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Abhya was sleeping when Arvi enter, she looked tired after her morning classes of self defense. She sits on bed, it was only five in morning, she thought to study but she was exhausted and needed rest. She lay on bed. Abhya flipped his position and now was facing her. She smiled seeing him. He looks so innocent while sleeping. She stares him continuously and extends her hands to touch his face but hesitates and takes back controlling her urge to caresses his cheeks.

She remembers the day when they got married,

After her marriage she remembers she was sitting in her room and her mother was packing her things. She was crying begging her mother not to send her with unknown peoples but nothing worked. And suddenly she heard someone knocking the door, her mother quickly covered her face with veil and opened the door. And there stood a lady with a boy, she wasn't able to look clearly through her netted veil. Lady and boy entered room as her mother welcomes them inside.

Lady kisses Arvi's forehead and she could feel so much love in it. Soon after some normal talking lady and her mother left the room while boy was still inside.

"Why are you crying so much?" boy asks her.

"I don't want to go anywhere leaving my house" the eleven year old girl says sobbing.

"Last time when we meet that time we became friends but I forgot to introduce myself, I am Abhya Prakash and I am fourteen years old, I study in eight standard, and preeti is name of my class teacher."

He said trying to stop her from crying but she now even cried more.

"Please don't cry" he said trying to look her bending inside the veil. But she still sobbed.

"Do you want chocolate, I have one" he says and she immediately stopped sobbing and he smiles and he struggles with his pocket to get it out and gives her tamarind chocolate and she takes it.

No kid will even hate chocolates I guess, and even she was a kid and so was he. He runs out of room and she again starts crying after she finishes her chocolate.

She was sitting in car with her mother in law and her husband was sitting beside her. Her father in law was driving the car and her husband was sleeping. She didn't even know who's that boy? Or what relation they both share? She was crying, an endless train of tears was flowing through her eyes, she didn't want to go away from her parents, she didn't want to leave her house, she begged everyone to stop the car and let her go to her parents but no one heard any of her pleas. Her mother in law was consoling her but she was not in any state to hear her.

"Arvi, please don't cry, even I am like your mother" saraswati said trying to console her.

But she was sobbing continuously.

It was an hour after she left her house and the car stopped, she looked out of window, it seems likes some hotel. Her father in law asks everyone to get down as it was late night and it will be safe staying in hotel rather than driving.

Saraswati agreed with her husband Prakash. Saraswati wakes abhya and asks him to come with her. All four move in hotel, which looked well reputed and takes two rooms.

Sarawati takes Arvi with her while Prakash takes Abhya with him.

And it was last time she feels him as next morning, she finds her mother in law crying, she sees her searching for both of them, but couldn't find them. She asked everyone if they saw her husband or her child, she asked reception and got to know that they left yesterday midnight itself, it was difficult for saraswati to believe but that was truth they both left, her husband left taking her son.

She pays the rent of hotel by giving her gold ear rings and leaves taking Arvi with her. She goes to her house hoping both of them to be there, but no, it was opened while no one present there, she finds a letter at entrance, she picks it up and reads, it was from her husband prakash who wrote, that he don't love her anymore, he is leaving taking his son with him, he has named this house on her and is marrying someone else who he loves.

All relatives and society blamed Avri that she was cruse to Saraswati but her mother in law didn't pay heed to anyone, she started working in houses and made Arvi study as she didn't want her to suffer, also she left all her hopes to see her child so she took care of Arvi as her daughter, going against the society she educated her. She has suffered a lot in her life as even she had child marriage, obviously it was ritual in old days and still practiced in some parts of Rajasthan even in twenty first century. She did everything that she could do for her daughter, Arvi as even she was of small age, she wasn't very old, she had just entered her youth when she gave birth to Abhya. She had many dreams about her daughter in law and her son's marriage but she knew being a girl, it's not less than a crime living in a male dominating society.

She always thought one thing for sure, she would always be nice to her daughter in law, she won't let her face anything what she faced and after her husband left her alone now she was more firm with this decision. And made arvi self dependent girl.

And this is the story of Arvi becoming, arvi saraswati.

Arvi comes out of her thoughts and smiled at sleeping abhya. She moved little close to him and tries to hug him but hesitates, finally she places her hand around his waist and closes her eyes.

After an hour abhya slowly opens his eyes yawning and tries to stretch but feels arms around his waist. He opens his eyes fully and looks down to find out his wife hugging him and sleeping nuzzling her face in his chest. He smiled seeing her position. He wraps his arms around her pulling her close.

Suddenly he starts coughing making arvi open her eyes, she yawns and leaves him parting away from him allowing him to get up.

"Abhya are you fine." She asks with concern and he responds positively nodding his head.

"How was your practice?" abhya asks about her self defense classes.

"Very boring and am so tired." She says genuinely.

He gets out of bed and says, "Now get up and study getting ready". She nods yawning and he smiles. "You know Bhoomi teaches self defense to girls but I never saw her so tired, you are really lazy" he says teasing her.

He was not a man who teases but this girl is slowly changing him.

She instantly gets up from bed, "I am not lazy, I am better than that Bhoomi" she was angry and he not wanting to end up hurting her leaves the conversation and goes to washroom, leaving jealous Arvi behind.

As usual he goes to orphanage before he goes to office to meet Bhoomi as Bhoomi returned from the gathering with Saraswati just yesterday morning and he didn't get enough time to properly talk to her. They just had a small conversation in evening.

Both were discussing something sitting in her room.

"Please tell me if Vanshika needs something, okay." He stated

"Obviously Abhya she is you daughter not...." Before she could complete he starts coughing.

He runs to washroom and she runs back of him. He starts vomiting. She gets worried. After sometime when he feels relaxed he comes out and sits on couch. She gives him water and sits beside him.

"Abhya, you even drink and smoke yesterday night." She asked and he was silent.

"Abhya I am asking something" she knew the answer but still wanted to confirm. He not able to answer moves his finger through his hairs and leans his back on couch rubbing his visible vein closing his eyes. His irritation confirmed her that what she was thinking is right.

"Abhya yesterday doctor strictly told you if you continue with same behavior no one can save you. Please Abhya stop drinking and smoking for God's sake stop it" she yells.

"So what you think I should do? Tell me, what the hell should I do?" he yells in frustration.

"Abhya I can understand please try to forget you past please Abhya, not for me but for vanshika, and if not for her than mom" she said

"No Bhoomi its better I die" he said

"Not for anyone but at least for your wife Arvi" she said and he breathed in heavily. Arvi, even though of leaving her increases his heart beat, he feels completely dead for moment, no, he cannot leave her alone in this cruel world, he needs to protect her, but if stops drinking how will he protect her from himself, from her inner beast, who just knows to quench his thirst from the flesh beneath him. Night is time which he loves as well as hates the most. Loves after Arvi entered his life and hates from the years when his father took him away from his mom with him.

"No I won't drink I cannot leave Arvi." He says and leaves while Bhoomi gets happy seeing him starting loving someone.

He cannot stay in office more than an hour and leaves home. He just wanted Arvi beside him and nothing else after his talks with Bhoomi.

He comes home and finds arvi reading book sitting in living room. Arvi sees him and gets surprised as he never comes home early.

He makes his way to her and finds sarswati coming and sits beside her.

"abhya, how did you come home this early?" saraswati asked surprised seeing him.

"Just a little weakness mom"

Sarswati gets worried and he persuades her he is fine and just needs some rest and she asks Arvi to take him to room and she will send medicines. Arvi compiles with him and goes to room with him.

He was standing ahead of his wardrobe.

"Abhya are you fine" she asks and he nods in yes turning to her while again starts coughing holding her chest. Arvi rushes to him and holds him by his one shoulder and looks at him with concern.

"I am fine Arvi, it's all right." He said and holds her by her waist. She realizes her action and takes her hands back. She looks down avoiding her gaze.

"I'll change and take rest" he says stroking her cheeks, he leaves her not before slightly kissing her forehead.

She blushed hard and runs out of room and he goes to washroom taking his dress.

He was tired continuously working sitting on couch. He sees time and it was evening, he was working since after lunch. He leans back and closes his eyes shutting the laptop when Arvi enters after completing her studies.

He sees him resting. She dims the light and goes to him. She picks up the laptop of his laps and keeps it aside, she thinks he is sleeping and sits beside him, she came to call him for lunch but didn't feel like waking him up seeing him sleeping peacefully. She cannot help herself stare him. He looked so charming so handsome. She extends her hands to touch his face as always. She hesitated, "I am you husband, you have all rights to touch me" she gets shocked hearing Abhya. He opens him eyes and says smiling at her. She takes her hands back helps her eyelids down not able to look at him. He pulls her over him by her waist. He starts stroking her cheeks with his thumb making her shiver, she gets uncomfortable with his touch but today her words get stuck in throat, he looks at her lips and then in his eyes, his eyes didn't request but stated that what will be his next step. He brushes his nose on her cheeks unpinning her saree plates. She gets shocked. He again looked at her, she looked equally beautiful in this dim light as she does in moonlight. He kisses her cheeks while moving his hands freely over her upper body parts. He could feels her fear and he don't want to hurt her gain this time. He closed his eyes hugging her close to him. He leaves her and gets up of couch. Her eyes were watery, he looks at her and bends down and kiss her temple. He places his palm over her cheeks to relax her. 

"arvi, will you allow me tonight to..." he stops.


so finally i did it it really needed so much time to write such a big part, hope it wasn't boring.......hahaha so what you want further...


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