Part 5

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Assalamualaikum dear sisters…...I know I am late and i am so sorry for that. This dedicated to ChandraSekar267

I hope you like it.....

Let's starts…..

Both were looking at each other when their transe broke by a kid who was waiting for money…

Ragini hurriedly check her purse but there was no cash and she look at kid helplessly and then at sanskar who understand her and remove a hundred ruppe note and gives that to the child who takes it happily and run away…..

Sanskar look at her and started to leave because he was looking like a creep who stalks girls and he didn't wanted to get embarrassed….

Ragini look at him and get down from the car and stops him

Ragini: Excuse me

And sanskar stops and turn around and look at her

Ragini: thank you

Sanskar: it's ok it's not a big deal

Ragini shaking her head: no i am thanking you for not today but for that day also

And sanskar look at her being confused

Ragini: you helped a uncle in rain who was changing the tyre

Sanskar being amazed: how do you know that

Ragini: that was our car….me and my friend were sitting inside

Shankar shouts being angry: what

And ragini got scared: yeah what happen

Sanskar: you were sitting inside comfortably and i was changing the tyre in that heavy rainfall… could you, do you know how much my hands were paining….still i have pain in hand….and look at her who was ready to cry any minute….

And seeing her scared face sanskar couldn't control his laugh and burst out laughing

And ragini understand his prank and make a O shape face and then pouts and folds her hand on her chest and look other side….

Sanskar: I am so sorry but i couldn't control myself its been a while that I have played prank on someone and after seeing your innocence i couldn't control, so umm I am sorry and rub his neck…..

Ragini smiles and says: it's ok  and both smiles

Sanskar forwarding his hand: hii i am sanskar

Ragini shaking his hand: Ragini

Sanskar: Nice to meet you ragini

And ragini smiles and reply: same here

Both were walking aimlessly and was enjoying the comfortable silence

Sanskar: so you are new here right so did you like the place

Ragini: how do you know

Sanskar: actually i saw you that day on airport so i guess

Ragini: yeah….I also saw you that day holding message boards…..”Miss you darling”,”love you sweetheart “ waiting for girlfriend? But don't know why her heart pinch just thinking about his girlfriend.

Sanskar: yes my one and only girl friend….my mother

Ragini: oh God you Indian boys and their mother…...I don't know what so special find they in their  sons….if someone ask about them about their daughter they only have 1 or 2 words but for their son they can write a book…God this mother indias

Sanskar laughs loudly after hearing her: i think you had a great encounter with some mother India.

Ragini: don't ask me there was one aunty sitting beside me and all the time my son this my son that was going on….

Sanskar laughs: so you could have make some excuse right

Ragini look at him and says: what you think  i didn't…... I excuse 25 times, who goes washroom this much in just 3 hours journey god that was so embarrassing but still she didn't understand….still her radio was on and top of that i forgot my head phones also and huffs.

Sanskar laugh madly and ragini also laugh looking at him.

Sanskar: I don't know about all mothers but yeah my mom love me so much and i also I can't leave without them..they are my life and I am theirs…

Ragini smiles and says: same here

Sanskar: so your first experience in this city was not good but don't worry I will make your every moment memorable from now on and i bet you will fall in love with this city and you will never want to leave from here.

Ragini shakes her head say: I don't think i will ever live here already this city has took something precious from me and any ways I am leaving this country in some days.

Sanskar felt so sad after hearing her: but maybe Destiny has planned something else for you…..and may be you will stay here for forever you never know.

Ragini smiles and goes towards her car and turn: i don't believe in Destiny and i will never love this city.

Sanskar: but i strongly believe in destiny and i am sure at the end of your journey you will love this city and may be you get your precious thing back.

ragini halts for moments and look at him who wave at her and says: good bye until next time when destiny will planned our next meeting….

And ragini look at his retreating back.


Sanskar reached home and nandini look at the door and rushed towards sanskar and hug him

Sanskar gets shocked but hug her back: hey mom what happened

Nandini broke the hug and look at him: where were you sanskar have you noticed the time it's going to be afternoon who do morning walk till afternoon and you left your phone also….and sanskar look at watch which was showing half past 2 and he was amazed that how much time he spend with ragini who was just a stranger to him.

Nandini:  you know how much we were worried, karan have called 15 times already.

and just then her phone rings and she shows the screen to sanskar who smiles sheepishly and look down.

Nandini answering the call: yes karan he has reached just now

Karan gets relaxed and sits on his chair and asked: where was he did he said anything

Nandini: what karan he just reached and what you are doing, bombering him with questions…..let him get fresh and eat first then we will asked him….thank God you are not here otherwise you would have kill my son with your continuous questions….now bye and cut the call, she look at sanskar who was looking at her shockingly because she did the same thing with him and now.

he shake his head at her mother's antics, his mind drifted to the conversation he had with ragini and he couldn't control his laugh imagining ragini's state if she has witnessed this scene and nandini look at him

Nandini: what happen sanskar why are you laughing

Sanskar hugging her: oh I love you my mother India and immediately run from there….

Nandini: what mother India….look at him who has reached his room and she smiles and thank God for bringing sanskar safe and healthy…


Ragini reached home and her aunty calls her

Aunty: laado where were you.come have lunch

ragini look at her aunty and tells her: never call me with that name..I am not child anymore and leave from there angrily

Khushi: maa you know na she don't like when someone call her laado. That's why everyone has stopped calling her with that name.

Aunty: I know but it comes out unintentionally i never wanted to hurt her.

Khushi: it's ok mom I will go and check her don't worry.

Khushi comes to her room and find ragini crying and looking at her red bangle which she always wears

Khushi sit beside her and ragini immediately hug her and cries on her shoulder and khushi rub her back...after some time ragini sleeps and khushi look at her sister and think about the reason of her behaviour and tears….

Khushi caressing her head: what happened to you laado..what is in your heart or may be I should say who is in your heart.

Khushi silently prays for her sister's happiness and leave from there…..


Karan was getting ready for his office and nandini forward his wallet and keys and he took from her hand and notice that the ring he gifted her on their 25th anniversary is missing.

Karan: nandini where is your ring

Nandini: which ring

Karan shockingly : the diamond ring which i gifted you last year on our anniversary

Nandini: oh that ring i left it

Karan: what where you left it….it was diamond ring how can you left it just like that.

Nandini:oh common i know it was fake ring, like seriously you will gift me real diomond ring.

Karan look at his wife who was so relax after loosing 25 laksh ring.

Nandini: and don't worry your fake ring will come back very soon

Karan being furious: how….have you teach that ring walking or flying

Nandini shakes her head and says: our daughter in law will give us back

Karan look at her being confused: what are you saying and what daughter in law. So you know where the ring is right…..and where you met your daughter in law

Nandini nodes her head and say: yes do you know when I was coming, in flight i saw a beautiful girl who came and sit beside me and seeing her innocence I thought she will be perfect for our Sanky…….I told her everything about our Sanky.all his good habits,his nature, his achievements everything I am so sure she will be perfect match for Sanky

Karan: yeah good but where is the ring.

Nandini: when she left for washroom na I put that ring in her bag secretly

Karan: what how could you….what if she never return the ring she don't even know our address. Nandini sometimes you do so stupid things

Nandini: what I am not that stupid I told her our address that to sign by sign. i make her understand our address so well that if she walks in sleep na then also she will reach here without any help...I also inform her about new beauty parlour which open last month.

Karan: but why you left the ring if you like her that much we would have gone to her house with marriage proposal

Nandini: to check if she is loyal or not and to make sure she is not some gold digger.

Karan: and what if she is actually a gold digger what would you do, you have already given her ring of 25 lakhs that to without her knowledge

Nandini: no i am sure she is not she will come and return the ring I have full faith.

Karan: you know what from noe on we will make a budget so that you wont sell everything just to check the girls if they are good or not….I am already on the werge of getting heart attack

Nandini: oh shut up karan. There will be no next time because this girl is final and only she will become my bahu (daughter in law ). And I am sure she must be in love with our Sanky till now with just my talks But only one thing was unusual.

Karan: what

Nandini: when I was talking with her she excused her self for 25 times….I think she has flight sickness

Karan Palm his face and mutter: I don't know how I fell for her

Nandini: what you said and eyes him

Karan: nandini how can you not understand that if someone Is excusing there self so many times that means they are not interested in your talks and you think she will be in love with our Sanky till now.

Nandini: if she was not interested she would have told me directly right.

Karan: she didn't tell you because she was a good and kind hearted girl she didn't wanted to disrespect you….it shows her values.

Nandini smiles and says: see you didn't even met her and praising her for her kindness….I told you she is perfect for our family.

Karan sigh and says: I hope you are right

Nandini hugs him sideways and says: I am always right.

Sanskar was sitting in hall working on his laptop when he heard a door bell and went to open the door.

Sanskar opens the door and was shocked to see the person.

To be continued…….

How's it….pls tell me in comments

I am so sorry for not updating.first i don't have time and now its like I don't want to write anything from now on its like I am fed up of everything and i just want to run away and leave everything.

But I am trying to motivate myself so pray for me that i get that enthusiasm back and start writing….

Till then stay happy….

Stay blessed….

Allah hafiz

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