part 11

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Hello !

Thank you for all your comments and votes in previous makes me happy so much reading your lovely comments..

Anika kept crying on shivaay shoulder while shivaay was trying to calm anika as much as possible but none seems to work , shivaay saw something red on his shirt and he looked closely , only to find it as anika blood. Immediately shivaay look at anika and saw her nose bleeding...

Shivaay :"anika please stop crying, your nose is bleeding,please anika, I beg you stop crying" shivaay begged anika and scold himself for forgetting about anika bleeding problem,finally after few minutes shivaay heard no sound and look down to see anika asleep and her bleeding stopped. Anika had a problem from childhood that whenever she cried her nose bleeds.that's one of the main reasons shivaay became overprotective over anika during their college days which also leads to their love story .

After few minutes shivaay felt the car stop and he opened the door to find his farm house..he looked at Khanna questioningly

Khanna:"sir , your shirt is stained with anika mam blood and anika mam face looks swollen , if you two go to oberio mansion now like this..all will question you two . Sir I personally think you two need some time alone with each other ....that's why I brought you here sir ...sorry for not following your order " Khanna said and looked down in fear while shivaay smiled and patted Khanna shoulder in appreciation.

Shivaay :"thank you did the right thing and you even saved me from maa's wroth ...after marrying anika I felt like I'm her son in law while anika is her daughter...seriously Khanna, after my marriage oberio mansion feel like my sasural. " shivaay said in a sad voice making Khanna smiled at his boss position.

They both heard a moan and shivaay looked down to see anika waking up . silently he take her in his arms and walked inside the farm house and layed her in the bed . Once he make sure she was comfortable, he sat beside her and watched her sleep...getting lost in her features.

Shivaay : How long it's been since i watched anika sleep like this ...she look so cute and innocent like an angel. How can I blame this cute angel for something which I know that she can never ever do in her dreams...I am sorry anika , I did a big sin by blaming you for our child death. I'm sorry anika please forgive me ..God know how much I missed you in all these you the only reason I propose to ragini for marriage was to please my family..all are worried about me and that's why I proposed her , I never loved her anika like I love you..I never hold her hand or intertwine my fingers with her's like I did with's only you anika with whom I can behave like crazy shivaay and get possessive over . Do you know when I found it's you under the veil, I felt very happy more than shocked but then my hate and anger over powered my love for you. I am sorry my doll , please forgive your shivaay for making you go through all those hardships alone and for not being there for you " he cried holding her hand , thinking that she is sleeping.

Anika who was awake , listen each every word shivaay told her and her eyes filled with tears , hearing shivaay words ...unable to control herself, she whiped his tears with her hand and kissed his forehead..making shivaay look at her in shock and regret.

Anika :'close your mouth shiv or mosquito will enter " she said laughing but hearing shiv from anika instead of shivaay brought peace and happiness inside shivaay heart..automatically tears of happiness started flowing from his eyes while anika get confused seeing him crying

Anika :"what happened now . Why are you crying again shivaay ...hurrah stop crying...please don't cry "

Shivaay : "Those are my happy tears anika..on hearing shiv from your mouth instead of shivaay gave me peace and happiness don't how much I longed to hear that name but finally today god fulfilled my wish ..even if I have to die in next few minutes , I will happily di...." before shivaay could finish that sentence anika kept her fingers on his mouth stopping him while nodding her head no ...

Anika :"shut up can you talk about death..there are so many things you need to do , then how can you talk about death like this . Did you think about your family or their state after your death or did you think about rudra..he is a small boy and everyone are already tensed with om disappearance and here you're talking about death...shivaay please don't say anything like that have a beautiful future with your family and ragini..please don't destroy it by talking about this stupid things " anika said while shivaay is confused on hearing anika mentioning about his future with ragini .

Shivaay :"what do you mean anika , that I have a future with ragini..I can't understand your words " he said while anika gulped .

Anika :"shi..shivaay..I am taking about your life with ragini ..after our divorce . I mean after our divorce, you can't stay alone and I am sure ragini will take good care of you and soon you two will have cute ..little kids ..two girls and one boy you always imagined "anika finished but unfortunately she failed to notice shivaay's face reaction after she said about their divorce.

Anika :"shivaay, what happened. Why are you silent..please don't kill me with your silence " she said looking at shivaay who was now sitting very silent near her ...unable to tolerate the silent, anika poked shivaay which followed by a loud ...


Shivaay in his anger throw his phone on the wall..breaking it to small small pieces , making anika shock

Anika :"Have you gone mad shivaay..what's the need to break the phone , poor mobile " she said which only increase shivaay anger at her

Shivaay :"what did you say anika ..poor mobile seriously.....then what about me anika , you shattered my heart and killed me with your words , just few moments you seriously think I will divorce you and marry ragini..tell me anika ...and what you said cute kids like I imagined...well as for as I know ..I only imagined all those dreams with you not with all the problems are solved and we find the culprit then what's the need for divorce anika ...I don't care what you want in this matter but no matter what , I'm not going to divorce you and let you go away from me " he said while getting up from the bed but suddenly he felt a tug and saw anika holding his hand with anger ,pain and determination.

Anika :"well..then listen to me ,mr shivaay Singh oberio...I will make sure you sighed the divorce paper and get married to ragini ...who will be suitable for you in everything and will be a perfect life partner for you " she said with determination whilee shivaayleaveve the  room not giving any value to her words..making anika irritated

I hope you all like this .

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