33 : kidnapped!!

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She opened her eyes..looked at the man and got shocked...
" What are you doing.. leave me..." She yelled ..
That person laughed and held her hands
hands and dragged her from there...
Devika tightly grabbed her baby bump...she can't win over that strong manly figure but she tried her best...
He threw her to the chariot and drove faster ....
Krishna  was resting in her chamber as she felt dizzy and tired but she suddenly got up from bed...she felt that something bad had happened...

She asked sudhrma that devika returned or not ..she nodded in no...
She pulled herself out of the bed and went to dhara...
She asked dhara about the same but she also said that she hadn't returned...
Now both got tensed...

Dhara said to poornima the same... poornima ordered the soldiers to check in the mandir....
Soldiers searched there but they found only some soldiers and daasis lying unconscious..

Dhara got hell shocked....krishnaa started crying...

" What will i say to prithvi now" dhara cried...

She ordered soldiers to search every nook and corner of the country...
Soon the news of missing of devika spreaded in whole palace..

Dhara with a heavy heart, went inside her chamber and started crying...
Just then they heard the footsteps of horse and recognised that her sons are here....
She requested krishnaa to welcome them...

She controlled herself and went down to welcome them...
She felt a bit dizzy but she didn't made it serious and went with aarti thali....
Krishnaa welcomed 4 of them but Dhananjay found her face very dull and pale....

Other 3 brothers entered into the palace..krishnaa also was about to go but Dhananjay held her wrist...
" What happened? Why you are so dull...oh... disappointed for coming late"

he asked playfully but the next moment his expression changed as he saw her eyes turned moist ..

" What happened krishnaa? Are you ok.."

She slowly called him to a side and said.." that...that..arya..arya...jijji..jijji devika..iii..ss..miss.. missing. ."

" What !!!" Dhananjay yelled at the top of his voice made the other 3 brothers look back ..
" What happened jay" prithvi asked...

" Jyesht bhrata...we have to go"

" Where?" He asked

" Bhrata prithvi...go fast..and forgive us... Jijji devika...jijji devika is.. is miss... missing..and we couldn't protect her.." krishnaa said sobbing...

Prithvi couldn't believe his ears...
" What...?? " He asked in a broken voice..

Just then, dhara came and held prithvi's hands...
" Putr..putr mujhe kshama kardo... mujhe kshama kardo..mein apni putri ka rakshan nahi kar paayi"

Prithvi didn't utter a single word .
" Nakul , sahadev..let's go.." jay ordered

they were just about to leave..But
Suddenly a soldier came and bend down before them...
" Rajkumar prithvi, aap keliye ek sandesh hai"

Prithvi's eyes widened...
He suddenly took that message from his hands...
He read it and got more shocked...
Unstoppable tears came from his eyes...his hands trembled...

" What happened jyesht bhrata" Nakul asked

There was a total silence...
He again asked to which he gave that message to Nakul...
Nakul read out loud...

" Dear devavratha putro,
I know now in what situation you are going through....but the game has just started...i don't have any intention to harm prithvi patni devika...i will set her free...but I won't do it until Dhananjay patni krishnaa comes to me..if she didn't come..then i have to harm devika...
Send her to forest behind Indraprastha...
                                     Yours well-wisher

Krishnaa got hell shocked hearing this...
Dhananjay's fist clenched and his eyes burned in  anger....

" Who the hell is he...!!!!!!!" He roared....

Krishnaa sat on the floor....she got shattered...she got shocked hearing the message...

" No..behen...you will not go anywhere..I'll bring devika... don't worry.." prithvi assured

" Bu..but bhrata...her life is in my hands...i ca.. can't...take risk..." krishnaa cried....

" Krishnaa... nothing will happen to bhabhisree.... we'll bring her..." Dhananjay tried to pacify her...

" No..arya...i have to...I'm the only one who can save her...bhrata prithvi..I'll ..I'll go ...I'll go ..no matter whoever he was..." She stood up wipped her tears and replied...

" No bhabhisree.. please.. already we are in tension..." Nakul said...

" No.. I've to...arya I've to...please help me..i want to go..." Dhananjay doesn't know how to pacify his wife...he can't send his wife and also can't see his bhabhisree in trouble..

But Krishnaa again continued
" arya...what are you thinking of... please let me..."

Dhananjay nodded in no....tears found their way down through his cheeks..

Everyone pleaded krishnaa not to ...but she didn't pay heed to anyone...only devika's face was there in her mind...afterall, blood is thicker than water...
With a heavy heart... Dhananjay finally allowed krishnaa to go alone....

He went near his horse saibya and caressed it and whispered " come back and lead me to there where my Krishnaa is"

He horse made sound as if it agreed...
Krishnaa sat on the horse ....
Dhananjay's heart sank in immense pain as he send his wife alone into a forest even without knowing that who is all behind this....

He clenched his fist ...tears rolled down through his cheeks...
His body went numb when he saw his krishnaa going out of the sight....
Just a few minutes after krishnaa left , bhanumathi came running.....

" Bhrata Dhananjay...why did you let her go!!!" She yelled..

Dhananjay looked at her in shock...he didn't know how to react...

Bhanumathi went near the 4 brothers and pleaded" please save krishnaa....her life is in Danger.."

" But  bhabhisree bhanumathi...bhabhisree devika is kidnapped..." Sahadev said...

She looked at Dhananjay and said "no... Devika is just a dice in this game... a puppet to play with....they won't harm Devika ... nothing will happen to her.."

" Why??" Dhananjay asked

" because  their actual target is krishnaa!!!!"

Dhananjay shocked to the core...
He send his wife into the hands of death...

" What!!!!!....my ..my.. krishnaa... tell me...tell me .. bhabhisree...who were they...." He shouted....
Could Dhananjay save her?
Here is the update...
Hope you all like it
Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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