part 4

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Dedicated to all my readers .

lovely_killer2o19 my new friend, welcome to wattpad and also try her new story of shivika.

Once anika got fresh up , she come out of the bathroom and search for shivaay

A smirk formed on her face once she find ex boyfriend and current husband , standing in the same position , she left him in.

Anika : " what are you thinking deeply about mr .oberio "

In trace of thinking shivaay answered her . "About us "

Anika : " nice job do it and if you don't mind , please move i am tried and i am going to sleep . Have a bad night hubby with horror dreams "

Shivaay : " wait.. where are you going to sleep "

Anika : "what stupid question is this , obviously in bed only and if you want you can sleep in couch , i don't mind "

Shivaay : what you mean you don't mind , if i sleep in couch . I think your forgetting that you're in my room and all the things belongs to me , only i have rights on them "

Anika : "excuse me , mr oberio but i think you forget the fact , that we are married and everything that belongs to you , belongs to me also and till yesterday you're the sole owner of bed but now you have to share with me till our divorce"

Shivaay : " well , then i hope you have no problem in sharing a bed with me "

On hearing shivaay , anika mouth drop open for few minutes while shivaay enjoyed her shock state.

Anika : "what.. no. How can you say like this , don't you have manners . How can you ask a girl to share a bed with you .. "

On hearing anika , shivaay anger reach it's anger and words flow out without his knowledge

Shivaay : " you're my wife not some random girl and you're speaking as if this is the first time , you're sharing a bed with me  "

Anika stood silent with shivaay response for few seconds then replied him.

Anika : "i will take couch .. you sleep in the bed. I don't want to share a bed with such a heartless man like you .. i could rather sleep in graveyard with ghosts than to share a bed with you "

Shivaay : "yea .. you are right i am a heartless monster only , do you know why , because my beating  heart was stabbed by a selfish girl , who i thought to be a beautiful angel , only to realise she is a devil   . You know what now i regret even meeting you in my life "

Saying shivaay went to  bathroom for fresh up.. leaving anika in tears .

A sudden rush of anger and hurt  hit her , making the tears fall from her eyes ... the memory and the pain of shivaay betrayal hit her and slowly she fall asleep , sitting in the couch .

Once locking the door , shivaay moved under the hot shower , letting the hot water wash his pain away .

Shivaay : "why anika ... why did you abort our child ..don't you trust me , how can you think .. i am having affair and how can you abort our child .. our symbol of love. Do you know anika... i plan to propose you on that day but you misunderstand everything. I want to hate you anika but i can't .. i don't know why "

After few minutes  shivaay walk out of the bathroom , only to see anika asleep on the couch in a uncomfortable position, slowly he lift her in his arms and lay her on the bed and covered her with the duvet .

Shivaay : "no matter ...what you did anika , i can never ever see you in pain "

Next morning

Sun rays falls on anika face , waking her from her slumber , anika slowly opened her eyes and is startled to find herself in a new place for a minute but remembering yesterday events , she relaxed .
After getting ready anika moved  downstairs , pinky was instructing the workers on the task of their work , when she saw anika descending from the staircase , she left everything and come to anika with a caring smile on her face .

Pinky : " how are you beta , do you want anything "

Anika : " i am fine aunty . if you don't mind , can you tell me where is kitchen , my day won't start without a expresso "

Pinky  : " i never knew you too like expresso , do you know even shivaay will drink expresso only , wow look like you both have same taste in coffees , wait i will order the maid to make one for you "

On hearing pinky words about her and shivaay having same taste on coffee , anika mind travel to the memory of shivaay trying expresso for first time


Anika is waiting for shivaay in the cafe for half hour to give him the notes but there is a no sign of him , irritated and frustrated to core due waiting , she moved to door to get out , only to see shivaay coming there with a panicked expression on his face .

Shivaay  : "anika i am sorry , i totally lost in playing football that i forget i about meeting you , please forgive me "

Anika : " shivaay do you know , how much time i am Waiting for you , in top that we are having our exams tomorrow  "

Shivaay : "anika , i know we are having exams tomorrow  but you know me right , if i started playing , then i will forget about my surroundings . Please anika forgive me , after all your my best friend "

Anika : "okay i will forgive you,  only after you accept to do whatever i said , a week  of punishment for making me wait "

Shivaay : " punishment , come on anika , stop kidding . "

Anika : "i am serious shivaay , if you don't accept my punishment then i won't talk to you for a week "

Shivaay : " anika come on , this is too much . You Very well know , i can't survive without talking to you , okay fine i will accept your punishment "

Anika smiled at shivaay and take a seat , indicating shivaay to do the same ,once they were seated anika called waiter

Anika : " bring three cups of expresso "

Shivaay : "anika , why did you order three cups , only you're going to drink that kali coffee right , i still can't understanding how your drinking that kali and bitter coffee "

On hearing shivaay , anika said nothing instead she just smiled a mischievous smile

After few minutes the waiter returned with three cups and place it on the table , immediately anika took one cup and pushed other two cups in shivaay direction

Shivaay : "why are keeping this infront me anika , seeing this coffee , is making me feel  michmichi anika "

Anika : " shivaay are you serious , when you said your ready to do anything i say as your punishment "

Shivaay : "of course anika , i mean every word of it . If you want i will give you written statement "

Anika :"okay , then drink that two cup of expresso for a week with me "

Shivaay : "what , you can't be dead serious anika . Don't you know the coffee taste horrible , it's better to drink poison than this "

Anika : " fine , then don't talk to me , hereafter .. you no need to drink this horrible coffee "

Shivaay : "no wait ...i will drink , i know i said it's better to drink poison but believe me anika  atleast there will be chance,  i will be alive if i drink poison but without talking to you .. no way , i won't able to survive even a day without seeing you or talking to you . Heck i am ready to drink two cups or more than that of this expresso , if it takes to have you with me forever "

Anika : "forever .. ? , come on shivaay with in two years our studies will be finished and both us will go in separate ways , be logical , you can't always be with me shivaay , i am your best friend not your wife to be with you always in your life " . anika laughed

Shivaay :" well if you say in that way , then i will make you my wife and keep you with me forever "

Anika : "hahaha .. so funny, now are you going to drink this or not "

Shivaay : "don't get angry , my angry bird ,i will drink "

Saying shivaay started drinking the expresso and continue having it for one week , by the end of one week , he became addicted to it like anika and started drinking expresso daily

End of flashback

Suddenly another thought hit anika mind , can shivaay really  able to kill her when ,he drink the horrible bitter taste of expresso for a week to earn her forgiveness , not to say she know it's shivaay who make her lie in bed when she fall asleep in the couch , lost in thoughts anika didn't see rudra coming towards her to call her

Rudra : "Mrs oberio , dadi is calling you for pooja "

On hearing mrs oberio from rudra , anika is hurt and shocked , she very well remember how rudra called her di during the time shivaay and she was friends and how he started calling her bhabhi , when he and omkara find out about she and shivaay are in love , even though anika didn't want to admit , she miss her omru more than anything  .

Anika : " okay rudy , you go i will come  "

Rudra : "it's rudra or rudra singh oberio , mrs oberio not rudy . Only close ones have the right to call me rudy and you lost that right long back when you hurt my brother "

Saying this rudra went from there , leaving anika in hurt and sadness . Tears started falling from her eyes but she quickly wiped them before anyone could to see and went from there . Unknown to her shivaay who comedown to make breakfast saw everything happened between anika and rudra , even though he don't want to admit seeing anika in tears ,is hurting him "

Who do you think will fall in love again , anika or shivaay

Do guys think rudra anger is right ?

Sorry for late update , i am busy with college works that's why i can't update soon .  I hope you all like this chapter . Don't forgot to comment .

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