An Amour Moment (Serena's P.O.V.)

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"You guys are crazy!" Serena yelled to her two friends, who were dragging her across the stadium. "This isn't going to work! It's obvious that he isn't interested in me!"

"Yeah, right," May said sarcastically as she was holding onto Serena's right arm, leading her to the stairs that led to the corridors below. "It's so obvious that Aaron is into you. What with the way that he looks at you, before every match, it's a wonder why you haven't made a move, yet."

"Not to mention what he said at the dinner table the other night," a voice called from behind Serena. It was Dawn. She had both hands on Serena's shoulders as she's pushing her forward. "He was basically asking you out on a date. Wooing you to the best of his abilities. Come on, how can you not like a guy like that?"

"You know damn well why I can't like a guy like that!" Serena shouted towards Dawn.

"Serena, it has been five years," May turned to her friend as the trio began to descend down below. "We know you loved Ash and he loved you back, but you've gotta move on. Plus, Aaron is a hunk!"

"How would you know?" Serena inquired. "He's always wearing that mask!"

"Oh whatever," May argued. "You've seen how tight his shirt is on him. He's toned and it doesn't take too much imagination to picture a handsome devil, underneath that mask."

Serena sighed at the remarks that May was making. She's hoping the man, underneath the mask, was Ash. All the clues pointed to him, but for some reason, she isn't really convinced. She wanted to know, and even though she was resisting, she truly wanted more alone time with Aaron, but not like this.

The trio made their way to a corner, before stopping. "May, how do you know he'll be here, anyway?" Dawn questioned her.

"Well, from Aaron's platform, this is the quickest way to exit the building. I'm sure he'll come this way," explained May as she peaked her head, around the corner, to see who was in the corridor. Suddenly, she let out a squeal. She saw Aaron exiting out of his locker room. "There he is, and he's coming this way!"

"What?!" exclaimed both Dawn and Serena as they made their way to the corner. They both glanced around the wall to see Aaron and his two Pokémon walking, down the hall, towards their position.

Serena suddenly felt herself begin to panic. Her hands began to clam up. Her legs began to feel weak. "I can't do this. This isn't going to work," she said, slowly backing away from May and Dawn.

"Oh no, you don't!" May said grabbing onto Serena's hands. "You aren't getting out of this one! You're going to go and talk to him!"

"Uhuh, not like this guys!" Serena shouted before trying to turn and run.

"Grab her, Dawn!" May shouted. Suddenly, Serena felt two pairs of arms wrap around her waist. She struggled against the combined powers of the two, but it was no use. She begged and pleaded them to let her go.

"Come on, guys! I'm going to embarrass myself!" she shouted.

"No, you won't!" exclaimed Dawn as she and May tossed Serena into the center of the hallway, causing her to yelp.

Serena stumbled forward a bit, before regaining her footing and turning around to the two girls. "I hate you both! I'll get you back for this!" she said to the two coordinators, who were now giggling, behind the corner.

"You'll be thanking us, later," May responded. "But I think you should stop focusing on us, and start focusing on him." She stated this while pointing down the hallway, where Aaron was standing.

Serena turned to the hallway and saw Aaron with his hands in his pockets, standing in front of her, down the corridor. She began to blush. She didn't know what to do exactly, so she just raised her hand and sheepishly waved it towards him. To her ecstasy, she got a wave back, and Aaron actually appeared to be happy, to see her.

Is he really happy to see me? Oh shit, he's walking this way. Yes, I might finally get to spend more time with him! She thought as she saw the trainer make his way over to her with his Pokémon, right behind him.

Then, she saw him stop and noticed a hand grasping his arm firmly. She looked and saw a man, with a clipboard, taking Aaron in the opposite direction. Suddenly, all that joy and excitement, she was feeling, turned to confusion and frustration. Wait, what's happening? Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

She saw Aaron turn back to her, with a hopeful gaze, before being pulled back again by that man. Her head fell and she looked at the floor in disappointment. It had almost worked, but just like that, Aaron was gone.

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked May as she came out from behind the corner. "Hey, where the hell is Aaron?"

"Some guy pulled him into that room over there," Serena motioned to the door where Aaron had gone into.

"Oh Serena, I'm so sorry," Dawn said as she placed a hand on her friend's shoulder to comfort her. "I'm sure you'll get another chance. What's in that room anyway?"

"If I'm not mistaken, that would be the interview room," responded May as her gaze shifted to the door down the hall.

Dawn let out a sigh and said to Serena, "Well, maybe you'll see him later tonight, after dinner."

Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Serena's head. "I got it!" she shouted with enthusiasm. The disappointed demeanor was quickly replaced with excitement and joy.

"Got what?" a confused May asked her joyful friend.

"You'll see," exclaimed Serena as she turned and ran up the stairs. "First, we'll need to head towards a store and get some stuff for baking. Come on, you two! We have to hurry!"

May and Dawn exchanged confused looks, before shrugging their shoulders and running off with their friend.

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