Chapter 9 Breaking Into My Own Home?!

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The wind whistled as a walked down the street. Events of tonight played through my mind. I looked up at my house, and headed to the window that leads to my room. I rummaged through the bushes making them rustle madly. My hand hit a hard metallic surface. Pain surged through my hand as I grabbed the metallic ladder. "Ouch! Stupid thing!" I whisper yelled shaking my hand. I carefully set up the ladder up to my room, and quietly climbed up. Once I reached my old window I tried to open it, but it was locked. "Well guess I'll have to break into my own house then!" I said fake smiling. Trying not to wake anyone I smashed the window with a stick I found on the grassy ground, and climbed inside careful not to avoid any sharp glass edges. As I slipped inside my room my feet crept over to a large red back pack. I quickly grabbed it, and some supplies I would need like clothing, blankets, my emergency money and pocket knife, etc. Getting my stuff was easy, but food is going to be a whole different story. Carefully as to not wake anyone I crept downstairs trying to avoid all the creaky spots on the wooden steps. I looked around at my familiar home, and felt a small tear run down my face. "Be strong! No turning back now!" I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. I finally got to the dark kitchen, and opened the cupboards to get food for the journey. I started to stash easy foods that could be cooked and eaten easily. I was loading up a can of Gidders Peaches when the hall light turned on. I started to panic as I figured a way out. Bingo I thought as I spotted the pantry door. I quietly ran over to the pantry and slipped into it. I closed the pantry door most of the way, so I could still see into the kitchen. I saw my Dad walk in and open the cupboards. He then grabbed a small snack, but before he left he noticed lot of food were gone. My own eyes grew larger as he looked at the pantry. Instead of heading towards me he shrugged and headed back through the hallway. I let out the small breath I didn't know I had been holding, and continued to stash some food, but this time from the pantry. Once I had filled up my bag to the point where I could hardly zip it back up I headed back up to my room, and looked at it one last time. As my eyes wandered around the familiar room I heard crying coming from my little sisters room. Partially regretting this I tip toed over to her room, and opened the door. I saw Anna in her yellow polka doted bed with small wet tears dripping from her cheeks as she slept. Feeling bad for having to leave her I walked over to her, and shook her a little to wake her up. Her brown eyes fluttered open, and grew in terror. Knowing she was about to scream I put my hand over her mouth. I gave her a small shhhh before taking my hand away from her mouth. I watched as tears built up in her eyes as she leaned over and hugged me with all the strength she had. I gave a small stifled laugh to her hug, but I then quickly returned it. Smiling I went down on one knee, and looked into her sweet little chocolate eyes.
"I'm not dead! I just need to find out some things ok?" I asked her feeling tears build up in my eyes too.
"Ok, but promise me you come back?!" She said giving me one last big hug.
"I promise!" I said returning the hug.

A/N ~ The FEELS!!! They've killed meh!

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