69: Abhimanyu in Chakravyuh

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Two days after,
Krishnaa was restless..for unknown reasons ,her mind kept beating faster and faster... she don't know why . But her heart kept telling that something again is going to happen and this time it is going to shook her...

It's the 13 th day of war and they had already left for the battlefield...even though it's only 2 days since prathivindhya had left this world,they have to fight...fight for him ....
Krishnaa sat infront of shivaling and prayed...

" Hey mahadev...why I'm getting restless by each passing second..why I'm getting bad vibes... please protect my children... please protect my family..." She prayed and Looked at devika who's sitting beside her like a living corpse....

After that day, she didn't spoke a word to others..she always wanted to sit alone and always silent...she always spend her time infront of that shivling and the only evidence to identify that she is alive is the fresh tears that coming out from her eyes often....
Krishnaa took a deep breath and again joined her hands and chanted mrityunjay mantra...
In battlefield,
Swarnaprastha army became restless as the Indraprastha army formed a Chakravyuh under the guidance of bheeshm....and the problem is there are only dhananjay and Krishna in Swarnaprastha army who knows how to break Chakravyuh....
Dhananjay and krishna was well aware of breaking it....but they are busy in fighting with samsaptakas... prithvi became restless...now who will help us...?

" I'll do it jyesht pita...I know how to break it.." they heard a voice from behind and prithvi's heart skipped a beat...it was Abhimanyu...

" No putr...no need of it... we'll do it..." Prithvi said

" No jyesht pita... I'll do it...I know how to break it...don't worry...I'll lead the army" he said with a confidence..

" But putra..." Prithvi again asked as he doesn't want to happen that again in their family..never again

" Please trust me jyesht pita.." he almost pleaded and finally prithvi allowed him to break the Chakravyuh....

Abhimanyu called a soldier near to him and said something to him...the soldier bowed infront of him and left...
Back in the tent,
A soldier entered inside the tent and bowed infront of krishnaa..she got up from her sitting position....

" Yuvrani...you have a message from Rajkumar Abhimanyu...he asked for your blessings and said you to be bold" the soldier informed and her heart skipped a beat..

" What happened? Where is he? " She asked.. now her heart beat is racing faster than before...

" He has entered into the Chakravyuh yuvrani.." the soldier informed and krishnaa's eyes widened in shock and he heart beat stopped right there...

" What did you said?" She asked in a low voice , unable to believe what the soldier just informed..

" I'm telling the truth yuvrani...." He informed

" Can you tell me Where is aryaputra dhananjay?" She asked..

" Yuvraj is in battlefield yuvrani. He is fighting with samsaptakas.." the soldier informed,bowed infront of her and left....
Krishnaa's breathe hitched ..she sat on the floor ...tears formed in her eyes ...no...what she feared was going to happen....no ..never ...she won't let it happen in any cost...

She turned towards shivling and joined her hands...

" Hey bhagwan... please help my child..be always with him.." she prayed. Closing her eyes....
At battlefield,
Abhimanyu entered inside the Chakravyuh but it's not easy for him to enter into it so easily...so maharaj ranprathap, his grand father guided and helped him to enter inside...
Krishnaa felt a little relief hearing that her father also accompanied...

Krishnaa continuously sat inside the tent and prayed to mahadev for his sage return..but things weren't smooth there in the battlefield...

After a long time of hard work, Abhimanyu finally entered into the Chakravyuh after killing 100s of soldiers and he himself found surrounded by his uncles dhuryodhan, dushassan and drutsena along with mamasree Shakuni and his sons and an old man with a divine aura on his face.....
The old man took his bow as if he was ready to fight with.....it was Mahasamrat bheeshm,his own great grandfather.... dhuryodhan smirked evily as he saw Abhimanyu came all alone....

Bheeshm got perplexed and astonished seeing such a small boy inside Chakravyuh.... bheeshm didn't recognise him as he never saw a grown up Abhimanyu but somewhere he felt a similar and strong pull towards that boy.......

" Hey child .... who are you? What are you doing here...?go away from here...you won't defeat such a big army alone...." Bheeshm shouted...

" No....I've faith on my courage and valour and there are so many peoples who will pray for my victory and if you say so, then I'll surely try it....great grandfather...." Abhimanyu spoke with courage in his words , but his voice softened as he spoke the last sentence,when he called him Great grandfather,which wasn't unnoticed by bheeshm

Now bheeshm got confused again and asked..." Who are you really..??"

" Me...I'm Mahanayak Dhananjay putr Abhimanyu... Agniseni draupadi nandan Abhimanyu... Prince of Swarnaprastha...grand son of samrat devavratha and great grandson of Mahasamrat bheeshm..." abhi finally said with proud

Tears clouded in bheeshm's eyes as he heard it....he had never saw his great grandsons grown up and today his grandson is right infront of him... bheeshm felt proud and disappointment at the same time...proud for his grandsons valour and disappointment that their first meeting happened in such a bad circumstances... bheeshm wanted to embrace him into a warm hug but he couldn't...he wanted to bless him but couldn't...

But bheeshm had to fight. It's his Dharma... without thinking anything..he started to shoot arrows at Abhimanyu and suddenly his nerves got alert...he too started to oppose with his full strength and by each passing second, his valour made bheeshm spellbound....

But suddenly, Shakuni signalled his sons to start their dirty games...
Abhimanyu was utterly concentrating on surroundings..but suddenly he saw an arrow coming towards him...it directly hit on his chest....he squeezed his eyes and pulled that arrow back from his chest and looked forward..it was vrisha, son of Shakuni...

Abhimanyu smirked and pointed his bow and arrow towards him..but again he felt someone kicked him from behind and he fell on the floor that was unexpected...
Dushassan came from behind and stomped his feet on Abhimanyu's hands....he closed his eyes but not even a single tear came from his eyes.... dhuryodhan smirked and squeezed Abhimanyu's head with his foot ... Abhimanyu gritted his teeth and with full strength, he pushed his foot away from his head and stood up .....
suddenly he saw a group of arrows approaching him and it altogether hit on his body at the same time ..

" Leave him...it's adharm to fight with a weapon less warrior..." Bheeshm yelled at dhuryodhan but he Never minded his words...

Abhimanyu clenched his fist and closed his eyes....he remembered the teary eyes of his mother....he started to pull all the arrows out from his chest and took a sword from the hands of a dead soldier and stood there...he gave a good fight with soldiers and he almost killed 100s of soldiers Within this time...
Krishnaa opened her eyes with a start and whispered.." putr"

Her mind is becoming restless by each passing second and she herself don't know why....
" But how he know to break Chakravyuh.." krishnaa calmed her mind and asked to herself....

Only her sakha and her husband knows how to break it...then how??
May be krishna trained him...? Suddenly Krishnaa reminisced an incident happened when she was pregnant with Abhimanyu...

this is the model of Chakravyuh..why sakhi?"

" Can you please explain it to me also Govind...arya please.."

now she got the clear picture that from where did he gained that knowledge..but suddenly something banged inside her head...she never heard it Fully!!!!! It was left incomplete that day!!!
Abhimanyu know how to enter but don't know how to get out of it.....
She gasped in horror...that means her son's life is in danger....

Her full body started to shake and started to sweat ..she didn't know what to do ...she don't know how will she handle it....she kept pacing back and forth in her tent thinking about it....but her thoughts was broke by sound of Subhadra...
" Jijji... You are here.. vrushali jiji asked about you..."

" Where is she ? " Krishnaa asked back

"she is in her tent with jyesht sree karn.." Subhadra replied

Suddenly draupadi's eyes lit up...she literally ran towards their chamber and informed a soldier to get permission...when she got permission,she ran into the tent and fell on karna's feet...karn got startled...

" Jyesht sree...help me...help our abhi ...he is in danger...help us..." She pleaded... vrushali made her stand..

" What happened Krishnaa... tell the matter..." Vrushali asked

" Jiji...my abhi..he entered into Chakravyuh.." she said in a broken voice

" Chakravyuh? What are you saying krishna? How he knows to break it..?" Karn asked  with a shocking expression because breaking it is not an easy task..

" yes..I'm telling the truth jyesht sree.  Now please help me..he don't know how to get out of it..." She continued
" It was my mistake jiji...when I was pregnant, arya used to explain me about vyuhas and one day when he and sakha explained about Chakravyuh to me ..at first I listened to them with full concentration and my child was grasping those also...but I slept when arya explained how to get out  Chakravyuh ...so he don't know how to...it may sounds ridiculous..but it's truth... please help me..."

Karn immediately took his Vijaya Dhanush in his hands and marched out of his tent and before going,he said "don't worry behen Krishnaa..I'll bring him back ... safely.."
She gratefully nodded at him..
Back in battlefield,
It was almost sunset ....
Abhimanyu was fighting with all his might but his energy had already exhausted.. he was brutally injured ..they didn't even gave him the priority that he is a small boy of only 16 .... he was getting badly injured by his own uncles...but he is warrior..he is strong. ..he won't give up...

While fighting, Uluka found the best opportunity to kill Abhimanyu just like prathivindhya.... He slowly took steps towards Abhimanyu who was facing back at him... definitely he didn't see uluka....
But Uluka was about to stab Abhimanyu...he felt another one standing before him and instead of abhi,he got the stab....it was none other than ranprathap... Uluka got frustrated and again stabbed ranprathap to death...

" Matamah.." upon seeing the sight infront him Abhimanyu yelled and ran towards him...but Uluka again stabbed Abhimanyu this time and he fell on the ground.....but again , by gathering up  the last drop of energy in his body Abhimanyu stood up and said..

" Prince uluka....you had killed my brother...you are trying to kill me...but remember..I'm not the only one left...I'm just a part...a small part of a big volcano...it will explode...explode for sure and that day.  You won't escape... you will helplessly stand looking at your death ...in fear..."

Uluka shivered in anger and again stabbed Abhimanyu multiple times.... for venting his anger ..but abhi smiled..this made him more angry...

He was about to stab Abhimanyu again , uluka's sword got threw up away from his hands by an arrow... Abhimanyu and uluka  looked at the direction to see karn standing there with his bow..his eyes filled with rage and anger...
Abhimanyu smilingly looked at karn as fell unconscious....

" Abhi....!!!!" Karn yelled as he saw Abhimanyu lying on the ground...

" ...how dare you gandhar prince .!!!!." karn yelled and marched towards uluka and was about to point his arrow suddenly the conch blown and today's war is over...karn fisted his hands in anger and sat beside the figure of Abhimanyu and hugged him.......

Karn cried , taking Abhimanyu's hand in his and whispered...
" Please open your eyes putra... I've promised your mata that I'll bring you safe and sound.... please don't...putra"

uluka left from there , smirking at karn sarcastically...
Dhananjay felt that his world has stopped infront of him ...his world had shattered infront of him... gandhiva dropped from his hand as he sat on the floor ....
he hugged the brutally injured body of his son ....He ran his hands through the bruisers ...
The scene of him , holding Abhimanyu for the first time passed through his mind....he was the most happiest person on earth that day when his mother handed over that little bundle of joy into his arms....He still remember his krishnaa's tired face but yet a calm smile when he entered into their chamber with his son in his arms....tears made their way down through his cheeks....he felt vulnerable....he felt helpless..he felt guilt...he put his head on his lap...

" Putr...open your eyes..putr.." Dhananjay blabbered like a mad to an unconscious Abhimanyu...

Everyone looked helplessly at dhananjay.... shrutkarma cried hugging shrutsena and satanik..... prithvi tried his level maximum to control his tears but he couldn't. ..

" Dhananjay...we should take him to the tent ..." Karn said holding his shoulders...

Nakul checked his pulse and his eyes widened...
" Bhrata...take him... immediately..still his heart beat is there..but in a slow pace...we have to do something immediately.. quick..!!" Nakul's words bought a ray of hope into dhananjay's dark filled mind...
But how will he face krishnaa now???

He immediately carried Abhimanyu to the tent... shrutkarma stood beside Abhimanyu all the time , trying to wake him up but he can't....

Agniseni heard the footsteps of a daasi and she immediately opened her eyes ....
" Daasi... what's the news.." she enquired eagerly..

" It's a bad news yuvrani.." she said with her head hung down...

" What ????!!!???"krishnaa's eyes filled with tears and her breathe hitched...

"What if something happened to her Abhi....no...that can't happen.... jyesht sree will protect him..." She consoled herself....

" Tell me daasi...what's it?" Gaining courage finally she asked....

" Yuvrani... actually..it's...it's...your pithasree... king of Panchal has passed away..he attained veermrityu ...and Rajkumar... rajkumar Abhimanyu .... Abhimanyu is in a serious condition..he was treat......" Before the daasi could complete...she saw krishnaa closing her eyes...

" Yurani....!!!!!!" The daasi yelled as krishnaa fell unconscious into her arms....
How's the chapter guys...?
Hope you all like it..
But I want a suggestion...
Should I kill abhi just like in the epic or to make him live?
Drop your opinion in comment box.....and don't forget to vote too

Stay happy
Stay safe 🙏

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