8: Rescue

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In Indraprastha...
Rajkumar prithvi was all set to go to panchal..he and samrat sat on their horses and set out to panchal...
Following them , prince Dhananjay, Nakul and sahadev also got ready to go to Dwarka..
Vasundhra and Rukmini stayed back at palace and assured that they will come tomorrow morning as it's not fair , according to ritual that wife goes outside the city on the day of departure of her husband to a war...so she insisted Rukmini to accompany her tomorrow and stay there...first she refused but later accepted..

Rajkumars are on their way to dwarka..
Nakul : " the sight is so beautiful... isn't it sahadev"?

Sahdev: " yes Nakul...indeed beautiful..

Jay : "then what will you say if you see dwarka"?

Nakul : yes..mata told about dwarka and it's extraordinary beauty..we went there when we were kids ..so I don't remember much...".

Sahdev :" and also about the extraordinary beauty of the ladies too... haina Nakul?" He laughed..

Jay : uff o will you both stop..always behind girls..."

Nakul :" why bhrata don't you like girls.. there at Indraprastha ,ladies are dying to get your one glance...you know"?
Dhananjay rolled his eyes..

Jay :" beauty is not just at face dumbo...but in mind too .the beauty of a girl cannot be defined just by looking at her face .."

Sahdev: "whooaa bhrata ... philosophy.."

Dhananjay :" it's not philosophy Dumbo, it's just my pov"..

Nakul :" so tell us bhrata..about your dream girl..i mean the girl in your dream .our future bhabhi "? He chuckled

Jay ( smiling) : " she should be beautiful..not only by face but also by mind...she should have fire in her eyes...at the same time she should have an ocean of kind at heart...
Her hands should be like as soft as a flower..but at the same time..she should have the capability to hold weapons...her beauty should have the capability to take away the breath of whole nature...but what attracts more should be her character....my girl must be a warrior Nakul ..at the same time kind..she must be brave but peaceful .she must be strong but lovely..." Dhananjay completed smilingly..

Nakul and sahadev stopped their horses and stared at him in astonishment..
Nakul murmured..." Impossible"..

Sahadev : " i neither know nor heard about such a princess in the whole aryavarth..bhrata, either change your taste... or you choose asceticism..that's the only possible way"

Nakul :" exactly"

Jay : " no Sahdev..i will find her soon...my mind says that..."

Nakul : " what's this bhrata..so confusing...my god!!.."

Sahdev : " i think someone is there at dwarka like this...i have heard something like that from mata about bhrata krishn's sister... I don't know her name but bhrata krishna calls her SAKHI"

Jay : " is it? "

Sahdev : " ha.. once she said that her eyes look like fire and something like that..."

Jay : ( giggling) " for mata, all girls in aryavarth have fire in their eyes"..

Nakul : " but dwarka has only one princess right? "

Sahdev : " actually there is only 1 but there is 2.. the actual one is Rajkumari subhadra and elder one is jaanki maiyya's daughter..

Jay: "oh jaanki maiyya had a daughter....maiyya is so sweet.. in childhood, i and madhav used to prank her ...it's very funny.."

Nakul : u know her bhrata...?

Jay :" i don't know about her daughter.. but i know janaki maiyya ..i was always behind her along with madhav whenever i went to dwaraka in my childhood "

Nakul : " it's ok bhrata...we can see her daughter too...chill naa...!!"
Dhananjay rolled his eyes and rode his horse faster...
Meanwhile in dwarka...it's evening now..
"Come jijji...let's go to river bank..." Subhadra suggested..

" No..no ..the guest will arrive at any time.." krishnaa reminded

"No jijji... we'll come back before they come.." subhadra insisted.

" Bhadra, but " krishna continued but bhadra cut her off...

"If you love me,then you will come with me" subhadra pouted..

"Ok..ok.. I'll come with you.." krishnaa giggled

"Then come"..

"Stay for minute " . krishnaa went inside and took a bow and some arrows and placed it on their horse's back..( she knows archery and sword fight.. bhrata Balram is her guru)

Krishnaa: " Now we can go...But wait a minute i have to tell mata about this.."

Subhadra: uff o jijji pls don't do it ..mata will kill us...

Krishnaa : "but..."

Subhadra : now no buts and ifs jiji.. come it's already getting late..

Krishnaa nodded and sat on horse and went to river bank..
After sometime in dwarka...the princes entered the palace gateway...
Nakul : "whoaa bhrata it's beautiful.."

Jay : "yes .."

Sahadev : "like heaven on earth"
Soon they entered the palace.. everyone was there to welcome them...
Krishna went outside from city for some work with balram.
Devaki stood at the door of palace with a plate of aarti in her hands... vasudev,jaanki and Revathy ( balram's wife) and some daasis are also
with them..all got down from the horse and went towards them...one by one they took blessings from vasudeva and devaki...devaki did aarti and welcome them..
"Putro do you remember us..?" Devaki asked

"Ofcourse...we do ..this is maami Shree devaki, this Mamashree vasudeva and this is jaanki maiyya...but this.."
Dhananjay paused

Devaki giggled.." what happened? u don't know her right? She is your bhabhi ,bhrata balram's wife"

Dhananjay smiled her and greeted
"Pranipaat bhabhisree"
She too greeted him..

He went towards jaanki and touched her feet for blessings...
Jaanki's eyes turned moist ..she blessed him and cupped his face.

"Do you still remember me Rajkumar ".

"Yeah ..i still remember how you lied me to make me eat kheer.." dhananjay grinned mischievously..
Jaanki smiled..

The twins too took blessings from them..
"Jaanki...where are our girls...call them.." devaki said

"I don't know maharani....."

"Maybe playing hide and seek somewhere..."

"Daasi ..go and get them from garden.." Devaki ordered
Daasi nodded and went.

"What to do with these 2?.. both already reached age to get married and still playing hide n seek..hei bholenath.." devaki complained..
All laughed...

" Putr , where is prithvi, dhara and rukmini...? Vasudeva asked

"Jyesht bhrata and pithasree went to panchal to help guru dev and mata stayed back...mata and Rukmini will come tomorrow..." Nakul completed
Soon daasi came back..
"Maharani... Rajkumari s are not there ...."
Aarti thaal fell down from Devaki's hand...

" Hey bhagwan..." She almost fainted..

"Where did they go .." . Vasudeva exclaimed

" Krishnaa... Subhadra..." Devaki called out..

"But madhav is not here na..why are you calling him maami?".. Dhananjay asked innocently

"Putr..she is calling my putri krishnaa"..jaanki said

"Krishnaa...how sweet ..." He thought and Chuckled unknowingly...

"Maharani,may be both of them went to river bank...." Jaanki worried..

"No..no...it's not fair to go to river bank at this time...it's dangerous...i already told krishnaa that it's dangerous ..hey bhagwan save my children.." devaki almost yelled.

"Maamisree calm down.. we'll find them and get them back.". dhananjay assured..

"Mm"...devaki said in shivered tone...
Jaanki and devaki started crying...

"Sahadev go and get our horses ..Nakul come with a palanquin behind us ...fast..."Dhananjay ordered..

"Ji bhrata."..twins said in unison
Dhananjay and sahadev sat on their horses and went fast...
Nakul asked to arrange a palanquin...
In river bank....
Both sisters played , sat down enjoying the breeze...and it's almost sunset..
The setting sun had a special beauty...it reflcted on to the sky and clouds too...made a beautiful scenery...
"I think we must go bhadra..." Krishna got up and said

The crimson red shade of dusk reflected on her face and made her even more beautiful...

"No jijji...look how beautiful the sunset is...just sit and enjoy jiji..after that we'll go..."

"No..no bhadra it's very dangerous to stay after dusk in this riverbank...look at those forest...they are dangerous..maata said to me"..
She pointed towards a forest at the other side of river...

"Uff o jijji ...she said it because they don't want us to come here.. that's why..."

"No subhadra we have to go."... krishnaa insisted...

Uffo ...jijii.. ok i m coming...
She stood up and they turned...suddenly ...
A giant shadow fell on the ground
Infront of them..
Subhadra gasped in fear...
Krishnaa's hands fisted in anger ... she turned to him...it was takshak...

Krishnaa:( angrily)" Najraj takshak"

Takshak: " oh darling u know me... This much love??"

Krishnaa turned her face in disgust..

Krishnaa : don't you know who am i...i am vasudeva putr mahabali Balram's and vasudev sri krishna' s sister...

Takshak smirked : "so? Do you think i will leave you and your sister.?..krishna..i know him and his blackmagic.. that's why iam here...today you will be mine ...and your sister too...."

Krishnaa fumed with anger...

Krishnaa :" how dare you to even look at my sister"

Takshak (laughing). : "Don't shout darling.. don't shout...it's of no use...look it's already getting dark... nobody will come to save you..."

Krishnaa : " fool takshak..i don't want anybody's help ..."

She pulled subhadra behind her...she was so scared...she held her hands tightly on Krishnaa's shoulder...

She went to her horse ...took out her arrow and bow and started aiming towards him...
Subhadra was so scared ..

Takshak smirked and took out the arrow shot by her with his tail...but she didn't gave up...

"Run subhadra!!!!!" Krishnaa shouted..

Her eyes turned red in anger... takshak can see fire in her eyes..
He was taken aback...how can a common girl's eyes sparkling with fire..no, indeed she isn't an ordinary girl..he thought to himself..
Subhadra began to run...but takshak hold her by her neck...

"Jijji" she cried

seeing this.. krishnaa took an arrow...
..she aimed and shot an arrow on his tail..

suddenly he loosened his grip..and turned towards krishnaa.. he held her hands...
Subhadra ran from there looking back at her jijji... she ran and ran...suddenly, she fell down infront of a horse... suddenly a man jumped from the horse and gave her a hand...she stood and looked up ..it was sahadev...

"Are you princess" ?he asked..
She nodded in yes

" Are you ok"? He again asked...
Just then Dhananjay came...

"Are you ok princess?"...he asked..

"My jijji..." She whispered ..pointing
towards the river side..

"Is anyone there?"... jay asked.. pointing towards the river bank

"My..my.. ji..ji..jiji is there" she replied panting heavily...and also she is sobbing.

Dhananjay ran to the river side and the scene he saw just took his breathe away...
A girl is seen fighting with takshak,the mighty takshak...all he could see is her back and her attempt to defeat him..she is trying to fight against him...for a moment , He lost his senses and stood there like an idol... He had never seen a girl fighting like this before...

She ,with all her power pushed him using her bow..
Suddenly the roar of takshak brought him back to his senses..
Unknowingly , his hands fisted in anger...
He tightened his grip on his gandhiva bow and ran towards them as faster as he could...
There krishnaa ,with all her power,was fighting with him...now she is exhausted..she couldn't no longer fight with...
Seeing her tiredness...takshak smirked...but just then Dhananjay came there and shot an arrow on takshak...it hit on his stomach ....

"Aaaahhhhh!!!!.." He roared...

Neither krishnaa couldn't understand anything nor she attempted to turn and look back..she stood there without moving..she is very tired...
Takshak with all his angry hit her legs with his tail and went into water...
Krishnaa got unconscious...
She was about to fall into the water .. suddenly two mighty arms held her tightly...

It was dhananjay..she fell unconscious into his mighty arms...

He looked at her and.........

He went totally blank...
He couldn't blink his eyes..
His throat dried..
His eyes widened..
His heart skipped a beat..
His hands were shivering.....
He couldn't take off his eyes from the etheral beauty lying in his arms..

Dhananjay's pov
What's this in my hand??...a part of son or moon...heaven or earth... goddess or apsara....
Her closed eyes looking like a petal of lotus...
Her sharp nose..and her tiny little nose stud...how cute...
Her rosy cheeks like Petals of rose
Her soft , juicy lips...her buttery soft ,
Milky skin... Oh my god...why i am feeling like this...like never before..i myself can feel both hot and cold inside my body...what's this ..
Pov ends .

He took her hands in his and ran his thumb over her hands..".it's so soft...!!" He wispered...He also saw a bow lying on river bank.
it might be her's. She is not just a good fighter but a good archer too.. he thought ..
he slightly smiled at her..
He was standing there losing all his senses....
"Bhrata...all okay"? He heard nakul's sound which bought him back to senses.
He said nothing.. actually he couldn't utter a single word....
He took her in his arms like bridal style..
And walked towards his brothers.
So the much awaited ardi meeting is here.......
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