62 : Looking for a bride

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At night,
Draupadi sat on her lavish bed with some parchments infront of  her....she seriously looked each and every parchment with utter concentration....
As now they are back at palace, there is lot if work pending and she is the finance minister..so she has to look each and every accounts thoroughly....they have to do things again from beginning...

She was checking each accounts with immense concentration and suddenly a daasi came and bowed infront of her...
" Yuvrani... Rajkumar Abhimanyu and Rajkumar shrutkarma is asking permission to see you "

Krishnaa's eyes lit up in happiness and she immediately replied
" Let them.."

She kept her parchments aside to the nearby table and she saw her sons coming inside ....
Both climbed on to the bed and hugged her from both sides....
Krishnaa couldn't suppress her happiness....her sons....she always waited for this moment...she placed her both hands on both of their cheeks and Chuckled.....

Abhi and kirti placed their head on her both shoulders....

" Mata ...we missed you so much..."Abhimanyu said ..

" Ha mata...we always missed you...we also wished to see you both " kirti added and krishnaa chuckled

" We too missed you both.....but tell me putro .. didn't you both miss each other?" Krishnaa asked

" No mata .... We frequently met each other...you know... we even switched our places...." Kirti replied with a wide smile....

" How?" Krishnaa asked

" Almost for 1 month , I stayed at panchal   and he stayed at dwarka " Abhimanyu said which surprised Krishnaa...

" Really? You went to panchal putra? How is mata and pithasree...? " She asked ....
She remembered them...she never spend some time with them...she didn't even spoke properly to them...her mind always wished to meet them in these years....to stay with them, to spend time with them ..to call them mata and pithasree....
Her eyes turned moist remembering them....

" They were fine mata...and you know..it was fun indeed... you know mata..mamashree drishtadyumn has 2 naughty little sons ...dritikesh and dridaksh ... they are very naughty and hyper active too....they didn't leave me for a second...and our agni ...she was always clinging onto me...she was crying like hell when I returned to dwarka..." Abhimanyu remembered how her little sister Agnijaa cried that day when he left panchal....
A small chuckle escaped from his mouth...

" Maata .." suddenly they heard a call and they looked towards the direction where they heard that sound....

They saw Agnijaa and Indrajaa came running towards them with a smile....
They jumped over their brothers and
Parted them away from krishnaa and hugged her tightly....

" Maata....I missed you alot.." Agnijaa said and snuggled more into her..

" I too....mata... really.." Indrajaa said kissing her cheeks...

" Ok.ok...I too missed my Angels" krishnaa replied smiling ...

" bhrata Our little monkeys came...now I don't think that we will get some space.." kriti said playfully pinching on agni's cheeks....

" Uff bhrata ..you pinched me...wait ... I'll complain to pithasree.. "she said

" Pithasree.." she yelled and kirti gulped hard....

" Mata save me.." he said to krishnaa and dhe chuckled

" Pithasree ki chamchi" she taunted Agnijaa which she made a sulking face....

Just then , dhananjay entered the chamber with all his glory ... seeing him, Agnijaa and Indrajaa jumped out of bed and ran towards him....
Krishnaa smiled as she already know , even though they loved both her and Dhananjay equally, their pithasree is always special to the girls and she likes that too....

" Pithasree" seeing him, the girls yelled and ran towards him...
He streched his both arms for his princesses...they just climbed onto his muscular arms and he quickly lifted  both of them up  in his both arms....

" Pithasree... pithasree...this bhrata kirti...he pinched me " Agnijaa complained making a cute pout and Dhananjay couldn't control his laughter...

"Pithasree.." Agnijaa whined seeing her father laughing at her and Dhananjay made a serious expression...

" Ok..kirti ..why you pinched my princess..she may gets hurt.." he said in a fake angry voice and kriti decided to play along... Abhimanyu and krishnaa tried hard to suppress their laughter...

" Sorry pithasree...I won't do it again.." kirti said holding both his ears ....

" Ah..don't ever repeat this..ok?" Dhananjay again said to which agni git happy...

" I love you pithasree" Agnijaa kissed her father's cheeks tightly wrapping her little hands around his neck...

" And here .." Dhananjay asked pointing towards his another cheek and looked at Indrajaa from the corner of his eyes....
Indrajaa immediately kissed his another cheeks ....he took both of them to the bed and sat there....
Agnijaa and Indrajaa placed their heads on his lap from both sides...he caressed their hairs...

That night they chatted , laughed and enjoyed a lot... Dhananjay and krishnaa felt like they  got their life back...they enjoyed a lot with their kids till the 4 slept on their lap...
Abhimanyu and kriti on krishnaa's and agnijaa and Indrajaa on Jay's lap..

They both caressed their hairs and looked at each other... they were sitting beside...

I'm so happy arya...I feel completed ...our kids are with us...our family become complete... " Krishnaa said to him...

" Yes.. krishnaa...today I'm the most happiest man on this earth...my family..my kids are with me...what else I can ask to the almighty..." He said and kissed her forehead...

" I wish we always stay like this... happy always" saying this, she placed her head on his shoulders....he kissed her head...

" I want you to be happy..our children to be happy...I love you Krishnaa.." he said

" I love you too arya.." he said back

His one hand wrapped around her shoulder and one around his kids...
She slept on his shoulders and he too slept placing his head over hers...
And that was an adorable scene to behold.....
As months passed by,
Kids are really enjoying their palace and it's ofcourse a new experience for them...
But nobody was aware of the rage burning inside the 4 brother's heart....
They didn't forgot anything...
Their father's murder, krishnaa and devika's insult....exile... everything...
Memories added salts to their wounds again and again...
Where the men prepared to make strategies for war, here in the inner chambers of palace spoke another story...

" No...no...look at her nose...it's so short .. she won't be a good match for my brother" agnijaa and sumitra sulked seeing a parchment and threw it away.... 
Prathista and Indrajaa too supported them...
It fell on to  a small mountain of parchments lying on the table like this they threw....
Draupadi and devika looked at each other and laughed....

As per the royal astrologer's prediction, in despite of their objection, devika and draupadi started to look for a bride for  both prathivindhya and Abhimanyu because both had only 6 months age difference...
And they are looking at the paintings of Princesses from the four directions of aryavarth to find a suitable one and his sisters gang is just rejecting all those pointing out some silly excuses...

" Jiji...I think these four are bribed by prathi and abhi...I won't believe them..." Draupadi said looking at the girl gang suspciously...

" Trust us mata...we aren't bribed by bhrata..promise" Indrajaa stated

" Then how...these all are selected by me and draupadi...and you girls simply rejected it...." Devika said as the girls looked each other ..

" Ok Fine.. then ...this is the last one ...look " devika took the last parchment and passed it to Pratishtha...
Prathista took the parchment in her hand and took a look at it once...
Involuntarily her lips curved up ....

" she is so... beautiful" a whisper left her mouth as she saw the painting and showed that to her little sisters...
They too agreed with it....

Devika smiled and said" she is princess vedavathi .. princess of avanti Kingdom"

" She is so beautiful maata..." prathista stated to which they smiled...

" So .. shall I tell your pithasree and Bhrata ?" Devika asked to which they nodded...
At night , in krishnaa and dhananjay's bed chamber
Krishnaa carelessly combed her hair with her hands looking at the moon .. thinking something...
Suddenly she felt two cold hands covering her waist ....a cool breeze passed her....
She didn't tried to turn and look as she already knew who is that....she smiled
Dhananjay slowly placed his head on her  right shoulder....

" What are you thinking.. Princess of panchal?" He asked , mischief dripped  from his each words and she smirked

"Just thinking about my son... prince of Indraprastha" she replied back with same mischievousness

" Oh... then what about your husband princess...?" He again asked

" What to think about him..my husband always loves his gandhiva More than me and always spends quality  time with her In practice hall..." She said faking a sad expression

" Oh really? Then why don't you stop him?" He asked again.. supressing his laughter

" How can I...? He is senapati of our country..how can I stop him from his duties...no.." she again said

" Not in day... atleast you can give immense love to him at night.. right?" He again asked with a mischievous smirk

This time krishnaa turned towards him with a slight frown and he smiled at her...

" Means?" She asked raising her eyebrows...

" Means... simple... love him so immensely that he always stick onto you...not his gandhiva.." he replied nuzzling into her nape .. inhaling her blue lotus fragrance....

" Arya..." She moaned as her just hoarded his head deep into her neck... involuntarily her fist clutched his hairs gently...

After a good time of romance, he muttered
" I missed you so much... where were you krishnaa?" He said laying on her lap....

Krishnaa stroked his hairs gently and replied
" we were busy in bride hunting..You know arya ...we found a good bride for our prathi.." she said

" Is it...? Our prathi got that much old ? " He asked widening his Hazels..

" Ha arya...our raj rishi suggested to find a suitable bride for both abhi and prathi....so we found a perfect match for prathi..." She said

" Who is she?" He asked

" It's Avanti princess vedavathi.."

" I heard that princess is well matured and calm ..just like prathi and she's a perfect match for him.." he said but saw krishnaa again immensed in her own thoughts...

" What are you thinking krishnaa?" He again asked

"I was thinking about talking with jyesht bhrata about abhi and matsya princess uttara..." She replied

" Ah yes...we already discussed about it...but before that we have to ask  abhi's consent too.. then we'll talk to jyesht bhrata..and you know what jyesht already sent message to matsya inviting them here..." He said

" Oh...is it...?" She asked

" Yes and tomorrow...madhav will also come along with Rukmini and children..." He said and bit his tongue
Krishnaa's eyes widened

" Sakha is coming? And nobody bothered to tell me? Huh?!! and also with bhabhi and children...what all preprations I have to do....and you are sayings at the last minute...this is not fair arya.." she said with an angry expression

" Ah...he knew it.. that you will do the preparations for a grand celebration .... that's why madhav specially told me to keep it as a secret especially to you..." He  laughed

" you both friends are too cruel arya.." she pouted and about to get up ..he wrapped his arms around her waist tightly...

" It's a personal visit krishnaa.. don't worry...madhav is not our guest...he is our family member right?" He asked to which she nodded

" Then what's the problem..let them come...it's our happiness and they won't complaint that we didn't conduct any celebration..." He said and closed his eyes...

Krishnaa caressed his hairs and gave a peck on his forehead...

" I love you.." he said still closing his eyes ...a smile danced on his lips....

" I love you too..." She said and soon drifted into sleep..
Next day early morning,
be hurry..they will be here at any time.." Subhadra ordered to a daasi who was busy in making sweets...

" Bhadra ...aarti thali is not ready yet?" Krishnaa asked in anxiety...

" I made it ready already jiji.."Malini said

Just then childrens came there....
" What happened masi ...what's this celebration for ? " Shrutkarma asked

" Yes putr... BhrataVasudev is coming here ..they will be here at any time" Malini said

only Mamashree is coming" Abhimanyu also joined them ..

" No.. whole Dwarka family is coming.. including your Rukmini bua and children" Subhadra Said

" So that means... bhrata Pradyumna will also come?" Prithvisen asked

" Yes.." Subhadra replied..

" So that means, jiji Charumathi will also come?" Indrajaa asked

" Yes yes..she will also.." krishnaa giggled and  said

And hearing that name , somebody blushed and hid his smile ....

" Charu is coming...." Somebody muttered under his breathe and blushed heavenly and ran towards his chamber....
How's the chapter guys?
So my question is who blushed and why?
Any guess...
Please comment your guess in comment box ...and please vote too...

Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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