Chapter 15 Introductions Everyone

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A/N~Hey everyone I'm sooo sorry I haven't been updating my stories! I've had some writers block, and my family decided it would be funny to hide my phone! (Yes I use my phone!) I'm back now and ready to write a story for all of you, for its what I love to do! 😄

Wanted to give a shoutout to my friend and fellow user Maddie Cat! She's helped me through writers block, and so much more!

Milly's P.O.V

The girl in front of us had asked Wil's and I question that I wish I knew the answer to. I looked up at my BFF, and saw she had a twist of confusion in her face. Her lips began to part as I heard her form words to answer the random girls question.
"Those are nice plants..." Wil's said admiring the rapidly growing plants.
"What kind of answer is that?!" I whispered to Willow. "Have gone insane?! We come out here looking for people like you and you start admiring PLANTS?!" I quietly shouted to Wil's.
"Milly don't you see?" She replied eyeing the plants. "Regular vines like those don't grow at that speed!" It then hit me like the bag of bricks nearby. She could be one of the whatever Wil's said she and the 'others' are called. I took a quick glance at the vines, and saw that they had stopped. Had she noticed us staring at them and stopped? As I looked up I saw Wil's began to make a small flame in the palm of her hand.
"H-How did you do that?" The girl in front of us asked out of plain fear.
"Same way you can probably control those plants." Wil's said as if she said it every day. The girl then looked at me, and studied me.
"So what about your friend?" She said looking at me curiously.
"She's well normal..." Wil's said giving me a sorry look. I looked at the ground as I realized that I'm nothing of any special talents. A small part of me broke, but I did know I could help or give it a try!
"Soo... Let me get this straight you control fire?" She said pointing at Wil's. I watched as Wil's gave her round head a small stout nod.
"Then can I get a power swap 'cause that's amazing! I'm Maddie by the way." She said laughing at her own comment. Wil's and I joined in on the laughing. Now feeling kind of like friends I decided to tell her my name since I didn't get the feeling she would hurt with her well plants.
"My names Milani, but you can call me Milly!" I said giving her a small wave and smile.
"I'm Willow... So how'd you get your you know... Powers?" Wil's said curiously.

Maddie's P.O.V
I looked at the two girls in front of me as we began to talk with one another. The one named Milly had short chocolate brown hair, and had an Amber brownish colored eyes. I looked at the other girl named Willow, and noticed she had long curly blonde hair, and forest green eyes that seemed to carry a flame inside them. I heard Willow ask me about my past, and immediately my soul broke a little, but I knew it wouldn't hurt since they seem friendly, and well one was like me!

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