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The following chapter contains: Cussing, disrespect towards a authority figure, and the implication that one wants to kill a few people and then bow up a school. By continuing to read you have put yourself in the position to be "triggered". Read at your own risk.


'Who the hell is this guy?' Dipper sneered internally at the darkly dressed teen that couldn't be more than a year older than him. "Who the hell are you?" He asked coldly, narrowing his eyes at the male. 

"The names Robbie." He, Robbie apparently, answered nonchalant. "This is kinda my part of the school, so you really shouldn't hang around more than you need."

The brunette took in the teen. His body language was lax, and slumped, meaning he didn't see Dipper as a threat, but his hands were out of his pockets and balled up, which meant he was ready to fight if needed. Overall evaluation: Robbie was a emo/goth styled male who puts on a carefree front, with a tough guy persona to fall back on. 'Thank you Criminal Minds.' Dipper sighed in annoyance and turned his back on 'Robbie' to finish setting up his locker. 

"Listen, Bobbie-"


"-Whatever. This is a public hallway, in a shitty public school, so I can be here as long as I want. Also, you don't scare." Dipper barely spared him a blank glance before closing his locker, and turning towards his first class. Three steps away he suddenly stopped and turned back to face the taller boy. "Oh, and your eyeliner is smudged."

Without staying to watch the fire works, Dipper continued on his way. Truthfully, taunting Robbie was probably the most fun thing he'd done in a while. 'Maybe Gravity Falls won't be a complete drag.'

Yeah, he was wrong.

Dipper bit into his bottom lip, biting the skin to distract the pounding jack hammer of a headache that echoed against his left temple. It was only his second hour, not counting his homeroom, and he was already preparing his own funeral. His teachers didn't know what the hell they were saying, and the students seemed to have the combined intelligence of a tapeworm. 'This is supposed to be an AP class. I learned this shit last year!' He seethed internally. 

"Mr. Pines!" A shrill voice cut into his rant. Dipper rolled his eyes and raised his head, staring at the abomination that was his AP US History teacher. She was an ugly woman in Dipper's opinion. She was tall, but on the heavier side, with stretched, wrinkled skin and twisted and crooked yellow teeth that should stay hidden behind that God awful red lip stick that she splattered onto her lips. Her hair was up in a large bun, the gray strands pulled far too tight. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting your nap?!"

"Yes actually." He sighed, leaning back against his seat. 

Shock twisted on the old woman's face before it was replaced with irritation. "This is a AP class, not a study hall. If the course work is too difficult that ask for a class change." She snapped.

"The work isn't 'too hard' ma'am. I finished my worksheet." Dipper huffed, deciding to to throw her a bone. He wouldn't want to be the teacher of multiple puberty induced teens either. The woman held out her hand, and he set the paper in her hand. with a bored stare.

Her eyes scanned his paper before nodding. "Very well. Continue." She said after a few moments.

Thankful, he bowed his head back onto the desk, and buried his head into his arms to try and ease his headache.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Dipper attended his classes, and tried to sleep and ease his headaches between finishing his work and the bell. At lunch Mable dragged him to sit with her and her friends Candy and Grenda. Candy was a talker, but at least 1/3 of the things she said was educated, Grenda was loud but Dipper really didn't have a problem with her. His last three classes were what really bugged him. Dipper didn't particularly like art, and if his parents wanted him to have a free period he wished they'd have put it as his first, or last hour so he could either have more time in the morning, or get to leave early, music study was whatever, at least it was quiet. When the final bell sounded, Dipper walked calmly to his locker, relieved that day one was over. 

Dipper closed his locker with a sigh. "Finally." He ran his hand through his hair, and pressed his forehead against the metal of his locker, his eyes closing.

Something hard leaned against the locker next to him. but the brunette didn't bother looking up. "What are you doing?" A voice questions.

"Reminding myself that forensics is a lot better these days so I probably won't get away with recreating Heathers." Dipper drawled. A snort left the offender, and Dipper turned his head to give him a bored stare. "What do you want?"

"Besides wanting to actually recreate Heathers with you?" He asked humorously. "I would be JD by the way."

"Fuck you, I'm JD." Dipper scoffed, pushing away from his locker. "Well Robbie, if you don't actually have anything interesting to say I'm-"

"Dipper!" Mable all my screamed, crashing into the side of her twin, and wrapping her arms around his right arm. Her face was lit with excitement, so much so that Dipper swore to God she actually had stars in her brown iris'. "Candy and Grenda are going to show me around! I was going to invite you but looks like you made a friend huh?!" She spoke quickly, smiling at Robbie with a polite wave. "I just wanted to tell you where I was going! I know, lets meet at Lazy Susan's for dinner before he go home okay? And make sure you take a bunch of pictures with your friends so we can show mom and dad! Love you, bye!"

"She's...happy." Robbie raised a brow, moving to stand beside Dipper as they watched her run down the halls.

"Tell me about it." Dipper sighed, no real malice in his tone. "Well, grab your bag. I guess you're showing me around."

"Whatever but I have a few friends that are handing out with us too." Robbie shrugged. 

"Let me run something bi you: We're not friends. I don't need friends. I'm only having you do this so my family leaves me alone." Dipper deadpanned, staring at nothing.

"Yeah, I got that." The older teen shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, lets go." Dipper complied, following after Robbie as he lead him outside and too a beat up old car where five other teens, one of which was Wendy, stood, chattering along like birds.

'This is gonna suck.'

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