Chapter 28 Why do intoductions have to be so hard?

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    Smack! Milly's face banged against the concrete ground, right into the girls point of view. We had to introduce ourselves anyways, but I don't think this is was a good way to start off.
    "What the heck?! Who are you?!" The girl said . Knowing we'd have to reveal ourselves sometime I came out from behind the corner, and helped Milly up. She had a few cuts and scrapes, but nothing to serious.
    "And who the heck is she?!" The girl yelled pointing her finger at me. Maddie came out after me , but quickly moved over to the girl and clamped her hand over it before she could yell again. The girls eyes widened , but she did not fight back.
    "I'm going to remove my hand, and we'll explain everything, but you have to promise not to scream or yell anymore. Got that?" Maddie said her gaze freakishly serious. The girl nodded and I watched as Maddie removed her hand and stuck it out for a handshake.
    "Name's Maddie. The girl over there with blonde hair is Willow," I gave the girl a small wave, "the one that fell down was Milly." Mads finished. The girl shook her hand, and stood up. She quickly brushed herself off before the ferret climbed up her, and perched on top of her shoulder. I could tell she wanted to swat the ferret off, but she refrained against it.
    "My name is Ela, but can some one please explain why this ferret," Ela paused for a moment to point at the furry creature on her shoulder, "why this thing can talk?" Maddie smiled a evil grin before running over to Dirt, who was gladly munching on a piece of grass nearby.
    "That's not all the animals do," Maddie said giving Ela an evil smirk. The flash of light and smell of roses apeared again, and as the effects faded away it revealed a transformed Maddie. I transferred my gaze from Mads to Ela to see small stones being slowly lifted from the ground. As the grew to the height of Ela's brown eyes they began to spin around her in a protective circle kind of thing.
    "Stay back... thing!" Ela yelled making a stone fly quickly towards Mads. A vine popped from the earth and swatted the bullet like stone. Ela was about to let another stone fly when out of the blue Milly walked over and placed her hand on Ela's shoulder. Ela looked over at Milly, and noticed a comforting look in her eyes. The stones slowed down before dropping onto the ground with soft tinks.
    "Why should I trust you?" Ela said, her words sharp as a knife. I raised my palm and was about to try and summon my bit of power, but Milly gave me a disproving look. The familiar feeling of heat began to appear in my hand, and as it grew warmer the flames appeared. I know I shouldn't use my power since it takes a lot out of me, but I had to show this girl we were allies, maybe we could even be friends.
    "We're like you, only I control fire and Maddie over there can control nature." I said before quickly putting the flames out. My head thobbed, but I was going to be alright as long as I didn't do that again for a bit. I saw Milly shoot me a concerned look, waving my hand I dismissed it.
    "You control fire?" Ela questioned. I nodded, realizing she probably doesn't believe me.
    "Then why was your flame so small? Can't you um... you know use your powers to make it bigger?" She asked, her head tilted in confusion. Milly smiled at me before explaining my lack of power. I rubbed my neck out of embarresment before I felt Mads hand pat me on my head.
    "Hey, you're doing what you can with what you've got. That's what counts!"
    I let out a sheepish laugh before giving a smile to Maddie. As I turned my head back to face Ela I met her sympathetic gaze.
    "At least you didn't pass out this time." Milly stated, giving me a thumbs up. I laughed harder at her remark, and soon she and Maddie joined in.
    "I... Guess.. So!" I said between giggles. Ela let out a snicker before she flinched as her animal began to speak.
    "Oh, yeah forget to yell yah! Our little animal friends here can speak to us, and we can even combine with them... Like this." Maddie stated while pointing to the little antlers on her head. I felt a tugging on my pants and looked down to see Crystal pulling on it with her claws.
    "When we combine we help control and boost your power!" She said. Giving her a smile I lifted the white fox up, and held her in my arms. She squirmed a bit, but quickly settled.
    "So these animals are like our helpers?" Ela asked while picking up the russet colored ferret and holding him in front of her. I saw him give a little nod.
    "OK... I'll join your group!" Ela said. Her brown eyes seemed to glow as she hugged her ferret.

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