14: Realisation

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Vasundhra : " not married yet Rukmini...he won in swayamvar.. that's it"...

Nakul : " jyesht bhrata...like really...??
who's the lucky maiden who won our beloved jyesht bhrata' s heart?"

Devaki ( laughing) : panchal princess devika rani...

Dhananjay : so bhrata and pithasree came back? When will we go to panchal for marriage? Today?

Dhara( giggled) : "arrey putr , the swayamvar happened today... then how can marriage be today...? Don't they want time to do arrangements for the marriage.. ?"

Krishna : oh parth ! You're such a kiddo...
Jay glared at his madhav..
He smirked mischievously...

Dhara continued
" Samrat will come tomorrow..so we have to take leave now..."

Suddenly the smile in Dhananjay 's face faded...sahadev also felt same..And of course they didn't want to miss their 'girls' so..soon.

" S..so..are we leaving maata? Sahadev asked sadly...

" No deva.. only I'm going...you all can stay here for today but Come back to Indraprastha with Rukmini tomorrow ..ok?"

Soon their face lit up.don't know why.. krishnaa' s face also glowed with happiness..

Soon vasundhra departed to Indraprastha accompanied by krishna....
Back at Indraprastha...
Rajkumar duryodhan and his brothers were in duryodhan's chamber with their mamashree sakuni...they was discussing something serious...
Dhuryodhan :" look mamashree.. i am getting out of control now...that devavrath putr prithvi ..he is going to get married..now our dear tatshree samrat devavratha will announce him as the samrat of Indraprastha"...

He fisted his hands in anger...

Sakuni : "shanth ho ja mere bachche.. i have some plans... and by the way ,a samrat cannot make his son as samrat just because he is married...just relax...let the marriage happen...but soon you will become yuvraj..."

Dhuryodhan : "how mamashree ..?"

Shakuni : " you believe your mamashree..don't you?"

Dhuryodhan : "yes mamashree..."

Sakuni :"Then calm down..."

He patted on duryodhan' s shoulder..
Back at dwarka
It's night...in royal garden of Dwaraka..
Dhananjay was spending some' quality' time with krishnaa.. actually he was after her the whole day...they sat on the ground which was covered by grass ..
" So your bhrata is getting married... Aren't you excited?" She asked

''Yes..yes.. ofcourse...now we will get someone to help us from bhrata's terrible scolds and long lasting advices..our.bhabhisree" He winked

She smiled..

" So will you come to Indraprastha for marriage" he asked in hope..

" The marriage is at panchal..Then what's the need to come to Indraprastha?" She asked

" Well . that's true..but you must come day ..I'll take you out to enjoy our capital city.."

" Of course I'll come" she got excited

" I think I will come there very soon" she said looking at sahadev and subhadra who were walking hand- in - hand at the end of garden..

Dhananjay looked her in confusion..
She smiled and pointed towards subhdra and sahadev..

" Oh ..that..hmm..may be.. well if you want..you can also come along with your sister to Indraprastha ...... as our kulvadhu" he said huskily...

Krishnaa looked at him in shock and disbelief...she couldn't believe her ears..
What's she just heard?
"Did he just..just proposed me?" She thought.. her face turned red in shy..
Dhananjay too blushed ...

" Wh..who.. whose vadhu? " She asked in return..

Now this was not expected by dhananjay...he looked back in disbelief..
Then he smiled as he realised that his words started making feelings in her..an unknown feeling...

He leaned down to her ears and said huskily " of course..mine"..

She bit her lower lips.. she felt butterflies flying inside her stomach..
She stood up and started walking.. dhananjay followed her..

Suddenly it started raining...
Sahadev and subhadra already left...now they are alone in the garden.. dhananjay and krishnaa ran and find shelter in a small shed in the garden..
They slightly got wet..
Suddenly she noticed a rabbit drenched in rain...dhananjay too noticed it at the same time..both ran towards it...both at the same time held it...both looked at each other...
He nodded and took it with him back to the shed.. and left it in the shed...she too followed him..now both got fully drenched in rain...

Dhananjay looked at his lady love .
Yes every time , every second he is falling for her... falling in love..
She got wet..cold wind rushed into her face making her wet strands of hair fluttering.. she crossed her arms against her chest ... she is shivering because of the cool breeze...Her curves were almost visible to him.. because her saree got a lil bit transparent with water...he looked at it once ( with love)but suddenly he looked away ..(.of course they are only for him to look but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable...)
He again looked at her..her lips are shivering..she also looking at him..
He came closer to her...his hot breathe fell on her face...he removed the wet strands of hair falling over her face..She was shivering badly...
he took out his angvastr and gave it to her...she looked at him...
He signalled to take it..
She took it from his hands.. touching her hands on his..
Suddenly a lightening struck to the ground...
She held one of his shoulders tightly...she is not scared but sudden strike made a lil bit jerk..
He placed his cold hand over her hand and tapped..
" Scared"? He asked

" No..why should I.?.when himself ,the blessing of lord indradev is with me..."

She said looking into his dark Hazels.
He looked at her in excitement..
" How do you know this much about me?

I haven't said this to you..then how?"
" I asked to mata"

" For what?"

" To know about you"..she said in soft voice

He looked at her...he gazed her dark brown eyes and she at his Hazels..his hands are still on hers .
Now he is more closer to her that he can smell her intoxicating blue lotus smell...
He inhaled it deeply...
He looked upto the sky...
" Thankyou indradev" he wispered and smiled..

She took her hand they slowly moved apart ..she wrapped herself in his angvastr...

She looked at him and thanked...
After a couple of minutes..rain stopped..
They walked to their respective chamber..
When her chamber reached ,she went in and turned back..

" Take care and good night"..

He nodded and left .
That night, both couldn't sleep... dhananjay rolled over the bed thinking of their closness and she too lost in his thoughts...
Soon he fell asleep in her thoughts ..
next morning all woke up early as our guests are going back...
Krishnaa too got up early morning..
Subhadra entered her chamber to look her and the scene she saw astonished her..

Her jijji dressed in white and look like an angel ..always she protested to wear royal robes and jewelleries..but today she wore it without nobody's insistance...she looked like godess...but her face was so gloomy...
" Whoaa jijji...u changed a lot ...bhrata dhananjay's effect?" Subhadra asked.

" Now will u please shut up meri maa and come with me" krishnaa pleaded..

" Well u know, white is bhrata Jay's favourite colour..

" Yeah i know" Krishnaa blushed

" Now please don't tell i wore it for him"
She again pleaded .

"Of course I'll tell" bhadra said and ran...
She ran behind her..
All was standing in the hall to bid adieu to everyone..
Dhananjay was eagerly waiting for her ...to see her face ..yes they will meet after 2 days for marriage..but the pain of leaving hits him hard...
Rukmini was walking through the corridor.. suddenly she felt a pull and within seconds she met those divine eyes...
Yes, it's her krishna..only hers ( here Rukmini is the only wife of krishna..no other wives)
Her eyes turned moist
He wipped it...

" Don't worry..I'll come to Indraprastha soon with a proposal"

She nodded..

"I'll miss you" she mumbled

" Me too priye"

He pulled her into his warm embrace...
He looked at her.. she smiled away shyly..

Dhananjay became impatient...he want to see her at once..
He turned to see an angelic figure walking towards him...making small steps..

He couldn't see anything else , hear anything but only her ..her and her..he intensively gazed at her ... oogling from top to bottom...
.she blushed..she looked like godess in his favourite colour...
But her face had no usual glow today..it's full of sadness. He knew the reason..he too had the same..

He looked at her in sadness..he couldn't utter a word...he only nodded for which she smiled faintly..

He looked at her and smiled..
" Will meet soon" he said

She nodded...soon all bid goobye to all in dwarka and went on to their respective horses...
Krishnaa looked at him ..tears fell down from her eyes unknowingly..
Dhananjay was caressing his horse ...he saw her teary eyes...he nodded her to not to cry ..which she smiled..On the other side .. sahadev was consoling a crying subhadra...she also bid goobye to him..

All sat on their horses and left...
Tears ran down from Krishnaa's eyes..
By evening..all reached Indraprastha..
Samrat and prithvi was already there and waiting for them...
The twins hugged and congratulated his brother...

2 days passed...
The wedding is on tomorrow.. everybody departed to panchal rajya... duryodhan ,dushassan and his mamashree also accompanied...
Dhananjay missed krishnaa so much that he couldn't sleep properly in these 2 days...his days and nights felt him like years..

"Why i can't do anything without her..why can't I control myself from thinking about her?,i know we will meet soon but why my heart racing behind her ? Why i felt like i wants her with me always? . What's this feeling...is it ' love'?... is this what we call " LOVE"..
" If so..then yes, I'm in LOVE... I'm in LOVE with you krishnaa..." He said to himself...
He shouted in heart ..." I LOVE YOU KRISHNAA and I'm coming to meet you"..
Finally Dhananjay realised his love....then what about krishnaa....

Do you think she also had same feelings?

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