Rematch of the Starters! Part I

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Charizard eyed his opponent before he came to a realization. His eyes danced from the mouse Pokémon, that stood in front of it, and then back to Trevor.

Trevor smiled and nodded at his loyal Pokémon. Charizard smiled and turned back to let loose another deafening roar, before baring teeth at the mouse Pokémon. Like Pikachu, he had also wanted this rematch for a very long time, and now, it was apparent that their trainers were giving them, just what they asked for.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt," Ash called out the first attack.

"Counter that with Flamethrower!" Trevor shouted.

Pikachu released a powerful bolt of yellow electricity, from its body, and launched it towards the flame Pokémon, who responses by throwing his head forward and letting out the fire type attack to counter the incoming electric attack. The two attacks collided, resulting in an explosion at the center of the battlefield. A cloud of smoke engulfed the field.

"Quick Attack! Go!" Ash yelled out.

All of a sudden, as the smoke began fading away, Pikachu came out of the smoke, while running at a fast speed, and then, hits the flame Pokémon, pushing the fire type back a bit.

"Strike back with Thunder Punch!" Trevor commanded.

"Counter it with Iron Tail!" Ash countered Trevor's move.

Pikachu's tail glows white, while one of Charizard's fists became surrounded in a ball of electricity. As the flame Pokémon's fist collided with the electric type's tail, the collision causes sparks to be flying off, from the center of it.

"Thunder Punch again!" Trevor shouted out

"Pikachu, fight back with Iron Tail!" Ash commanded.

The two starters were combating with their fists and tail with repetition flowing within the blow, as neither couldn't land a blow to the other. Their exchange of moves really shows how they're both equally strong, in their own right. Neither Pokémon didn't want to lose to the other in this fight.


"This matchup is very interesting, indeed," Wallace commented, as Brock turned and looked at the Hoenn Champion, with a confused expression on his face.

"What do you mean, Wallace?" Brock asked.

"Those two Pokémon," Wallace began his statement while pointing to the two Pokémon, out on the battlefield below. "seemed to be equally matched."

"How so?" Max questioned, as he comes into the discussion.

"That Pikachu was the first Pokémon that our masked friend started his journey with, while Charizard was the very Pokémon that Trevor began his journey with."

"Well, yeah," May said, as she also joined in on the conversation. "but what's does that have to do with this battle?"

"Simple," Brittany answered. "it's a battle between their very first Pokémon."

"Exactly, Brittany," Wallace responded to the young woman's response. "Since those two had traveled and battled by their trainers' sides the longest, their power and strength would be nearly equal to each other. That's why this matchup is interesting right now, because of the significance in it, for both those starter Pokémon. They're expressing their well-established bond with their trainers, as they exchange attacks against each other. It's truly remarkable to watch and enjoy these two battling it out to the finish."

"I'll say," Serena spoke up. "However, Aaron's Pikachu has the type advantage here."

"True," Brittany replied to the performer's statement. "but Trevor's Charizard is unlike any other Charizard out there. It won't be taken down, so easily."

Serena turned at the young woman, next to her, before looking back to watch the ongoing battle below, with tensed eyes, as she witnesses the two starters Pokémon's attacks collided once more.


As Charizard fist's made contact with Pikachu's tail again, Trevor's thoughts were running wild. Alright, it's time to show our true firepower to Ash and his Pikachu!

He gazed towards his flame Pokémon, who's trying to block the mouse Pokémon's attack with his fist, as the fire type turned his head around, a bit, to view his trainer. Charizard noticed Trevor nodding and he noticed back, before turning back to the electric type, in front of him, with a smirk on his face.

Ash saw it and realized that Pikachu was in grave danger by being so close to his opponent, at this moment.

"GET OUT OF THERE NOW, PIKACHU!" Ash screamed out Pikachu's next move, at the top of his lungs.

The mouse Pokémon heard his trainer's command, as he broke off his attack that collided with the fire type's first and attempted to flee from the Kanto native; however, it was too late. Trevor began to call out Charizard's next attack.


All of a sudden, the flame Pokémon's body became engulfed in light blue flames. It then punched the ground, sending a wave of energy into the earth, which then moves underneath the still running Pikachu. The energy the suddenly bursts upwards in a giant explosion of red-orange flames, with the mouse Pokémon at the center of it, with no hopes of surviving that massive attack.

"PIKACHU!" Ash shouted out, as he watched, with fear and horror in his eyes, his loyal electric type gets toasted alive by the powerful fire type move.

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