Chapter 1 Good Moring... Not!

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Uuuugh... stupid alarm clock just shut up! Can't my alarm clock just be quite for once instead of this ear splitting screech!? I thoughy to myself before got up and finally turned off the alarm by unplugging it. Although once it was off I felt my eyelids drift close, but not soon after I heard my moms voice screaming out for me.
"Willow Bladen Amory are you getting up for school, or are you going to fail it!? Willow!?"
      "Mom I'm up!" I shouted back to her since I was upstairs in my room. Groggily getting up I went downstairs; jumping the last few steps at the bottom.
      When I got downstairs I made a quick bowl of my favorite cereal, and sat down at the table. As I was eating I heard footsteps , and saw my mom came in. She was looking a bit rushed this morning, so I didn't bother her.
     "There you are I've been calling for you. I need to leave early today, for a meeting," my mom said, but in reality my mom always has to go to these meeting. Whenever I ask about them she tries to change the subject. Plus she's not actually my REAL mom she's more of my step-mom since I was adopted when I was a baby. I personally don't really mind it anymore. I mean I always knew I couldn't really be related to them considering I have golden blonde hair, and my family has red hair. Speaking of family I have a pair of younger twins, but ones a boy named Arthur, and the other is a girl named Anna they're both around the age of 5 and a half. I'm considered their big sister though. The only down part about being adopted howerver is that you never know who your real family is. If they're even alive an ok. If you know what I mean. As I was thinking all about this I grew deeper, deeper, and deeper into my thoughts, but was awoken by the ready to become elementary schoolers laughing, and giggling. I turned to see they were pointing and laughing at something, but what? I pondered on that question for only a short moment before I came to a conclusion that my pajamas were a bit damp. I looked down to see my milk from the bowl slowly dripping off the table. I must of been, so deep in thought that I never noticed that I accidentally spilt my breakfast. Great just great I thought silently to myself as I went upstairs to my room quickly and carefully enough so that my dad wouldn't wake up. I changed out of milk soaked PJ's, and got into my clothing for the day. With that I was finally off for school.
      The school I go to has advanced classes. Which are my classes! I don't care if people call me nerd, geek, or even blonde at least I've got a brain, and use it unlike some of the people of this world. Anyways I go to school on the bright yellow school bus that drives by my house everyday, but with the luck of my morning I fell down while walking through the isle.
      I quickly got up, and ignored the 'wonderful' laughter filling up the bus as I walked to my seat.
~~~~~Lè Time Skip~~~~~

      Why do peoples take so long getting their stuff out of their own flipping lockers?! I mean come on we've got 10 minutes to get everything! I have to be in class by then, but no I have to wait outside my locker for the guy in front of me to finish since my lockers above him (yet ironically he's taller than me). When he had finally finished gathering his books he left for class. As he did I slid behind him to get to my locker and open it. I grabbed my books for my class; locked my locker, and left for class. Just for fun I looked at my watch to find I had done all this in just a little over a minute. That's how it's done peoples!!
I entered my classroom as silently as I could, but teachers being the know it alls mine knew I had entered.
      "Ms. Amory care to explain why you were late to class again?" I looked up at my teacher, so I was able to meet him eye to eye. "You see umm... therewasaguyatmylockersoIcouldn'tgetmystuffoutofmylockerwhichmeanicouldntcometoclass." My teacher's face was priceless! If I wasn't in the classroom right then I would've laughed my butt of right then and there!
      "Ms. Amory will you please repeat that for everyone." I sighed and took a deep breathe.  
      "Mr. Berit there was this guy..." I was cut off by my 'oh so wonderful' teacher.
      "Boy trouble gives no excuse why you should be late for class DETENTION!"
       "But sir that's not what I meant!"
      "Should I add another detention Willow?!" Great I managed to really get him enraged. I backed down by going to my seat and sat down. I looked over at my best friend Milly which is her nickname I gave her when we became friends as kids, her real name is Milani. She looked solemnly at me she knows how much I hate detention, and she also knows that I have no interest in boys like other girls do, *cough Lala *cough, but I have to go anyways since I have no choice.... Yay.

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