71 : Dhuryodhan's Dilemma

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Dhuryodhan nodded..he excused himself and went outside the tent....but little dhuryodhan knows that night will reform his life .... forever....

At past midnight,
Krishnaa was sitting on the floor inside the tent where Abhimanyu was resting...his body was slowly reacting to medicines but didn't regain his consciousness...he is something like he is in coma... krishnaa didn't even move and inch from there and continuously taking care of him and praying....tears in her eyes didn't seem to be dry soon as it's continuously flowing and her lips are whispering his name frequently as if chanting mantra....

After hours of discussions with his brothers for tomorrow, Dhananjay came back to his tent to find krishnaa wasn't there..he knew where she was... without wasting time he headed towards the medical tent ....
He saw her sitting on the floor in that chilling cold...

" Krishnaa...." He called softly....

" You can go and take rest arya ..I'll be here with him.." she said without even trying to look back at him... Dhananjay's heart ached....why is she talking like this? Just because he failed to protect him..? Was it really his fault....? No.. now he can't tolerate this ignorance anymore....

" Why are you behaving like I've no rights on him krishnaa" his voice carried calmness yet a pain ....

Now she turned towards him ..he came and sat beside her on the floor ...

" what was my fault?" He added

" I never said that it's your fault arya...amd neither I did say that you have no rights on him.." she said emotionless

" No...you are behaving like as if I've failed to protect him...i've rights on him..he is my son too...but why this ignorance..? Answer me.." he asked raising his voice a bit...

This time she couldn't hold back her tears...she hugged him tightly and let her heart out .....she cried inside his arms...Placing her head on his chest.. Dhananjay got scared...he tried to console her and soothed her back to ease her sobs....

" I...I don't know why I'm like this ..I..I..can't...see...I can't see my abhi like this...no...no.. arya..why it's happening to us... why.." she asked between her sobs... Dhananjay's eyes too got moist..but no..not now..bow ,he have to stay strong...if he cry,his anger will go...and he won't let his anger go..he want to avenge.. avenge for the death of prathi...for Abhimanyu's condition....

" It happened just because that we can get a strong reason to finish them off" Dhananjay stated in a firm voice..

Krishna raised her head a bit and Looked up at him...

" Yes....they will reap what they sowed... tomorrow, the morning sun will witness the slaying of those sinners....mata kaali will be got bathed by their blood..it's my vow ..I'm taking this vow that I'll take revenge for my children....." He said ..his eyes got blood red in anger...

Krishnaa slowly got up from his embrace and looked away...her tears made way out of her eyes....

"Now no....don't shed your precious tears from today ....now it's their turn to shed tears....not only  tears .. but blood too.." he said looking at her...

She just placed her head on his shoulders and sighed ..no matter what,her solace always depends upon him and his presence....
At Indraprastha army camp,
Dhuryodhan was marching towards the common tent for them...most of the soldiers had already fallen asleep... aswadhdhama has called him to discuss about certain war strategies for tomorrow....it's past midnight now...now he have to make sure that his uncle and cousins are safe or not ..he trusted them so much.... inside the tent,  visha's asked to Shakuni in a drousy  voice ,as they all are drunken and not at all in consciousness..

" What's this pithasree...we are here for 13 days ...still there's no sign of ending this stupid war...we are just wasting our energy...." He said

Just then , dhuryodhan came and when he was about to step into the tent ..he heard shakuni's voice...
" No my son..let that dhuryodhan plan everything...he will plan everything and we will execute our plan behind him , putting all blame on him.." he heard shakuni's drousy voice and dhuryodhan raised his brows ...why his mamashree is talking like this...he decided to hear all the conversation by standing there itself. Now imhe is curious to know what their cousins are actually planning...he himself his behind the curtain outside tent...

" Dhuryodhan...don't talk about him..he is a stupid...good for nothing.." uluka said with a disgusting face.... dhuryodhan saw it from the curtains of the tent....he clenched his fist..

" I know that my son and that's why I did make him come to my path so easily..." This time Shakuni said and dhuryodhan looked at Shakuni in disbelief....

His mamasree...the person whom he trusted the most is speaking I'll about him....he just wanted to cry and scream..but now he has to compose himself..he want to know everything...

" You know sons, it didn't take too much time or effort to make those brothers go against those devavratha putras...they are just fools...I should say big fools...otherwise who will miss the fraternity with such powerful warriors like devavratha putras... blessings of lords itself..." Shakuni laughed at it and dhuryodhan felt betrayed...

" But pithasree..do you really think that he is a fool....what if he got to know about our plans ?" Visha asked

" No...no one... no one will come to know about that....and we are almost at the verge of our success..those devavratha putras and Chitrangad putras will fight with other and will die for sure and after that...only my two sons uluka and visha will be the future emperors of aryavarth.." Shakuni said at the top of his voice , not bothering about the surroundings...

" But what about that dhuryodhan...? He thought that we are here to make him future emperor...what will we do if he succeeded in this war?" Visha again asked..

" No..no... he won't succeed and he can't beat devavratha putras... even each and every particles of soil in kurukshetra knows that ...but if he didn't die, then we will make him go to hell...." Uluka said and the trio laughed, totally like maniacs.....

And now that's done.... dhuryodhan can't tolerate any more...he just wanted to kill himself...he just wanted to roar and cry...he just wanted to destroy this whole world...he believed in traitors in his whole life....he felt betrayed, anger ,hurt ,pain ... dhuryodhan never felt such a situation in his whole life .. tears already cascaded down through his red angry face....
He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth...he marched from there in a High speed and reached at his tent....he  started to threw things here and there...he just wanted to yell....he got betrayed by his mamashree..whom he loved most ,than his parents.....he was wrong...
He directly wanted to slay those traitors to death ...but he will not...it's 'their ' duty and their right to kill them... devavratha putras will kill them ....
Dhuryodhan sat on the floor and cried the whole night..but he have to be strong..he is not that fool...now he have to act as if nothing had happened.... atleast till this war ends...now he understood that he will got killed ,his death his near..

Everything..each and everything he has done to them flashed before his eyes..he shut his eyes tightly...tears rolled down through his cheeks.. his heart wrenched when he remembered how he tried to kill his cousin brothers...his own brothers... dhuryodhan reminisced each and every crime he committed.....he slept on floor itself....
Next morning,
It's a new journey for Swarnaprastha army today....the loss they faced made them double strong and they are ready to fight with any of them....
Karn and prithvi was inside their common tent ...all were present there including dhara....

" Today is the most crucial day for us...we have to fight with our full might...we have faced enough loss..now it's time to pay back.." karn said to which everyone nodded in yes

" Today we will avenge the death of our child and for 100 of kings and soldiers who left their life for us and......."

" Will bring justice and dharm to aryavarth" karn heard a voice from behind...he looked back to see Dhananjay and krishnaa standing at the door side of the tent...

" Come Dhananjay....how is abhi?" Karn asked softly and krishnaa's face fell in agony.

Dhananjay looked at krishnaa and replied
" Not yet gained conciousness bhrata... Only just breathing softly..."
A few drops of tears escaped from krishnaa's eyes as he finished...

They all went outside after planning something and reached the main courtyard..they did aarti to mata kaali and went to battlefield without wasting time..
At battlefield,
Dhuryodhan looked around him...he himself at the battlefield .... his eyes carried tears....he felt a cold hand on his shoulders....
" Bhratasree..why are you standing here ..lets go" he heard his brother drutsena calling him and he sighed...

The war had already started and dhuryodhan can't even concentrate on it...his body was there but his mind was still stuck on there ,in that tent ...last night's incident was playing in his mind as if he was witnessing a drama...

Using this opportunity, soldiers started to attack him but he somehow managed to escape from them..... krishna noticed this...he understood the reason for dhuryodhan's absent mindness .....he smiled.. finally it's time..time to get over...

Shruthakirti killed whoever came infront of him....be it kings or soldiers,he killed mercilessly....today he is not a human but a monster....he couldn't supress his anger ..the sight of Abhimanyu's wounded body was flashing continously in his mind...  
Finally, aswadhdhama stopped him midway...both aswadhdhama and shrutkarma started duel with arrows and bows.... shrutkarma almost defeated aswadhdhama and now he is in rage ....rahe to find out the culprit of prathi and abhi's condition....

He moved forward and found Visha standing there , fighting with someone...
"Gandhar prince Visha....!!!" He shouted

Visha looked back to see shrutkarma standing there with bow in his hands... visha smirked sarcastically at him...

" Go away CHILD...war is for elders not for children like you..." He teased

" Is that so...then fight with this CHILD...do you have guts.." he asked back...

Both started to fought like mad elephants...and shrutkarma was always dominating in the war...he is far far better warrior that visha....and finally visha got exhausted and he  shouted...

" You fool boy ..now look what can I do.... I'll send you too with your brother prathivindhya"

By saying this , visha swirled his sword to slay shrutkarma,he shot an arrow directly on visha's throat which made him fell down immediately and within minutes, blood covered his whole body and thus resulted in his death.....

Very soon this news reached in the ears of Shakuni , Shakuni raged in anger ...
" Dhananjay putra shrutkarma..I won't leave you....I won't let you leave peacefully..."

Whether on the other hand, dhuryodhan didn't even shed a single tear for his death as if he wanted it....his behaviour made his brothers confused....

" Bhrata....our bhrata visha has gone.. don't you have any grief?" Dushassan asked

" Grief for death deserves only for trustworthy s not for cheaters.." dhuryodhan replied back blankly at him ..
On the other hand,
Indraprastha Army was in deep grief for guru dron's demise.... dhristadyumn has killed guru Dronacharya by beheaded him .... aswadhdhama too now was furious on Swarnaprastha army....

Dhananjay felt like he  had lost his biggest strength....his gurudev...his teacher,the one who gave knowledge to him was no more.... he felt himself vulnerable.... But Krishna consoled him...

" No parth..it's not the time to go weak... tomorrow's sunrise will witness the end of this war... tomorrow justice will be begot and will be the death of unrighteousness....don't loose your courage..."
Dhananjay composed himself and determined that tomorrow he will seel the revenge that is boiling within him from past 14 years....

" Tomorrow's sunset will witness the burning pyre of Shakuni, dushassan. dhuryodhan and that uluka....." Dhananjay said to himself..
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