" - That lady asked her. 

"It's heartbreaking to imagine that situation..." - The words escaped from the bride's lips. 

"Some relations just need realization, I hope you realized..." - The lady said with a smile. she nodded with teary eyes. 

"Thank you... Thank you so much for opening my eyes... But i am in a hurry... sorry..." - She said in a running position. She ran outside the restaurant. That lady smiled at her. But up to that lady's surprise, she ran back to the restaurant. 

"Sorry... I forgot to introduce myself..." - She said in a lack of breath. That lady widely smiled at her impatient. 

"I am Anika... You?" - That bride asked her. 

"Jahaan..." - She said, Anika immediately engulfed to a hug and kissed her cheeks. 

"Thank you for everything, Jahaan... And Yeah, You have to come to the wedding... This is my number... Call me..." - Anika bid bye to her. 

"Hey, Girl... What's your groom's name?" - Jahaan asked her with a smile. 

"Shivaay" - She yelled at her high pitch while giving the plane kiss to her. 

"I guessed it..." - She said with a smile.


(A/n: Yes guys, This story ended officially in this chapter, Planning to give another chapter. But You have any questions regarding to the story, Ask me!!! And I will give clarification accordingly connecting it to the chapter which i have written the spark about it...

Hope you guys enjoyed my story! Thank you for being part in the craziest journey. Love you guys

- Akshaya)

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