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Clemont groaned as he rolled over in his bed. With his eyes closed, he noticed something moving around, before hearing a loud explosion. For the love of Arceus, what is going on?

He let out another groan, before slowly opening his eyes. He moved his hand from underneath his sheets to cover his pupils from the light of the TV. He was temporarily blinded, but once his vision began to come back, as his eyes adjusted to the bright lights, he could see Max, on the edge of his own bed. The young trainer was leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and his vision firmly secured to the TV.

Clemont groaned once again, before turning his gaze to the TV. He slowly began to recognize the images, on the screen, as the battle between Aaron and Iris from the first round of the tournament. He groaned as his eyes shifted, once again, to the clock, which rested on the table, next to his bed.

"Max, what are you doing up at this hour?" Clemont managed to ask, although his words were a bit jumbled. "It's four in the morning."

"Huh? Oh, hey, Clemont." Max mumbled, acknowledging Clemont's presence while continuing to keep his focus onto the screen. "I'm just doing some last minute studying."

"Yeah, sure." Clemont began. "That's what you said three hours ago."

"Well, I have to garner whatever info that I can possibly get about this guy," responded Max in a slightly panicked voice. "Rex saw something I overlooked and that got me thinking about what else I could have missed."

"Max, you have watched those videos, at least 4 times each," Clemont said as he swung his legs off the side of the bed, taking a seated position. "You didn't miss a thing. Brock, Misty and I were watching every one of those tapes, right alongside you. Now tell me, what we came up with."

Max let out a sad sigh. "Aaron is mostly straightforward with his attacks. He uses speed to take away any disadvantages he might have. He uses quicker, weaker attacks, to set up for more powerful ones. Any Pokemon, he chooses, will most likely be at an elite level power with a wide range of moves. He hasn't shown any signs that he teaches defensive moves, especially since he is always on the attack. He uses moves, like Dig, which allow him to dodge attacks while going on the offensive at the same time. Counters, for this kind of battling strategy, are Pokémon who can combine moves, to protect themselves from repeated advances, Pokémon with speed to counter Aaron's own speed, who can also respond to any attacks that may be called, and finally, the move, Detect, to counteract the wide-ranging move pool."

"Very good," Clemont said with a sad smile on his face.

He knew the pressure Max felt and wanted to help his friend out as much as possible, but even he had to admit the difficulty in planning against Aaron. Iris said it herself, along with Gary; Aaron doesn't just attack your Pokémon, but you as well. He makes his opponents panic and no trainer can truly have a game plan for that.

"You know who you are going to use for tomorrow?"

"Yeah I do," Max said as a small smile slowly crept onto his face. "I decided that if I'm going to have any chance to beat Aaron, then I'm going to have to use my comfort picks. I know which three that I'll be using tomorrow."

"That's good Max. It's always a smart choice to depend on those you trust, the most, for a tough battle," Clemont said with a smile. "Now then, get some rest. You've got a big day tomorrow."

Max gave a tired chuckle as he reached for the remote and turned off the TV. "Yeah. You're right, Clemont. I know I'm ready for tomorrow. Now all I got to do, is go out there and show him what I'm made of." Max went to lie down and was asleep, from the moment his head hit the pillow.


Ash stood grandly, in his box, as he eyed his opponent: Max Maple. His face showed no sign of emotions, as he hid what he was feeling, as well as to those around him, minus his Pokémon.

"Pikapi, pi cha Pikachu, pi," Pikachu chirped in amusement.

Ash let out a soft chuckle. "Whatever, Pikachu. I don't know what you're talking about."

"It couldn't be any clearer, Master," Lucario pointed out while smirking, as he sensed the aura that was projecting from his trainer. "Any more excitement, and you'd put Feraligatr to shame."

Ash could only smile at the remarks made by his two devoted friends, and they were right. He was bursting with joy towards whom he was facing. If he didn't have to keep up the appearance of a calm and collected trainer, he would be dancing like his fierce water Pokémon was known to do. Ash savored this moment. It felt like a lifetime ago when he had made that promise to Max, back in Kanto. Max received his starter Pokémon a few weeks before the incident; unfortunately, Ash had never gotten a chance to give the young boy the battle he wanted. But now, Ash would be able to keep that promise, despite Max not knowing about it until later. Still, it set him ablaze with excitement.


The same buzz could be felt in the booth, where Ash's friends sat, as they wait for the battle to start.

"Argh! The suspense is killing me!" May groaned as she leaned back in her chair and stared at the ceiling. "I'm feeling nervous here, and I'm not even the one down there. I can't imagine how Max is feeling right now."

"He looks pretty happy to me," Bonnie said with a satisfied smile

May shifted her gaze from the ceiling to her brother, who was standing in his trainer's box below. Sure enough, a smile could be seen sprawling out on the teen's face. May let out a giggle. "Remind you of anyone, guys?"

Brock let out his own laugh, as he too recognized the look on Max's face. "He certainly looks like Ash, out there. No fear, but rather a smile on his face, as he's up against his next difficult match."

"Are we sure he isn't as reckless as Ash was?" Misty retorted.

Upon hearing this, the group let out a laugh, as they remembered the many times that Ash had rushed into things, without stopping to think about them.

While the others were laughing, Lance quietly made his way to a corner, of the suite, where an ominous figure stood there, unnoticed.

"You have something for me, Sabrina?"

"Not much Lance," Sabrina began. "But I tell can you this: you and your G-men have better be prepared."

At this remark, Lance could feel his face go pale and sweat beginning to amass, on his forehead. "Why is that?"

"They both hold dark secrets, buried deep within their hearts and minds. So deep that my probing couldn't find out exactly what they were hiding," Sabrina said softly enough to not disturb the joyous chatter that was taking place in front of the suite. "I could pull a few things from them though: deep hatred for each other. They both wish to see the other one defeated, but only at their own hand. There was. . . . something else too."

Lance recognized the hesitation in Sabrina's voice. Rarely anything causes the powerful Gym Leader to waver in what she was saying.

"And that is?" Lance asked, pushing her to add more detail to her, otherwise, ambiguous comment.

"They share. . . . a memory, and... it's not a pretty one," Sabrina hesitated before continuing. "A devastating explosion and that is all I can find, nothing before or after, but if that explosion has any indication, then something bad is about to happen. Lance, be on your guard."

With those final words, the Gym Leader walked out of the room, leaving Lance, as he grapples with the thought of what the new information meant. He began to make his way over to his seat. He examined the dark figure below in a new light. What is really going on here?

While Lance was staring at Aaron, Trevor just entered the suite and took his seat. He had won his match, since it was before Max's battle against Aaron, and would be facing Harrison in the next round. As he sat down, he turned and noticed Lance looking at Aaron, with a curious look on the Kanto Champion's face.

I wonder if Lance is starting to get suspicious about Aaron. Well, even if he does figure out about Aaron, I hope he knows that he isn't the real threat here. It's Sakaki, who he should be more worried about than Ash. Trevor thought as he shifted his attention from Lance to the battle below, as it's about to start.


Max was ready. He felt the fears, from last night, slowly melting away as the sights and sounds of the stadium, around him, calming him down into the groove, which he was used to. He had been here before and knew that once the battle started, he'd be ready. Again, he saw Aaron's eyes make their way up to Serena and could see her enthusiasm as she waved to Aaron.

"Hey!" Max shouted toward his opponent. "Take your eyes off your girlfriend and get ready to battle!"

"Relax, young one," Ash said as he finished looking at Serena. "The battle will soon begin, and besides, it's always nice to look at those, who support you, before a battle. It really helps you calm down. I see you have someone, like that, too."

Max felt his cheeks turn red. How does this guy know? Hell, even May doesn't know that! He panicked as he tried to find an answer. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's obvious, Max. Besides, you and Bonnie make a cute couple."


When Ash made that remark to Max, Trevor chuckled to himself. Ash, you hypocrite! You're using Giovanni's own teasing, about you and Serena, against Max.

Gary noticed Trevor chuckled and was puzzled.

"What's so funny?" whispered Gary as he turned and looked at Trevor.

"Oh, I'll tell you later, Gary, after this battle," Trevor whispered back, as he didn't want to explain why he was chuckling to Gary, right now, especially with everyone gathered in the booth.

"Oh look! Max is doing what Aaron just suggested to him!" Trevor shouted, while doing another chuckle, like everyone, in the booth, saw it too.


Max took a quick glance up to Bonnie and could notice a light pink, forming across her cheeks. This made his blush turn into an even deeper red. He shook his head as he turned back to the battle.

"Enough of this! Your mental game isn't going to work against me, Aaron," Max shouted. "Let's get this battle started!" Max threw his Pokéball into the air, to reveal his first choice.

The bipedal Pokémon took a battle stance in front of Max. The lower half of the Pokémon was white, but starting at the center of its torso, turned green until it came to its neck. Its head was primarily white, with a green helmet like-feature, which covered half its face. Along with its green arms, there were blade-like appendages that ran from the end of its elbows to its forearms.

The Gallade that stood firmly, in front of Max, was another Pokémon that he had helped out, during his journey with Ash. While Max had helped it as a Ralts, it had evolved into a Kirlia when Max saw it again.

Together, with Mightyena and Max's starter, Sceptile, Max was hopeful in his chances to beat Aaron. My three strongest Pokémon. With them, I know that I could have a chance at taking Aaron down!

Ash showed no sign of surprise. He expected Max to go with one of his three most powerful Pokémon. The only question was if he would be facing all three. He made his attack plan based on just that thought. Ash grabbed his choice and casually threw the device in the air to reveal the first Pokémon that he received during his Kalos journey. Standing before him, was his Greninja. The Pokémon stood on two legs with its arms crossed in front of its body. The Pokémon possess webbed hands and feet. The primarily dark blue of the ninja Pokémon was contrasted with a tan stomach and white spots on its elbows and kneecaps. It wrapped its tongue around its neck, to create the appearance of a scarf.

The two combatants stood still, as they both are examining their opponent for the round. Ash was the first one to make a move.

"Greninja, use Water Shuriken!"

The water and dark type created two throwing stars and hurled them toward its opponent.

"Gallade, dodge and use Psycho Cut!"

With that command, the blade Pokémon gracefully dodged the two incoming attacks, before swinging its arms and releasing two light blue slashes.

Ash began to smirk as he saw where the Pokémon had moved to.

"Greninja, Double Team, and then, follow it up with another Water Shuriken!"

Suddenly, dozens of copies appeared, causing the attack to miss its mark. From what appeared to be like two different copies, came the two throwing stars. Gallade managed to dodge the first one, but the second one found its mark.

"Gallade, are you alright?" Max asked. Gallade growled as it picked itself back up from the ground. "I must admit, Aaron, I have to give you credit. It seems that you've taken Rachel's strategy and perfected it in a short amount of time. But it won't work! Gallade, use Psycho Cut on all of them!"

The Pokémon obeyed its trainer and let loose a flurry of attacks; cutting through each copy until they all had disappeared. When there were no more copies, Max let out a small gasp. Although no copy remained, it seemed that Greninja hadn't either; in fact, he was nowhere to be seen. Where could it have gone?

As Max finished his thoughts, he heard Aaron call out his next command and saw Gallade being sent back by a powerful Dark Pulse.

"Gallade, Focus Blast!" he shouted with a slight panic tone in his voice.

Before Gallade could even launch its attack, more copies of the Ninja Pokémon appeared. The sphere, which Gallade had already been forming, slowly begins to diminish in size. Gallade has to find which copies is the real Greninja.

"Greninja, Shadow Sneak into Dark Pulse!"

Max had heard the command, this time, and saw the results clearly. Coming from what seemed out of nowhere, from Gallade's left side, was Greninja, ready to attack. The Kalos starter sent the attack, hitting Gallade, in the ribs, and sending him skidding across the battlefield.

Max stood there, confused, as he watched the situation unfold before him. How did he do that? He had to come from Gallade's shadow, but I didn't see a. . . .

Max realized the game that Aaron had been playing before the match had even begun. Their match was in a late afternoon time slot. The position of the sun would cast shadows, on the battling surface, but only until the lights came on.

Ash saw Max's expression turn from shock to understanding, and then, to laughter. It seems that he finally picked up on my little trick.

Max laughed as he saw the ploy that Aaron pulled on him. "You're a tricky one, Aaron. I will give you that. You made that little remark, so you could wait out the shadows until they had covered a larger portion of the battlefield. Very clever."

Ash just shrugged his shoulders, "It was also amusing to poke a little fun at you before our match had started."

Ash had been surprised that Max didn't pick up on the trick earlier, but he also hadn't used this type of strategy before, and deep down, he wasn't all that comfortable with it.

"Gallade! Get out of the shadows, now!" Max shouted.

Gallade ran toward the edge of the darkness. Max began to grin, as he heard Ash slip into his trap.

"Greninja, Shadow Sneak right in front of him, and send it back!"

"Now Gallade, use Focus Blast right in front of you!" Max countered.

Gallade created a sphere and sent it toward the figure, who appeared just before its eyes. The attack struck the Pokemon straight in the chest. Max looked on with pride that his plan had worked, but his happiness didn't last that long.

"Hydro Pump, go!"

Suddenly, the figure of the ninja Pokémon and the Focus Blast vanished, as a powerful stream of water replaced it. The water attack hit Gallade and sent him into the wall of the stadium, knocking it out.

Max looked on in shock. He returned Gallade to its Pokéball and continued to look on in disbelief. What happened?


"What the hell was that?!" May shouted as she saw Max's first Pokémon, lying unconscious against the stadium wall. "He hit that Greninja straight in the chest with a Focus Blast! There was no way that it should have gotten up, let alone, attack like that!"

"Take another look," Clemont spoke solemnly. "Gallade didn't hit Greninja, or at least, the real one."

The eyes of the people, in the box, moved across the battlefield until they saw what Clemont was referring to. In the area of the battlefield, which wasn't covered in shadows, stood the water and dark type Pokémon. It was positioned in a way that the resulting trajectory of the Hydro Pump and Gallade was perfectly aligned.

"I don't get it," Dawn said slowly as she looked on with a puzzled look on her face. "We all saw Greninja come out of the shadows and get hit with that Focus Blast. How did he manage to get there, without a single scratch on him?"

"Substitute," responded Trevor calmly. "Aaron must have seen it coming. With Max thinking that his attack made contact, he would let his guard down enough, so that he doesn't notice the next command, and well, you see the results."

"It doesn't make sense though. That's a very tricky strategy, not straightforward at all. We haven't seen anything like it in Aaron's previous battles, to show that he would have a strategy, like this, up his sleeve." Misty said.

"He's starting to reveal what kind of trainer he really is," Wallace decided to speak up this time. The Hoenn Champion kept his eyes on the trainer as he spoke. "He's been playing this entire tournament, even dating back to the wild card tournament, like a chess match. Quite a show, really. He's kept a certain pace, and now, he's beginning to change it up, as people are starting to get the beat on him. It started with Rex, that's when Aaron knew that people were scouting him, so he decided to shake it up. Instead of going straight at Max, he played it like a chess match. Two steps ahead at every turn it seems. He knew Max would come up with a strategy, like that, and that's exactly what he got. Makes you wonder just how powerful is this guy really. Am I right, Trevor?"

"Yeah. I know what you mean, Wallace." Trevor responded as he looked at Wallace. "Aaron is a pretty mysterious trainer, yet he's really strong. In fact, he's so powerful that Gregor currently sees his Lucario as a potential rival in this competition."

Everyone, in the booth, was in shock to hear that Trevor's Mewtwo and Aaron's Lucario are rivals in the tournament.

"Are you serious, Trevor?" asked Bonnie as she turned and looked at Trevor with a surprised expression.

"Yes," Trevor answered as he looked at Bonnie, in front of him. "According to Gregor, Lucario's power is equal towards his own. Throughout all his life, Gregor has never felt that kind of power before. Maybe, just maybe, he has finally found, himself, a worthy opponent."

The rest of the group grew quiet, as thoughts began to race through their heads. They noticed that the battle below was about to start up again.


Max began to evaluate his situation. He calmly looked around the battlefield, before his eyes finally rested on Greninja. He then noticed something. His eyes shifted to the lights of the stadium, as they slowly began to flicker. An idea came to his head. That strategy is tough, but if those lights can turn on, then he loses the shadows. I just have to stall them.

"That was a good strategy, Aaron," Max spoke up. "I'm guessing that was Substitute? You had tricked me throughout the entire battle. You had me thinking of ways to beat you that you already came prepared for. Well played, man."

Ash took his words in but decided not to respond. He looked at Max and gave a slight shrug.

Max realized that this conversation wasn't going anywhere. He had to find something else to stall. He finally asked the first question that came to his mind, "Who do you battle for?"

Ash began to smile as he also noticed the stadium lights beginning to flicker on. He shrugged his shoulders, but decided to humor him, "I battle for those who I really care about." Ash's eyes made their way to his friends, before resting them back on Max. "I battle for my family, and right now, my Pokémon are my family! Our bonds are strong, and with each battle, we get closer to our goal! Tell me, Max, who do you battle for?"

"The usual," Max said with a shrug. "Friends, family, pride and my Pokémon."

"It sounds like you're holding something back." The masked trainer responded.

Max let out a soft chuckle. "You really know how to read people, Aaron."

"Call it a sixth sense." Ash stated.

Letting out a sigh, Max picked his words, really carefully, before continuing, "A few years back, I had a friend. He was more than just a friend really, he was my idol. I got the chance to travel with him and I wanted to be just like him when I became a trainer. Five years ago, he died saving the lives of those he really cared about the most. He did this by finally taking down Team Rocket," Max began to raise his voice as he kept talking. "I fight to keep his memory alive, and that's why, I'm going to beat you, Aaron!"

Max called out his next choice, his starter, and most powerful Pokémon, Sceptile. The grass Pokémon stood on two feet and was primarily green. A bush-like appendage formed its tail, while yellow pods, formed on both sides of its spine, running along its back. A circular strip of red ran across its stomach and its mandible was also red. Along both of its arms, were two sharp, extended leaves.

A red light hit Greninja as Ash returned the Pokémon back to its Pokéball, before making his next selection.

"It sounds like that person meant a lot to you, Max. I know he would be very proud of the trainer that you have become, but I can't let you win this one!" Ash yelled as he made his next selection.

He threw his device in the air to reveal an owl like Pokémon with a brow that was elongated on both sides, to form what looked like horns. The bird was a soft brown with red feathers for wings and its tail. Along its belly, there were six black triangles. Its soft brown fur contrasted well with the red eyes it possessed, as the Pokémon soared through the air with a mighty screech, before resting on the ground in front of its opponent.

"Noctowl, use Air Slash!" Ash cried out.

The owl Pokémon gave a sharp hoot, as it threw itself into the air. As it soared, a ball of condensed air appeared at the tip of one of its wings. It threw the wing forward, sending the ball surging toward the awaiting grass Pokémon.

"Dodge Sceptile, and use Leaf Blade!" Max countered.

The speedy forest Pokémon easily managed to sidestep the incoming attack, and before the flying type could react, slashed the still flying Pokémon, in the chest, with shining green blades that had formed on its arms. The bird began to plummet to the ground, as it gave a cry of pain.

"Now, follow it up with Dual Chop."

The Pokémon responded to the command. Its arm began to glow green again, preparing to execute its attack.

"Quick Noctowl! Use Reflect!" Ash yelled to his Pokemon.

Before Sceptile could strike, a barrier went up in front of the Johto Pokemon. Max's Pokémon slammed into the flying type, as it extended its arms and sent its opponent away from it. Noctowl did a tumble through the air, before composing itself and continued to fly.

"Now Aerial Ace, while Sceptile is still in the air!"

Noctowl quickly re-positioned itself and flew fast towards its opponent, as white streaks began to run past the body. The owl Pokémon slammed into the forest Pokémon's stomach, sending it skidding across the stadium's floor.

Max let out a growl, as he noticed the lack of damage that Noctowl had taken from the dragon type attack. He hadn't expected Aaron to teach his Pokémon moves, like those; but now, he knew what he was up against. He smiled as he saw his starter get up from his position on the ground. It's shown to be ready for the next volley of commands to arrive.

"Sceptile, use Quick Attack! Then, follow it up with Dual Chop!" Max commanded his starter.

Sceptile sprinted towards its opponent while preparing the dragon type attack; but unfortunately, he never got there.

"Extrasensory, Noctowl. Stop it in its tracks." Ash stated calmly.

Suddenly, a beam of psychic energy, emitting hues of different, bright colors, was sent from Noctowl's beak. Suddenly, the fleet feet-footed Pokémon was enveloped in dust, before falling out of the cloud and onto the ground.

Max called out for the same combination, and again, it was turned away by the psychic attack. He looked on, in amazement, by the fact that his fastest Pokémon was being hit as if it was standing still. He had to come up with an idea fast or this battle was over.

"Energy Ball!" he shouted.

The forest Pokémon listened as it sent a green orb toward its opponent.

"Dive, and use Aerial Ace, Noctowl!" Ash commanded, wanting to finish the battle as quickly as possible.

Gotcha! "Sceptile use Frenzy Plant!"

Suddenly, dozens of thick vines sprouted from the ground and caught hold of the attacking bird before it could deal damage.

"I know you're tired, Sceptile, but I need a Rock Slide, right now!" Max commanded, almost pleading the grass type.

The ground shook as boulders appeared from the stadium floor and created an avalanche of earth, aimed at the trapped Noctowl. The attack hit its mark, and when Noctowl landed, it was unconscious.

Ash returned his faithful owl Pokémon to its Pokéball.

"You did good, old friend." said Ash as he kindly looked at Noctowl's Pokéball. "I messed up. You battled well out there, now take a good rest." He clipped his Pokéball back onto his belt and grabbed another one.

Ash threw the Pokéball into the air. As the bright light dimmed, Greninja could be seen, arms crossed, waiting for the battle to begin.

Max looked over at his starter Pokémon and noticed the heavy breathing and look of fatigue on Sceptile's face. I have the type advantage, but after that last combo, Sceptile really needs a break. If I don't give him one, then that advantage might as well be tossed out through the window.

Max reluctantly returned the grass type to its Pokéball. He made his next choice, and in moments, a snarling Mightyena was seen poised in front of its trainer.

"Mightyena, use Quick Attack to get in close! Then, follow it up with an Iron Tail!" Max started the battle off.

Mightyena's tail began to glow as it approached its target. When it got within striking distance, it did a short jump, and then into a front flip, with the intention of striking the ninja Pokémon on the head.

Ash looked on calmly and waited for the right moment. When he saw the Pokémon start his jump, Ash called out his counter.

"Block with Water Pulse, and then counter using Power-Up Punch!"

With one hand, Greninja slammed a ball of water into the oncoming attack, canceling it, while the other hand, began to glow a bright orange. Before Mightyena could land back on the ground, Greninja connected the punch to the ribs of the dark type.

No cry of pain left Mightyena when it hit the ground, but instead, it stood up, while still baring its teeth at the water and dark type.

"Mightyena, use Dark Pulse!"

The bite Pokémon responded by sending a beam of dark energy towards its opponent, but only to be forced to dodge a more powerful stream of water. Max began to seriously panic. He knew Mightyena could take a hit and still get up, but if he can't land an attack, then it wouldn't matter.

"Greninja, Power-Up Punch again!"

"Dodge, and then use Shadow Ball!" retorted Max.

In a show of grace and ferocity, both Pokémon dodged each other's attacks and tried to connect their own strike. The dance continued as neither Pokémon found an advantage until Greninja made the first mistake.

The ninja Pokémon went for a knockout blow but lost its balance. Mightyena ducked the punch and used the opening, to hit the Kalos starter, under the chin, with a Shadow Ball. Deciding to press his advantage, Max ordered an Iron Tail, which hit the recipient, in the stomach, and forced it to the ground.

"Get up, Greninja, and use Hydro Pump!" Ash pushed his friend on.

"Use Double Team to dodge!" Max responded quickly and smoothly. He began to plan his next move.

He decided to pull one out of Ash's own playbook.

"Shadow Ball, Mightyena, while maintaining your Double Team!"

The bite Pokémon followed its trainer's commands to the letter. Masked by the multiple copies of itself, it sent the attack towards its opponent.

"Shadow Sneak, then use Hydro Pump once more!" Ash shouted.

Max looked on in horror as Greninja disappeared before the Shadow Ball could deal damage. It then reappeared, in front of his Pokémon, sending it back with a punch, and to the wall, with the water attack. Max could notice Mightyena as it was fighting against unconsciousness. It slowly lifted its head off the ground, before letting out a whimper, and then, it succumbed to the damage that was inflicted upon the Bite Pokémon.

A red beam hit the dark type and it vanished into its Pokéball. Max looked on in shock. How did he locate the right one?

Ash looked on in amusement. He knew what Max was thinking about. "It found Mightyena's shadow," Ash stated as Max was snapped out of his thoughts. "The other copies don't give off a shadow. Normally, that wouldn't an issue, but for Greninja, it was easy to find the real Mightyena. By using Shadow Sneak, my Pokémon could find its way to the real target. It was a good idea, Max, but you just didn't calculate for everything."

Max let out a sigh of frustration as he tossed Sceptile's Pokéball in the air, summoning the grass type to the field, one more time.


"Well, this is it. Do you think Max has a shot?" May asked Bonnie, in particular.

"If any of Max's Pokémon has a shot of turning this match around, it's Sceptile," Bonnie said in a comforting tone. "They've been through so much that their bond is second to none. Sceptile has always been there for Max, no matter what their situation may be."

"Exactly Bonnie! No need to worry!" shouted Dawn as she continued to cheer for her friend.

May was thankful that her friends were there, cheering her brother on, but deep down, she wasn't quite so sure. Come on, Max. Pull this one out and win!


The two regional starters stood tolerant on the battlefield, examining the other as an unnerving silence fell upon the competitors. Ash could feel his heart race as memories of battles and tournaments past came back. This was the same eerie silence that fell before every significant battle, the same tension and the same rush of adrenaline. Max stood in his box trying to keep his composure. What unnerved him the most, was the calmness that his opponent expressed. Greninja mimicked the calm demeanor, even in a high-pressure situation like this. The Pokémon looked as if it was just another training day. Both competitors could feel the sweat begin to trail down the sides of their faces as both had put their all into the battle.

Max was the first to break the silence. "Sceptile use Leaf Blade, finish this now!"

The forest Pokémon moved at lightning speed with the leaf on its arms glowing green. Before he could reach his opponent, copies appeared around the Pokémon. With all its effort, it slashed the one directly in front but only hit the battlefield as it went through the copy.

"Now Greninja, use Water Shuriken!" Ash commanded the Ninja Pokémon. From behind the copies, came multiple water attacks. They streaked across the stadium floor, attempting to deal damage.

"Sceptile use Detect to dodge, and then fire Bullet Seed!" Max countered.

The Hoenn starter's eyes began to turn red as it gracefully dodged all the attacks that came before settling down and firing a barrage of small glowing seeds towards one of the copies. Greninja let out a cry of pain, as the attack found the original. The water and dark type stood back up as the other copies vanished.

I can't get in too close, due to Leaf Blade, but I also can't just sit back and attack from distance with Sceptile knowing Detect. I have to find a way to get off a critical hit. Ash thought as he planned his next attack.

"Greninja use Water Shuriken and keep your distance! Use Quick Attack to dodge any counters!"

The information was a lot to handle, but Ash knew his faithful Pokemon could do it. Obeying his commands to the letter, Greninja let loose multiple water attacks, only to be gracefully dodged by Sceptile.

Max, in turn, commanded Sceptile to get in close with a Leaf Blade. The two combatants moved fluidly across the field, as neither could get an attack to land. Sceptile finally found his opening as he cut his way through two shurikens, as Greninja began to slip on the wet floor of the stadium. The forest Pokémon crossed its arms and cut the Pokémon in the chest, sending it skidding back. As it began to examine the damage caused by the effective attack, its eyes began to lose their red glow.

"There! Quick Greninja, Aerial Ace, let's go!" Ash yelled, seeing his opening.

The dark and water type skidded to a stop and used its hind legs to leap toward its opponent. As it went, air could be seen visibly twisting around its body as it slammed into its assailant. The collision caused a cry of pain to come from Max's partner, as it was sent back and rolled on the ground.

"Get up, Sceptile! I know you can, I believe in you! We aren't done yet!" Max encouraged his partner. On sheer willpower alone, Sceptile managed to pull itself up.

Both Pokémon were now standing on the battlefield exhausted. Their breathing was strenuous. Greninja could barely keep one eye open, as the other was swollen shut from the beating it had taken. Sceptile; likewise, was gripping its stomach where the last attack had landed. Both trainers had a similar thought running through their head.

I have to end this now!

"Greninja, Shadow Sneak!"

"Sceptile, Detect into Bullet Seed!"

Greninja vanished from sight as Sceptile's eyes turned red. Suddenly, the forest Pokémon made a quick jump backward, as a fist came, from the shadows, followed by Greninja. It opened its mouth and a volley of yellow glowing seeds shot towards the now visible Kalos starter. Continuing its momentum, the ninja Pokémon dodged by jumping into the air, before a small explosion occurred, where it had appeared from.

"Leaf Blade!"

"Aerial Ace!"

The commands came at the same time and both Pokémon responded on cue. Sceptile jumped into the air with the leaf on its arms turning green, while Greninja propelled itself towards its target as white streaks enveloped it. The two attacks collided, causing an explosion that sent smoke throughout the battlefield. Both trainers watched closely, for any possible movement that came from within the darkened cloud.

The cloud slowly began to lift. The audience gave a gasp at what was revealed. On the ground, was Sceptile with Greninja hovering over its chest. The image that horrified the crowd was that of Greninja holding a Water Shuriken to its opponent's throat. The Kalos starter was breathing heavily, but his eyes never shifted from their target. The Pokémon still believed that the titan, it had just taken down, would rise again and, in its mind, wanted to make sure it was ready.

The Pokémon's body shivered as it felt a gentle touch on its shoulder. Its gaze broke, as it saw that it was Ash that held a soft grip on him. A look of pride, but also compassion, shine in the young man's auburn eyes.

"That's enough, Greninja," Ash spoke softly. "It's over. You did great out there, and I am very proud of you. You can stop now."

The dark and water type gave a small sigh, as it slowly made its way up to a standing position. As it rose, a sharp pain was felt in its legs, which caused it to fall. Instead of hitting the ground; though, he was caught by Ash, who gave Greninja one last nod of approval before returning it to its Pokéball.

Max slowly made his way to his fallen partner in the middle of the battlefield. His heart began to slowly break, as he saw the condition his starter was in. He knelt down and held the Pokémon's head in his lap, as he praised it for its effort. He then noticed an Oran Berry in front of him. Looking up, he saw that it was his opponent who was offering the Oran Berry to him.

"Here, this will help him return to full strength," Ash spoke kindly to Max. "You should be proud of the trainer that you've become. I know your friend would have."

Max gave a sad smile. "Thank you, Aaron."

"Don't mention it," Ash said as he turned and walked toward his platform. I'm definitely proud of you, Max.

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