46 : Birth of a Gem

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Nakul and sahadev filled their bride's partition with sindhoor...and made them wear choodamani...
Soon the marriage ceremony was over...
Both brides and grooms took blessings from bheeshm and other elders..

Subhadra became so happy that now she is going to stay with her jijji..
She gave krishnaa a tight hug....
Seeing this, Dhananjay  gasped..
" No this girl won't leave her alone..."he muttered under his breathe

He slightly signalled sahadev to come near and said to him
" Better ask your wife not to take my wife as earlier before...ok or else I'll ..?"

" No bhrata ....I'll tell her.." sahadev said in fear ...As he knows, what he said before...
Krishna Chuckled hearing his parth's statement...

A grand feast was arranged for all of them..
All sat there in the grand dining hall of Swarnaprastha and started having their food...

Dhananjay frequently looked at his wife and found her swaying Little prathivindhya in her arms to make him sleep...
He smiled at it and thought how will she handle his little munchkin...

All had their feast...
It's evening now...
Both Subhadra and Malini bid goobye to their family with tears and also finished other rituals ...
Rukmini stayed back with her son as she came after long time to meet her family and decided to stay with her family for some days...
But krishna went back to Dwarka as he had some important works..
At Indraprastha,
An angry Drutsena was seen walking here and there in his room...
He threw all things here and there in frustration...
Shakuni enters the room and consoled him..

" Kya hua mere bachche.." he asked

" That dwarka kanya...i want her.." Drutsena said

" But how putr....? He is already that sahadev's" Shakuni asked ti which he smirked in anger..

" Sahadev's...my foot!!!.she'll be mine..."he said

" How... my putr?" Shakuni asked to which he smirked

" I don't know mamashree..but we want to plan something.. something big that can trap all that sheep gang together." He said with an evil smirk

" Don't worry... mamashree is here... I'll handle everything" shakuni said in cunning voice
A month passed like this...
The whole Swarnaprastha was calm and quite ...
Everything went fine and the subjects were satisfied with their rule and the kingdom glowed in prosperity...

Today was a special day, it's krithika day..
Believed to be the birth day of godess lakshmi...
Every house in Swarnaprastha glowed in light of  small diyas...
Palace of Swarnaprastha also looked grand and  beautiful in light of earthen lamps.....
The grand courtyard was filled with full of diyas...

Everyone was there at the courtyard .. lighting diyas .. smiling laughing and giggling...

Krishnaa too joined them even though she is heavily pregnant and it's her 9th month and her baby bump seems like her baby would pop out of her at any time...she could barely bend ,walk or sit...but still she joined with them....

All seemed to be very happy...
When diyas lit up,the whole palace looked like a ball of fire ...
The fire reflected on the golden walls of palace increased its beauty...

Krishnaa stood beside dhara by looking others lighting diyas because she can't bend and light up diyas...
Dhananjay frequently passed concern looks towards her...
But she blinked her eyes as if she was fine...

He already suggested her to take rest but she didn't pay heed...
She stood there looking at diyas ... suddenly she felt numb arising from her legs ...it reached her lower abdomen...
She felt a sharp pain passing through her veins and it reached her lower abdomen.. she held her baby bump tightly...
She quickly held dhara's hand for support as she was standing beside her...

" Putri...!!" Dhara called out and this made all look back...

Dhananjay saw her eyes filled with tears..she looked at him ...and with that one look he understood everything...
He ran towards her..

" Aahhhhhhh.....maaaaaaaa!!!!"
before he could reach her , he heard her sharp shrill...
Without thinking , he took her in his arms in bridal style and ran towards the nearby chamber...
He could feel some hot liquid running from between her legs to downwards Inside her skirt...

He ran as fast as possible...
He finally reached there .... he could hear dhara saying something behind but he didn't heard anything..only he could hear was her cry and only he could see was  her face flushed red in pain and unstoppable tears coming from her eyes..

By laying her down ,he moved back and he saw rajavaidhya rushing towards the chamber accompanied by dhara, devika and  Subhadra running inside

He stepped back out of the chamber and soon he saw some daasis closing the door..but still he could hear sharp cry of krishnaa from inside...

Prithvi placed hands on his shoulders and consoled him " everything will be fine... don't worry"

He just nodded and went to corridor and stood there looking at full bright moon...
He could hear her painful cry and unable to hear it he closed his eyes tightly and tears started rolling down from His cheeks....
His fist clenched as he can't tolerate her bearing this much pain...

There inside at chamber...dhara was soothing her hairs and saying consoling words to her...
She was screaming out of pain and rajavaidhya was trying her maximum to make baby came out of her  Womb...

" Please push yuvrani..." Rajavaidhya pleaded...

She took her maximum strength and pushed hard....And she laid back unable to bear pain...

" Please yuvrani .try again" she said and he pushed hardly once again...

" Putri.  Try once again...look within minutes...your baby will be in your arms..." Dhara almost pleaded to her...

" I..I.. can't maa...maata.." krishnaa managed to speak even she is in pain...

" One last try yuvrani...he is here" rajavaidhya said and she pushed her last one ..it seemed a bit strong....

"Aahhhhhhh!!!!!!!.." Dhananjay heard a strong cry and unable to hear that he tightly held prithvi's shoulder and he placed his hands over his and tapped gently as if consoling him...

Within no time, he came ...the strongest warrior..the one who bears Dhananjay's might and agniseni's fierceness is here.....the mark of their love is here ..the son of mighty gandhivdhari and agniseni is born...the whole nature rejoiced his birth as a part of adi shakti and mahadev was again born in to this earth..

" It's a boy..." Rajavaidhya said to dhara which bring smile and tears of happiness at the same time in her face...

Krishnaa rolled her eyes back and laid down on bed .. rajavaidhya took him ..cleaned him...devika gave a yellow silk cloth and rajavaidhya wrapped him in it and gave dhara...
Dhara slowly tapped krishnaa and she half opened her eyes...

" It's a boy ..my girl" dhara said to which krishnaa smiled in half conscious..tears fell down from her eyes...

Suddenly the baby cried as if he was informed  everyone that he has taken birth....

Within seconds, he heard a sharp and strong cry of a baby from inside...he opened his eyes in amusement and looked curiously at the door side...

He saw his mother coming with happy tears in her eyes and a little bundle of joy wrapped in yellow silk cloth in her arms...
His heart beated faster as he saw his mother moving towards him...

She walked towards dhananjay and said.." jay...it's a boy ..take him"
His eyes filled with tears and tears blurred his vision...

" Krishnaa ???" He immediately asked coming back to sense...

"She is fine putr...now take him.." dhara said

He streched his hands out to took him..
Dhara gave the baby to him in utmost care...
He received him with shevering hands..
He looked at him ..
Everyone curiously looked at the small bundle inside his hands...

" Oh..no...it's again a Dhananjay .. but little one.....he i exactly looks like you bhrata.." Nakul said to which everyone smiled..

" Yes jay...i still remember..when you was born you also looked exactly like this " prithvi said to which jay blushed a bit. .

He is the exact replica of himself...
His hair , his fair complexion , his nose and his charm...

" why is his eyes closed maata" he asked like an innocent kid..

" Babies are like that jay...they won't open eyes and smile at us immediately after birth.." dhara chuckled at her sons innocence...

" Now go and see her..." She added...
He took slow steps towards her chamber..

He saw a tired krishnaa laying on the bed...
Devika , Subhadra and rajavaidhya left the chamber to give them some privacy..
He without distrubing her, caressed her hairs and looked at baby in his arms ..
Suddenly she opened her eyes slowly and slightly smiled at him...

" You saw him arya...??" She asked in a tired voice..

He immediately sat beside her ...laid baby on her side...
She managed to sit and he helped her...
He immediately hugged her and kissed her lips without harming her...

" You know how much I got tensed....when I heard your cry...i was just like .. dying inside..." He said as tears made their way down through his cheeks...

She kissed his forehead and took baby in her arms..
" Look arya ...he is exactly like you" she said

" Is it? this is what others too said" He said in excitement..

" Yess...as my wish ..I got a little Dhananjay " she chuckled...
He looked at her baby and hugged him close to her chest...

A lone tear escaped from her eyes...
She again looked at her baby and started adoring his features which exactly looked like his father...

Now she felt like she is the most luckiest woman on this earth...
Dhananjay looked at his lovely wife and his cute little munchkin in her hands...
He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and caressed his baby's head...
That was indeed a beautiful scene...
A complete family....his family became complete...she became complete and most blissful moments for them ofcourse...
So guys how's the chapter
Hope you all like it...
But i have a little bit confused that what should I Name him...
I have two options...
1. Abhimanyu and next
Which name  should  I choose...
Please comment below....
I will choose that name which was most requested....

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Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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