10:First 'meetings'

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It was a pleasant morning....the beauty of nature increased by hitting the first rays of sun....
In panchal , Rajkumar prithvi was standing at the bank of river for surya namaskar...
He was dressed in white..

with minimum jewelleries..and his sacred thread..  a pot of water in his hand and his sword...
After surya vandana ,he returned back..his journey was through a forest..the sun had just rose up...so the dew drops were left in leaves of trees...
He enjoyed the scenery...
But for a minute his breathe stopped as he saw an angelic figure... he could only see her from back..

dressed in white was walking through jungle.. enjoying it's beauty...
He went towards her anxiously..to know who was she...
How a girl lonely in jungle at this time??? he thought he went more and more near her....she turned back , pushed the brushes and saw him.

His heart skipped a beat...
He lost in her....
She looked just like an angel in white...
Her strong black locks, her black smoky eyes, her tiny nose, her sweet juicy lips..her milky skin...
All he could see is her...her ..and her..
He couldn't see or hear anything rather than her...
She too looked at him.. he is intensily gazing at her
Suddenly her facial expression changed
She was so scared...
He can read it from her face...
She pointed her hands towards him and signalled him to look back...
He looked back and saw a black panther behind him....
He tightened his grip on his sword...
Suddenly the panther jumped on to him...
The sword threw out of his hands as the panther jumped on him..
Both fell down..panther on top of him..he was resisting it with his hands..
The girl felt so sad ...she took the sword of his  in her hands and pointed it towards the panther..now the panther jumped from him and started walking towards her...she with all her strength twirled the sword...
Panther fell on to the ground...
But this made it more furious..
It ran towards her .. she closed her eyes and streched her hand with sword...
Suddenly prithvi came from side ,held her hand and both together stabbed the panther.... falling it into death..
The girl opened her eyes and saw a bleeding pather lying on floor and she felt a strong hold on her hand...
He suddenly left her hand ...
They started walking..
" Are u ok"? He asked

"Um..mm.." she said

" By the way who are you?" She asked

He smiled and replied" I'm Prince of Indraprastha... prithviraj.."

Devika :"Y r u here?" She again asked

Prithvi :" To help my guru putr "he replied

Devika :" Oh so u came with samrat right?"

Prithvi :" Yes , how did u know?"

Devika:" I'm panchal princess, devika"

Prithvi :" Oh.. pranipaat"

Devika:" Pranipaat"

Prithvi :" how did u came"

Devika : "by horse"

Prithvi : " can i come along with you...i came here by walking"

Devika : " why not? It's my pleasure"

Both sat on one horse and left...
Prithvi couldn't take his eyes off from her face ..her eyes..

Meanwhile in dwarka
Dhananjay was getting ready..he had been standing infront of the mirror for  2 hours...he is getting ready for their  'first  meeting'...
Nakul and sahadev just entered his Chamber stopped seeing his bhrata ' s changed behaviour...both went near him...and started teasing..
" Sahadev ...days ago when i spend some time infront of  my mirror , somebody said me to marry that mirror...and today the same person even didn't move from infront of mirror for past 2 hours...what to say...". Nakul.. teased

Dhananjay looked him through the mirror and gave a deathly glare to the mirror, adjusting his clothes..

Sahadev : "are u going anywhere bhrata...?"

Dhananjay perplexed..
''N..n..no..why?" He asked

"Nothing bhrata...i thought u r getting ready to go somewhere.. that's why..by the way u r looking more handsome today..." Sahadev winked..

"Really?" Dhananjay got excited..

"Yes  i know my bhrata is born handsome" sahadev giggled and hugged him ..

"Ok..ok..now i have to leave" Dhananjay hurried

"Leave ? To where?" The twins said in unison..

" No..no..n..o..i have to leave now..umm..umm.( he thought for awhile). madhav...madhav is coming right...i have to go and welcome him"..

" But bhrata krishna, mata and Rukmini comes only at evening.. right?" Sahadev said in doubt

"Oh..oh..is it.....i..i.. didn't know..." Dhananjay stammered..

"Mm..mm.." both sahadev and Nakul nodded their head , teasingly..
Dhananjay left the room ...
The twins burst out laughing..

Krishnaa woke up from her sleep when the sunrays fell on her face... annoying her..she slowly got up , holding her head...
Suddenly sudharma came running towards her..

"Do you want anything Rajkumari?"she asked

" Sudhrma , my full body is aching..."

" Don't worry Rajkumari... everything will be fine..."

" Ok..can you make arrangements for my bath?" Krishnaa asked ..she looked tired..

"Of course Rajkumari" she replied and left..

She looked at her legs ..it is paining... suddenly she noticed something...her anklets...one of them is missing...
"Oh god ...how can i be so careless..i ..i lost my pithasree' s gift...i..i..lost it..." She wispered..tears welled down from her eyes...

" How will I find it...oh no...i..i just lost it...u r an idiot krishnaa...how can u let them loss ? "

Just then sudharma came in..she bowed
" Rajkumari all arrangements are ready ..let's go.."

She wipped her tears and pulled herself out of bed...
"Aah.." she winced.

" What happened Rajkumari"sudhrma got scared

" My..legs i can't stand on my legs..it's paining".. krishnaa got confused..

" Let me help you" sudhrma said..

She nodded..she wrapped her hands around sudhrma's shoulders and started walking making gentle foot steps..
She somehow reached the bathroom and nodded her to go...
After sometime she called sudhrma ... sudhrma who stood outside went into bathroom and helped her..
They came out and she made her sit in front of the dressing table..
Just then subhadra entered...
She went near krishnaa and held her shoulders gently...

"Jijii u wake up so soon?"

Krishnaa : "mm..it's too late bhadre"

Bhadra : "ok let me help you to get ready."..

Krishnaa nodded..
She helped her to get ready. .

"Finally...waah jijji..my jijji looks even more beautiful today..." Subhadra smirked

" Cheesy"..Krishna rolled her eyes...

Both sudhrma and subhadra smiled..
Just then dhananjay appeared in front of the chamber...

Subhadra looked at him and greeted.." arrey.. pranipaat Rajkumar"

Krishnaa looked at him.. he nodded to Subhadra and looked at Krishnaa..
She looked at him as if she knows him early...
This face seems familiar to me..I have seen him  before somewhere..but where.?." she thought
Suddenly subhadra's voice cut off her thoughts..

" Why are you standing there... come in .."
He looked at Krishnaa ..she smiled..
He again lost his senses...

" Oh god this girl ..." He thought
He came inside ...

Krishnaa gently looked at her sister in confusion..
"Oh sorry jijji...u don't know him. Right..?
This is one of our guests... Rajkumar of Indraprastha..dhara bua 's second son Rajkumar Dhananjay"..

Krishnaa turned and smiled at him ...
" Prani....."he folded her hands and about to get up..but she couldn't complete it...

" Aah.." suddenly she sat down with pain .

Subhadra got scared and dhananjay too..
"What happened jijji?"she asked

"My legs " she wispered

" Relax Rajkumari..it's ok .. don't take stress" he said in concern

"It's ok.." she said..

He looked at her...her eyes filled with tears

His heart ached seeing her like this
He looked at her feet..it got swelling...

" Sudhrma ,can u please call my brothers" he asked looking at her feet..

" Ji Rajkumar" she bend and left

" What happened Rajkumar" subhadra asked..she is so scared..

" Don't worry...Nakul and sahadev will take care of it.."

" Yeah..i know" subhadra sighed in relief.and blushed a little remembering sahadev's care ..

Krishnaa has no idea about anything.. she kept looking at each of  them..

what's happening here...how Rajkumar know about my legs? How he knows sudhrma?why he called his brothers?

So much of questions arised in her mind..
Soon Nakul and sahadev entered... They greeted all of them and subhadra introduced them to krishnaa for which she smiled..
"U called us bhrata?" Nakul asked

"Yes.. Nakul Rajkumari's foot got swelling.and also paining..u both have any medicines for it..?he asked

"Off course bhrata"..

They noticed dhananjay's concern for her and suddenly an idea came into nakul's mind..

" But bhrata...i can't bring it here because..it's one which we wanted to apply very fast ...just after prepration..so we have to take her to rajavaidhya sala"

" Oh ..is it"..he asked

"But our rajavaidhya is on leave today" Subhadra replied

" We will handle it.. Rajkumari" sahadev assured

Subhadra : " But how will we take jijji to rajavaidhya sala?

" No problem .if bhrata helps her ..then we can do it" Nakul added

Krishnaa and dhananjay looked at each other in confusion

" Me? But how?" He asked in confusion

" U just carry her to Vaidya sala" Nakul replied

Dhananjay blushed but controlled himself..
" How is it possible Nakul?" He added

" It's ok rajkumar..I'll come by walking.. bhadra will help me.."

" No Rajkumari .. walking will increase your pain and swelling" nakul replied

" Yes yes..he won't harm you jijji..and also now we have to took more care..he will help you" subhadra smiled..

Krishnaa and dhananjay kept looking at each other...
Everytime she look him ,he was getting lost in her..
He looked at her in a ' may i ' look to which she slightly nodded...
Dhananjay went closer to her... gently wrapped his arms around her waist ....shivers ran down through her spines...she felt butterflies flying inside her stomach..
Then he gently wrapped around her legs ...he lifted her up in bridal style....she kept looking at him...and him at hers..both lost in each other... krishnaa looked into his Hazel eyes and he to her brown ones...

both shared an eyelock..
He started walking followed by Nakul Sahdev and subhadra...
3 of them are at their back..

"So now we need your help Rajkumari"
Nakul said to Subhadra in a husky voice

" For what" she asked

" I think our bhrata is falling for your jijji..if so,will u help us to unite them...

" Really? " She almost screamed out in

" Shhh.... gently Rajkumari they'll hear".. sahadev said huskily.. holding her hand unknowingly..

" Of course I'll help you...now tell me what can i do for you." She also said huskily...
Sahadev and Nakul murmured to her ....
(it's muted for us🤫)
Atlast .."ok.." now shall we start.... mission dhanyaa" Nakul asked

"Mission dhanyaa"? Bhadra and Sahdev said in unison...

"Yes... Dhananjay ki dhany and krishnaa ki aa..dhanyaa"Nakul explained

"Oo...ok..." Sahdev smirked

Nakul streched his hands forward..both Subhadra and sahadev held his hands and the trio threw their hands up in the air ...
" Shh...now be quiet" subhadra smirked..

Actually their sound is enough to hear ..but both dhananjay and krishnaa didn't hear anything..they was in their own world...
  After a couple of minutes..they reached in front of the vaidhyasala..but Dhananjay didn't realise as he kept walking...
" Bhrata it's here"..Nakul reminded..

He came out of trance and walked inside with krishnaa in his arms..


So how's it?
I added first meeting of devika and prithvi too...
Dedicated to Ashish & madirakshi fans...
Hope you all like it
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Stay happy..
Stay safe 🙏

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